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Computer Science Graduate Courses

Computer Science
CS 501Introduction to JAVA Programming
CS 503/ MA 503 Discrete Mathematics for Cryptography
CS 505/ EE 605 Probability and Stochastic Processes I
CS 510Principles of Programming Languages
CS 511Concurrent Programming
CS 513/ SOC 550 Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining
CS 514/ CPE 514/ NIS 514 Computer Architecture
CS 516Compiler Design
CS 519Distributed Commerce
CS 520Introduction to Operating Systems
CS 521TCP/IP Networking
CS 522Mobile and Pervasive Computing
CS 526Systems Programming for Enterprise Computing
CS 535Financial Computing
< tr>
CS 536/ CPE 536/ NIS 536 Integrated Services - Multimedia
CS 537/ CPE 537 Interactive Computer Graphics
CS 538Visual Analytics
CS 539/ CPE 537 Real-Time Rendering, Gaming, and Simulations Programming
CS 541Artificial Intelligence
CS 543Principles of Computer Mediated Entertainment
CS 544/ SOC 552 Health Informatics
CS 545/ SOC 510 Human-Computer Interaction
CS 546Web Programming
CS 548/ SOC 542 < a class='course' href='#87024' onclick=showhide('87024');>Engineering of Enterprise Software Systems
CS 549Distributed Systems
CS 550/ CPE 550 Computer Organization and Programming
CS 551Software Engineering and Practice I
CS 552Software Engineering and Practice II
CS 558/ CPE 558 Computer Vision
CS 559Machine Learning: Fundamentals and Applications
CS 561Database Management Systems I
CS 562Database Management Systems II
CS 568-569Software Project I-II
CS 570Introduction to Programming in C++
CS 571Java
CS 573Fundamentals of CyberSecurity
CS 574Object-Oriented Analysis and Design
CS 576Secure Systems
CS 577Cybersecurity Laboratory
CS 578/ SOC 551 Privacy in a Networked World
CS 579Foundations of Cryptography
CS 590/ CPE 590 Algorithms
CS 594Enterprise Security and Information Assurance
CS 600/ CPE 600 Advanced Algorithm Design and Implementation
CS 601Algorithmic Complexity
CS 612Enterprise Security and Privacy
CS 615Systems Administration
CS 617Elements of Compiler Design II
CS 625Foundations of Distributed Computing
CS 630Models of Computation and Formal Languages
CS 634Decidability and Computability
CS 638/ CPE 638 Advanced Computer Graphics
CS 643Formal Verification of Software
CS 651Introduction to Network and Graph Theory
CS 660Graph Algorithms
CS 665CyberSecurity Forensics
CS 666/ CPE 678/ NIS 678 Information Networks I
CS 667/ NIS 679/ CPE 679 Information Networks II
CS 669Network Management
CS 675Secure Computer Systems
CS 693Cryptographic Protocols
CS 700Formal Semantics of Programming Language
CS 800Special Problems in Computer Science
CS 801Special Problems in Computer Science (Ph.D.)*
CS 802Software Engineering Examination
CS 810Selected Topics in Computer Science
CS 900Thesis in Computer Science (M.S.)
CS 960Research in Computer Science(Ph.D.)*

Service Oriented Computing
SOC 510/ CS 545 Human- Computer Interaction
SOC 521Software Requirements Acquisition and Analysis
SOC 542/ CS 548/ CS 549 Engineering of Enterprise Software Systems
SOC 550/ CS 513 Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining
SOC 551/ CS 578 Privacy in a Networked World
SOC 552/ CS 544 Health Informatics
SOC 605Introduction to Service -Oriented Computing
SOC 606Introduction to Developing Internet Applications
SOC 611Web Fundamentals
SOC 641Distributed Application Development



Undergraduate Courses

Computer Science Curriculum

Cybersecurity Curriculum

Information Systems Curriculum

Service-Oriented Computing Curriculum

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