Civil, Environmental & Ocean Engineering Curriculum

Undergraduate Curriculum

Term I
Course #Course NameLectureLabStudyCredit
CH 115General Chemistry I 3063
CH 117General Chemistry Laboratory I 0311
E 101Engineering Experiences I1001
E 121Engineering Design I0322
E 120Engineering Graphics0211
E 115Introduction to Programming 1232
MA 121Differential Calculus4082
MA 122Integral Calculus4082
CAL 103
CAL 105
Writing And Communications Colloquium
CAL Colloquium: Knowledge, Nature, Culture
Term II
Course #Course NameLectureLabStudyCredit
CH 116General Chemistry II (1)3063
PEP 111Mechanics3063
E 122Engineering Design II0332
MA 123Series, Vectors, Functions, and Surfaces4082
MA 124Calculus of Two Variables4082
CAL 105
CAL 103
CAL Colloquium: Knowledge, Nature, Culture
Writing And Communications Colloquium
MGT 103Introduction to Entrepreneurial Thinking 1202
Term III
Course #Course NameLectureLabStudyCredit
MA 221Differential Equations4084
PEP 112Electricity and Magnetism3063
E 126Mechanics of Solids4084
E 245Circuits and Systems2373
E 231Engineering Design III0322
HumHumanities (2)3063
Term IV
Course #Course NameLectureLabStudyCredit
MA 227Multivariable Calculus3003
E 232Engineering Design IV2373
E 234Thermodynamics3063
CE 373Structural Analysis3033
HumHumanities 3063
CH 281Biology and Biotechnology (1)3063
Term V
Course #Course NameLectureLabStudyCredit
CE 342Fluid Mechanics3364
E 344Materials Processing3063
E 321Engineering Design V0322
E 243Probability and Statistics for Engineers3063
CE 486Structural Steel Design3033
HumHumanities (2)3063
Term VI
Course #Course NameLectureLabStudyCredit
E 355Engineering Economics 3364
CE 322Engineering Design VI1322
CE 304Water Resources Engineering3033
CE 483Geotechnical Engineering2363
G.E.General Elective (3)3063
T.E.Technical Elective (4)3033
Term VII
Course #Course NameLectureLabStudyCredit
CE 381Civil Engineering Measurements Lab2333
T.E.Technical Elective (4)3063
G.E.General Elective (3)3063
CE 423Engineering Design VII0833
T.G.Technogenesis Core (5)3063
CE 484Reinforced Concrete Design3033
Course #Course NameLectureLabStudyCredit
T.E.Technical Elective (4)3063
T.E.Technical Elective (4)3063
G.E.General Elective (3)3063
CE 424Engineering Design VIII0833
HumHumanities (2)3063
CE 345Modeling and Simulation3033
(1) Basic science electives - note: engineering programs may have specific requirements -one elective must have a laboratory component -two electives from the same science field cannot be selected
(2) Humanities include literature, writing, history, philosophy, psychology, the social sciences and the arts.
(3) General Education electives -- chosen by the student- can be used towards a minor or option- can be applied to research or approved international studies
(4) At least one of the Technical Electives should be chosen from EN 377, CE 410 or CE 541. Any 500 and 600-level course in Civil, Environmental, Ocean, or Mechanical Engineering is acceptable.
(5) TG 421 or TG 403/403 satisfy the Technogenesis Core requirement determined by senior project, consult senior project coordinator.
Term I
Course #Course NameLectureLabStudyCredit
CH 115General Chemistry I 3063
CH 117General Chemistry Laboratory I 0311
E 121Engineering Design I0322
E 120Engineering Graphics0211
E 101Engineering Experiences I1001
E 115Introduction to Programming 1232
MA 121Differential Calculus4082
MA 122Integral Calculus4082
CAL 103
CAL 105
Writing And Communications Colloquium
CAL Colloquium: Knowledge, Nature, Culture
Term II
Course #Course NameLectureLabStudyCredit
CH 116General Chemistry II 3063
CH 118General Chemistry Laboratory II 0311
PEP 111Mechanics3063
E 122Engineering Design II0332
MA 123Series, Vectors, Functions, and Surfaces4082
MA 124Calculus of Two Variables4082
CAL 105
CAL 103
CAL Colloquium: Knowledge, Nature, Culture
Writing And Communications Colloquium
MGT 103Introduction to Entrepreneurial Thinking 1202
Term III
Course #Course NameLectureLabStudyCredit
MA 221Differential Equations4084
E 245Circuits and Systems2373
E 231Engineering Design III0322
HumHumanities 3063
PEP 112Electricity and Magnetism3063
E 126Mechanics of Solids4084
Term IV
Course #Course NameLectureLabStudyCredit
MA 227Multivariable Calculus3003
E 232Engineering Design IV2373
HumHumanities 3063
S.E.Science Elective II3063
EN 377Introduction to Environmental Engineering Systems3003
EN 379Environmental Engineering Laboratory0301
CHE 234Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics4084
Term V
Course #Course NameLectureLabStudyCredit
CE 342Fluid Mechanics3364
E 344Materials Processing3063
E 321Engineering Design V0322
CHE 210Process Analysis3033
EN 541Fate and Transport of Environmental Contaminants3003
HumHumanities 3063
Term VI
Course #Course NameLectureLabStudyCredit
EN 345Modeling and Simulation of Environmental Systems3063
E 355Engineering Economics 3364
EN 322Engineering Design VI1352
EN 570Environmental Chemistry3003
EN 571Physicochemical Processes for Environmental Control3003
G.E.General Elective3063
Term VII
Course #Course NameLectureLabStudyCredit
EN 573Biological Processes for Environmental Control3003
EN 575Environmental Biology3063
EN 423Engineering Design VII1743
E 243Probability and Statistics for Engineers3063
T.G.Technogenesis Core (1)3063
G.E.General Elective3063
Course #Course NameLectureLabStudyCredit
EN 506Air Pollution Principles and Control3063
EN 551Environmental Chemistry of Soils and Natural Surfaces3063
EN 424Engineering Design VIII1743
HumHumanities 3063
G.E.General Elective3063
(1) TG 421 or TG 403/403 satisfy the Technogenesis Core requirement determined by senior project, consult senior project coordinator.
Term I
Course #Course NameLectureLabStudyCredit
CH 115General Chemistry I 3063
CH 117General Chemistry Laboratory I 0311
E 101Engineering Experiences I1001
E 121Engineering Design I0322
E 120Engineering Graphics0211
E 115Introduction to Programming 1232
MA 121Differential Calculus4082
MA 122Integral Calculus4082
CAL 103
CAL 105
Writing And Communications Colloquium
CAL Colloquium: Knowledge, Nature, Culture
Term II
Course #Course NameLectureLabStudyCredit
Science Elective 3063
PEP 111Mechanics3063
E 122Engineering Design II0332
MA 123Series, Vectors, Functions, and Surfaces4082
MA 124Calculus of Two Variables4082
CAL 105
CAL 103
CAL Colloquium: Knowledge, Nature, Culture
Writing And Communications Colloquium
MGT 103Introduction to Entrepreneurial Thinking 1202
Term III
Course #Course NameLectureLabStudyCredit
MA 221Differential Equations4084
PEP 122General Physics II3033
E 126Mechanics of Solids4084
E 245Circuits and Systems2373
E 231Engineering Design III0322
HumHumanities 3063
Term IV
Course #Course NameLectureLabStudyCredit
MA 227Multivariable Calculus (1)3003
E 234Thermodynamics (1)3063
Science Elective 3063
E 232Engineering Design IV2373
HumHumanities 3063
OE 524Introduction to Ship Design and Ship Building3063
Term V
Course #Course NameLectureLabStudyCredit
CE 342Fluid Mechanics3364
E 344Materials Processing3063
E 321Engineering Design V0322
E 243Probability and Statistics for Engineers3063
HumHumanities 3063
OE 525Principles of Naval Architecture3003
Term VI
Course #Course NameLectureLabStudyCredit
OE 528Computer-Aided Ship Design0003
E 355Engineering Economics 3364
E 322Engineering Design VI1352
OE 620Design of Marine Structures0003
G.E.General Elective (2)3063
CE 373Structural Analysis3033
Term VII
Course #Course NameLectureLabStudyCredit
T.E.Technical Elective (3)3063
OE 527Laboratory in Naval Architecture0303
G.E.General Elective (4)3063
E 423Engineering Design VII1743
T.G.Technogenesis Core (5)3063
OE 531Total Ship Design I3063
Course #Course NameLectureLabStudyCredit
T.E.Technical Elective (3)3063
OE 532Total Ship Design II3063
E 424Engineering Design VIII1743
G.E.General Elective (6)3063
HumHumanities 3063
(1) Core option specific course determined by engineering program
(2) General Education Electives - chosen by the student - can be used towards a minor or option - can be applied to research or approved international studies
(3) Discipline specific course
(4) General Education Electives chosen by the student - can be used towards a minor or option - can be applied to research or approved international studies
(5) TG 421 or TG 403/403 satisfy the Technogenesis Core requirement determined by senior project, consult senior project coordinator.
(6) General Education Electives - chosen by the student - can be used towards a minor or option - can be applied to research or approved international studies