| (3-2-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) This is a first course in computer programming for students with no prior experience. Students will learn the core process of programming: given a problem statement, how does one design an algorithm to solve that particular problem and then implement the algorithm in a computer program? The course will also introduce elementary programming concepts like basic control concepts (such as conditional statements and loops) and a few essential data types (e.g., integers and doubles). Exposure to programming will be through a self-contained user-friendly programming environment, widely used by the scientific and engineering communities, such as Matlab. The course will cover problems from all fields of science, engineering, and business.
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| (3-2-4) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) This is an introductory programming course using the Java language. The topics include: basic facts about object-oriented programming and Java through inheritance and exceptions; recursion; UML diagrams and how to read class diagrams; ethics in computer science; and some basic understanding about computer systems: the compile/link/interpret/execute cycle and data representation.
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(3-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) The aim of this course is to integrate knowledge of basic mathematics with the problems involving specification, design, and computation. By the end of the course, the student should be able to: use sets, functions, lists, and relations in the specification and design of problems; use properties of arithmetic, modular arithmetic (sum, product, exponentiation), prime numbers, greatest common divisor, factoring, Fermat’s little theorem; use binary, decimal, and base-b notation systems and translation methods; use induction to design and verify recursive programs; and implement in Scheme all algorithms considered during the course.
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| (3-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) This course introduces students to the infrastructure underlying the Web, including protocols and markup languages. It also addresses the question of how one presents large volumes of information to people who need to find out what they are looking for quickly. The scope of the course ranges from mechanics to aesthetics. Social and ethical issues are also discussed, including the concept of information ecologies for social acceptance. Networks and protocols; pervasive computing; Web protocols; markup languages and XML; defining information architecture; understanding information needs and information-seeking behaviors; organizing Web sites and intranets; navigation systems; search systems; thesauri; from research to design: strategies for information architecture; enterprise information architecture; ethics on the Web; and information ecologies.
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| (3-2-4) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Getting acquainted with C++: data types, input and output, functions, writing simple C++ programs, flow control, Boolean expressions, decision statements, if/then, and switch/case. Loop operations, while, do/while, and for loops. Arrays and pointers. Defining structs and classes, constructors and destructors, and operator overloading using an example String class. Templates. Abstract data types: vectors, lists, stacks, queues, and priority trees with applications. Trees and simple sorting with searching algorithms. By invitation only. Students who complete this class are exempt from CS 115 and CS 284. Corequisites: MA 134 Discrete Mathematics (3-0-3)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) This course provides the backgroun
d necessary for advanced study of mathematics or computer science. Topics include propositional calculus, predicates and quantifiers, elementary set theory, countability, functions, relations, proof by induction, elementary combinatorics, elements of graph theory, mends, and elements of complexity theory. Close |
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| (4-0-4) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) An overview of the C++ language. Algorithm design and computational complexity. Abstract data types. Review of fundamental data structures: vectors, lists, stacks, and queues. Trees and binary trees. Heaps and priority queues with applications. Dictionaries with applications. Implementation of dictionaries using binary search trees, AVL trees, and red-black trees. Sorting algorithms. Graphs and networks with applications. Graph implementations and depth-first and breadth-first searching with applications. Other graph algorithms. Students who complete this class are exempt from CS 385. Corequisites: CS 135 Discrete Structures (3-0-3)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) The aim of this course is to integrate knowledge of basic mathematics with the problems involving specification, design, and computation. By the end of the course, the student should be able to: use sets, functions, lists, and relations in the specification and design of problems; use properties of arithmetic, modular arithmetic (sum, product, exponentiation), prime numbers, greatest common divisor, factoring, Fermat’s little theorem; use binary, decimal, and base-b notation systems and translation methods; use induction to design and verify recursive programs; and implement in Scheme all algorithms considered during the course. Close |
Prerequisites: CS 181 (3-2-4)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Getting acquainted with C++: data types, input and output, functions, writing simple C++ programs, flow control, Boolean expressions, decision statements, if/then, and switch/case. Loop operations, while, do/while, and for loops. Arrays and pointers. Defining structs and classes, constructors and destructors, and operator overloading using an example String class. Templates. Abstract data types: vectors, lists, stacks, queues, and priority trees with applications. Trees and simple sorting with searching algorithms. By invitation only. Students who complete this class are exempt from CS 115 and CS 284.
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| (3-2-4) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) This is a course on standard data structures, including sorting and searching and using the Java language. The topics include: stages of software development; testing; UML diagrams; elementary data structures (lists, stacks, queues, and maps); use of elementary data structures in application frameworks; searching; sorting; and introduction to asymptotic complexity analysis. Corequisites: CS 135 Discrete Structures (3-0-3)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) The aim of this course is to integrate knowledge of basic mathematics with the problems involving specification, design, and computation. By the end of the course, the student should be able to: use sets, functions, lists, and relations in the specification and design of problems; use properties of arithmetic, modular arithmetic (sum, product, exponentiation), prime numbers, greatest common divisor, factoring, Fermat’s little theorem; use binary, decimal, and base-b notation systems and translation methods; use induction to design and verify recursive programs; and implement in Scheme all algorithms considered during the course. Close |
Prerequisites: CS 115 (3-2-4)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) This is an introductory programming course using the Java language. The topics include: basic facts about object-oriented programming and Java through inheritance and exceptions; recursion; UML diagrams and how to read class diagrams; ethics in computer science; and some basic understanding about computer systems: the compile/link/interpret/execute cycle and data representation.
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| (3-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Introduction to recursive functional programming and equational reasoning; lists as inductive types and list induction; introduction to formal languages, automata, and the theory of computation; regular expressions, finite state machines, and pumping lemma; context free grammars and push down automata; turing machines, recursive enumerability, and unsolvable problems; and complexity and intractability. A number of models of computation are considered, as well as their relation to various problem classes (e.g. solvable problems and polynomial time solvable problems). Some experiments are performed that involve writing small Scheme programs. Corequisites: CS 135 Discrete Structures (3-0-3)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) The aim of this course is to integrate knowledge of basic mathematics with the problems involving specification, design, and computation. By the end of the course, the student should be able to: use sets, functions, lists, and relations in the specification and design of problems; use properties of arithmetic, modular arithmetic (sum, product, exponentiation), prime numbers, greatest common divisor, factoring, Fermat’s little theorem; use binary, decimal, and base-b notation systems and translation methods; use induction to design and verify recursive programs; and implement in Scheme all algorithms considered during the course. Close |
Prerequisites: CS 115 (3-2-4)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) This is an introductory programming course using the Java language. The topics include: basic facts about object-oriented programming and Java through inheritance and exceptions; recursion; UML diagrams and how to read class diagrams; ethics in computer science; and some basic understanding about computer systems: the compile/link/interpret/execute cycle and data representation.
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| (3-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) This course uses functional programming to study discrete mathematics, building on MA 134. It begins with an introduction to a small subset of a functional language used in the course to explore examples and implement some basic algorithms. Operations on relations are explored by the use of lists to represent finite sets, functions and relations, as well as operations of composition, transitive closure, direct image, etc. Some algebraic structures, such as monoids and semirings, are introduced; lists and relations are used as primary examples of monoids; and trees are introduced as inductive data types. Other topics: structural recursion and induction; abstract syntax as data type; interpreters for simple languages (monoid expressions, Boolean expressions, integer expressions, and relational expressions) without variable binding; inductively defined relations; transition rules for configurations of simple machine; partial orders and lattices; simple abstract interpretations of expressions; and equational logic.
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| (3-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) This course provides a general introduction to the essentials of the software development process, that series of activities that facilitate developing better software in less time. The course introduces software development and deployment life cycles, requirements acquisition and analysis, software architecture and design, and resource management and scheduling in the implementation phase. Students gain experience with tools and methodologies for configuration management and project management. Security engineering is considered as an essential part of the software development process, particularly from the standpoint of applied risk management.
Prerequisites: CS 181 or (3-2-4)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Getting acquainted with C++: data types, input and output, functions, writing simple C++ programs, flow control, Boolean expressions, decision statements, if/then, and switch/case. Loop operations, while, do/while, and for loops. Arrays and pointers. Defining structs and classes, constructors and destructors, and operator overloading using an example String class. Templates. Abstract data types: vectors, lists, stacks, queues, and priority trees with applications. Trees and simple sorting with searching algorithms. By invitation only. Students who complete this class are exempt from CS 115 and CS 284.
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CS 284, (3-2-4)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) This is a course on standard data structures, including sorting and searching and using the Java language. The topics include: stages of software development; testing; UML diagrams; elementary data structures (lists, stacks, queues, and maps); use of elementary data structures in application fr
ameworks; searching; sorting; and introduction to asymptotic complexity analysis.
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CS 135 (3-0-3)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) The aim of this course is to integrate knowledge of basic mathematics with the problems involving specification, design, and computation. By the end of the course, the student should be able to: use sets, functions, lists, and relations in the specification and design of problems; use properties of arithmetic, modular arithmetic (sum, product, exponentiation), prime numbers, greatest common divisor, factoring, Fermat’s little theorem; use binary, decimal, and base-b notation systems and translation methods; use induction to design and verify recursive programs; and implement in Scheme all algorithms considered during the course.
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| | (3-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) The main aspects of computers: data (data types and formats, number bases), hardware (stored program computer concept, addressing methods and program sequencing, instruction sets and their implementation, the CPU and microprogrammed control, input/output organization, peripherals and interfacing, and main memory), communication (network protocols), software (operating systems, dispatching algoeithms), and assembly language programming. Corequisites: CS 181 or Introduction to Computer Science Honors I (3-2-4)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Getting acquainted with C++: data types, input and output, functions, writing simple C++ programs, flow control, Boolean expressions, decision statements, if/then, and switch/case. Loop operations, while, do/while, and for loops. Arrays and pointers. Defining structs and classes, constructors and destructors, and operator overloading using an example String class. Templates. Abstract data types: vectors, lists, stacks, queues, and priority trees with applications. Trees and simple sorting with searching algorithms. By invitation only. Students who complete this class are exempt from CS 115 and CS 284. Close |
CS 284 Data Structures (3-2-4)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) This is a course on standard data structures, including sorting and searching and using the Java language. The topics include: stages of software development; testing; UML diagrams; elementary data structures (lists, stacks, queues, and maps); use of elementary data structures in application frameworks; searching; sorting; and introduction to asymptotic complexity anal
ysis. Close |
Prerequisites: CS 115 (3-2-4)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) This is an introductory programming course using the Java language. The topics include: basic facts about object-oriented programming and Java through inheritance and exceptions; recursion; UML diagrams and how to read class diagrams; ethics in computer science; and some basic understanding about computer systems: the compile/link/interpret/execute cycle and data representation.
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| (3-1-4) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) This is a course on more complex data structures, and algorithm design and analysis, using the C language. Topics include: advanced and/or balanced search trees; hashing; further asymptotic complexity analysis; standard algorithm design techniques; graph algorithms; complex sort algorithms; and other "classic" algorithms that serve as examples of design techniques.
Prerequisites: CS 181 or (3-2-4)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Getting acquainted with C++: data types, input and output, functions, writing simple C++ programs, flow control, Boolean expressions, decision statements, if/then, and switch/case. Loop operations, while, do/while, and for loops. Arrays and pointers. Defining structs and classes, constructors and destructors, and operator overloading using an example String class. Templates. Abstract data types: vectors, lists, stacks, queues, and priority trees with applications. Trees and simple sorting with searching algorithms. By invitation only. Students who complete this class are exempt from CS 115 and CS 284.
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CS 284 (
3-2-4)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) This is a course on standard data structures, including sorting and searching and using the Java language. The topics include: stages of software development; testing; UML diagrams; elementary data structures (lists, stacks, queues, and maps); use of elementary data structures in application frameworks; searching; sorting; and introduction to asymptotic complexity analysis.
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| (3-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Introduction to systems programming in C on UNIX. Students will be introduced to tools for compilation, dynamic linking, debugging, editing, automatic rebuilding, and version control. Some aspects of the UNIX system call interface will be studied, drawn from this list: process creation, signals, terminal I/O, file I/O, inter-process communication, threads, network protocol stacks, programming with sockets, and introduction to RPC. Style issues to be covered include: naming, layout, commenting, portability, design for robustness and debugability, and language pitfalls. X programming and GUI design will be covered, if time allows.
Prerequisites: CS 182 or (4-0-4)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) An overview of the C++ language. Algorithm design and computational complexity. Abstract data types. Review of fundamental data structures: vectors, lists, stacks, and queues. Trees and binary trees. Heaps and priority queues with applications. Dictionaries with applications. Implementation of dictionaries using binary search trees, AVL trees, and red-black trees. Sorting algorithms. Graphs and networks with applications. Graph implementations and depth-first and breadth-first searching with applications. Other graph algorithms. Students who complete this class are exempt from CS 385.
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CS 385 (3-1-4)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) This is a course on more complex data structures, and algorithm design and analysis, using the C language. Topics include: advanced and/or balanced search trees; hashing; further asymptotic complexity analysis; standard algorithm design techniques; graph algorithms; complex sort algorithms; and other "classic" algorithms that serve as examples of design techniques.
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| (3-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Introduction to the design and querying of relational databases. Topics include: relational schemas; keys and foreign key references; relational algebra (as an introduction to SQL); SQL in depth; Entity-Relationship (ER) database design; translating from ER models to relational schemas and from relational schemas to ER models; functional dependencies; and normalization.
Prerequisites: CS 182 or (4-0-4)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) An overview of the C++ language. Algorithm design and computational complexity. Abstract data types. Review of fundamental data structures: vectors, lists, stacks, and queues. Trees and binary trees. Heaps and priority queues with applications. Dictionaries with applications. Implementation of dictionaries using binary search trees, AVL trees, and red-black trees. Sorting algorithms. Graphs and networks with applications. Graph implementations and depth-first and breadth-first searching with applications. Other graph algorithms. Students who complete this class are exempt from CS 385.
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CS 385, (3-1-4)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) This is a course on more complex data structures, and algorithm design and analysis, using the C language. Topics include: advanced and/or balanced search trees; hashing; further asymptotic complexity analysis; standard algorithm design techniques; graph algorithms; complex sort algorithms; and other "classic" algorithms that serve as examples of design techniques.
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CS 347 (3-0-3)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) This course provides a general introduction to the essentials of the software development process, that series of activities that facilitate developing better software in less time. The course introduces software development and deployment life cycles, requirements acquisition and analysis, software architecture and design, and resource management and scheduling in the implementation phase. Students gain experience with tools and methodologies for configuration management and project management. Security engineering is considered as an essential part of the software development process, particularly from the standpoint of applied risk management.
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| (3-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) A participating seminar on topics of current interest and importance in computer science. Open only to undergraduates.
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| (3-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) An introduction to the functional level structure of modern pipelined processors and the empirical and analytic evaluation of their performance. Topics include: empirical and analytic techniques for measuring performance (use of various means, Amdahl's Law, and benchmarks); tradeoff analysis; principles of instruction set design and evaluation (memory addressing, operations, types and sizes of operands, instruction set encoding, CISC vs. RISC, and related compilation issues); pipelining (basics, data hazards, and control hazards); and memory systems. Corequisites: MA 222 Probability and Statistics (3-0-3)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Introduces the essentials of probability theory and elementary statistics. Lectures and assignments greatly stress the manifold applications of probability and statistics to computer science, production management, quality control, and reliability. A statistical computer package is used throughout the course for teaching and for assignments. Contents include: descriptive statistics, pictorial and tabular methods, and measures of location and of variability; sample space and events, probability axioms, and counting techniques; conditional probability and independence, and Bayes' formula; discrete random variables, distribution functions and moments, and binomial and Poisson distributions; continuous random variables, densities and moments, normal, gamma, and exponential and Weibull distributions unions; distribution of the sum and average of random samples; the Central Limit Theorem; confidence intervals for the mean and the variance; hypothesis testing and p-values, and applications for the mean; simple linear regression, and estimation of and inference about the parameters; and correlation and prediction in a regression model. Close |
Prerequisites: CS 383 (3-0-3)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) The main aspects of computers: data (data types and formats, number bases), hardware (stored program computer concept, addressing methods and program sequencing, instruction sets and their implementation, the CPU and microprogrammed control, input/output organization, peripherals and interfacing, and main memory), communication (network protocols), software (operating systems, dispatching algoeithms), and assembly language programming.
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| (3-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) The use and internals of modern operating systems. Lectures focus on internals whereas programming assignments focus on use of the operating system interface. Major topics include: the process concept; concurrency and how to program with threads; memory management techniques, including virtual memory and shared libraries; file system data structures; and I/O.
Prerequisites: CS 383, (3-0-3)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) The main aspects of computers: data (data types and formats, number bases), hardware (stored program computer concept, addressing methods and program sequencing, instruction sets and their implementation, the CPU and microprogrammed control, input/output organization, peripherals and interfacing, and main memory), communication (network protocols), software (operating systems, dispatching algoeithms), and assembly language programming.
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CS 392 (3-0-3)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Introduction to systems programming in C on UNIX. Students will be introduced to tools for compilation, dynamic linking, debugging, editing, automatic rebuilding, and version control. Some aspects of the UNIX system call interface will be studied, drawn from this list: process creation, signals, terminal I/O, file I/O, inter-process communication, threads, network protocol stacks, programming with sockets, and introduction to RPC. Style issues to be covered include: naming, layout, commenting, portability, design for robustness and debugability, and language pitfalls. X programming and GUI design will be covered, if time allows.
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| (3-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) An introduction to programming language design and implementation, with an emphasis on the abstractions provided by programming languages. Assignments involve problem-solving issues in principles of programming languages such as Scheme and ML; recursive types and recursive functions; structural induction; abstract data types; abstract syntax; implementing languages with interpreters; static vs. dynamic scoping, closures, state; exceptions; types: type-checking, type inference, static vs. dynamic typing; object-oriented languages: classes and interfaces, inheritance and subtyping; polymorphism and genericity; and design patterns and the visitor pattern. Corequisites: CS 385 Algorithms (3-1-4)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) This is a course on more complex data structures, and algorithm design and analysis, using the C language. Topics include: advanced and/or balanced search trees; hashing; further asymptotic complexity analysis; standard algorithm design techniques; graph algorithms; complex sort algorithms; and other "classic" algorithms that serve as examples of design techniques. Close |
Prerequisites: CS 181 or (3-2-4)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Getting acquainted with C++: data types, input and outpu
t, functions, writing simple C++ programs, flow control, Boolean expressions, decision statements, if/then, and switch/case. Loop operations, while, do/while, and for loops. Arrays and pointers. Defining structs and classes, constructors and destructors, and operator overloading using an example String class. Templates. Abstract data types: vectors, lists, stacks, queues, and priority trees with applications. Trees and simple sorting with searching algorithms. By invitation only. Students who complete this class are exempt from CS 115 and CS 284.
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CS 284, (3-2-4)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) This is a course on standard data structures, including sorting and searching and using the Java language. The topics include: stages of software development; testing; UML diagrams; elementary data structures (lists, stacks, queues, and maps); use of elementary data structures in application frameworks; searching; sorting; and introduction to asymptotic complexity analysis.
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CS 334 (3-0-3)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Introduction to recursive functional programming and equational reasoning; lists as inductive types and list induction; introduction to formal languages, automata, and the theory of computation; regular expressions, finite state machines, and pumping lemma; context free grammars and push down automata; turing machines, recursive enumerability, and unsolvable problems; and complexity and intractability. A number of models of computation are considered, as well as their relation to various problem classes (e.g. solvable problems and polynomial time solvable problems). Some experiments are performed that involve writing small Scheme programs.
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| (0-8-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Individual research project under the guidance of a faculty member of the department, whose prior approval is required. Either a written report in acceptable journal format or the completion of a senior thesis, as well as an oral presentation, is required at the end of the project. Senior students only. CS 498 and CS 499 cannot be taken simultaneously.
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| (0-8-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Individual research project under the guidance of a faculty member of the department, whose prior approval is required. Either a written report in acceptable journal format or the completion of a senior thesis, as well as an oral presentation, is required at the end of the project. Senior students only. CS 498 and CS 499 cannot be taken simultaneously.
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