Faculty | Chandima Abeywickrama, Assistant Professor, Chemistry | Athula Attygalle, Research Professor, Chemistry | Thomas Cattabiani, Lecturer, Chemical Biology | A. K. Ganguly, Distinguished Research Professor of Chemistry; Associate Director for Research | Joseph Glavy, Assistant Professor, Chemical Biology | Vikki Hazelwood, Industry Professor, Biomedical Engineering | Francis Jones, Professor, Chemistry; Associate Director for Chemistry & Chemical Biology | Nuran Kumbaraci, Associate Professor, Chemical Biology | Philip Leopold, Professor & Department Director | Jun F. Liang, Associate Professor, Chemistry | Marc Mansfield, Professor, Chemistry | Carrie Perlman, Assistant Professor, Biomedical Engineering | Arthur Ritter, Distinguished Service Professor; Associate Director for Biomedical Engineering | Anju Sharma, Lecturer, Chemical Biology | Svetlana Sukhishvili, Associate Professor, Chemistry; Co-Director, Nanotechnology Graduate Program | Antonio Valdevit, Senior Lecturer, Biomedical Engineering | Chih-Hung Wang, Lecturer, Chemistry | Hongjun Wang, Assistant Professor, Biomedical Engineering | Jiahua Xu, Associate Professor, Chemical Biology | Xiaojun Yu, Assistant Professor, Biomedical Engineering | Yujun Zhao, Lecturer, Chemistry |
Emeriti Faculty | Ajay Bose, Professor Emeritus | Maghar Manhas, Research & Emeritus Professor
| Salvatore Stivala, Research & Emeritus Professor |
Chemistry is often known as the central science, bridging the gap between the life sciences and physical science, and ranging from the very practical to the highly theoretical. It is the science of matter - its structure, its properties, and how it changes.
All around us we see the discoveries of chemistry: synthetic fabrics, aspirin, penicillin and other pharmaceuticals, detergents, better fuels, plastics, and more abundant food. Chemists enjoy the excitement and rewards of discovery and creation.
Career opportunities exist in research (creating new knowledge or synthesizing new chemicals) or in quality control (testing and analysis) in pharmaceuticals, petroleum, polymers and plastics, paints and adhesives, electronic materials, waste treatment, agricultural chemistry, and foods and fragrances, in addition to many other industries. Chemists are employed in hospitals, as well as clinical, environmental control, and criminology laboratories. Chemistry also occupies a pivotal role in the high-technology areas of bioinformatics, biotechnology, materials technology, ceramics, polymers, and electronic materials. The Stevens program prepares you for employment with companies in these industries, and for graduate programs in chemistry or biochemistry.
The program is based on a solid foundation in the major areas of chemistry and biochemistry. Additional courses in advanced chemistry are available in those areas in which Stevens has unique strengths, such as polymer chemistry, natural products, medicinal chemistry, biochemistry, computational chemistry, and instrumental analysis. Research is strongly encouraged due to its importance in preparing for a career in chemistry; it also helps develop independence in solving open-ended problems.
The Stevens chemistry program is certified by the American Chemical Society (ACS). Chemical biology is the application of chemistry to the understanding and utilization of biological phenomena. Chemical biology includes genetic engineering, the design and modification of genetic material, and molecular biology.
The scientific approach to understanding living systems ultimately leads to the cell - the basis of all living systems. Modern biology focuses on how cells originate, differentiate, multiply, and function, with emphasis on their molecular components, their chemical and physical properties, and their interaction.
It is an exciting field at the very core of biotechnology. Today's biology laboratory is equipped with sophisticated instrumentation to stimulate muscle tissue and measure action potentials; to determine the size, shape, and electrical charge of protein molecules; and to follow reactions within the cell. Biologists can study biological phenomena under controlled conditions to explore the mechanisms governing growth, differentiation, behavior, evolution, and aging-knowledge that provides a foundation for modern medicine. The field of medicine relies heavily on modern biology.
The Stevens program in chemical biology provides excellent preparation for the student to pursue a career in medicine, and satisfies requirements for admission to professional schools of medicine, dentistry, and veterinary medicine. Our program features the study of cell and molecular biology, molecular genetics, physiology, biochemistry, biophysical chemistry, organic and physical chemistry, and instrumental analysis. Equipped with this rigorous background - and here is where the Stevens chemical biology program differs from traditional biology and pre-medicine programs - our graduates also find employment in industrial research and pathology laboratories. Many continue their studies at the graduate level in the biological sciences, biochemistry, chemistry, or biophysics. In fact, Stevens pioneered this field with the first undergraduate program in Chemical Biology in the late 1970s.
The chemical biology program is certified by the American Chemical Society (ACS) option - biochemistry. To top
If you are pursuing the special combined degree program in medicine or dentistry, you are enrolled in the Accelerated Chemical Biology Program. A heavy course load is required during the three years of the program at Stevens, and completion of the B.S. degree requirements relies on transfer credit from the first year of study at the affiliated medical/dental school. Thus, enrolling in the Accelerated Chemical Biology Program is restricted to students admitted to these special programs. To top
A Biomedical Engineer works at the interface between physical and biological systems. A distinguishing feature of biomedical engineers is that they design instruments and devices that interact with or make measurements on living systems. These systems can be as small as a protein, gene, or cell, as complex as an organ such as the heart and lungs or as integrated as the heart lungs and muscles during exercise. The ultimate goal is to help improve medical diagnosis and treatment and to improve the quality of life for people who are incapacitated.
The biomedical engineering field is truly multidisciplinary. Biomedical engineers must understand not only basic engineering principles but also the biology and physiology of cells, organs and systems that work together to create a functioning human being. In addition, the biomedical engineer must have some in-depth experience in applying engineering concepts to living systems. Biomedical Engineers are engaged in designing and manufacturing prostheses (replacement hips, knees, tendons, arms, legs, etc.), total artificial hearts as well as left ventricular assist devices, pacemakers and defibrillators, Imaging devices such as CAT scans, MRI, f-MRI, ultrasound, and nuclear medicine imaging (PET,SPECT), replacement organs (artificial pancreas, ears, retina, etc.), in-patient monitoring devices (blood pressure, sleep apnea, EKG, etc.), in addition to more standard medical devices such as portable EKG and pulmonary function machines for use in physicians offices. Biomedical Engineers also engage in cutting edge research on living systems and contribute important new knowledge to the field.
The Biomedical Engineering program at Stevens is based on a solid foundation in basic science, math, biology and engineering fundamentals. In addition, program specific courses in Transport in Biosystems, Engineering Physiology, Biomechanics, Biomaterials, Medical Imaging and Instrumentation, Biosystems Simulation and Control and Bioethics are included to provide the multidisciplinary background for a modern Biomedical Engineer. The Transport, Physiology, Biomaterials, Imaging and Simulation courses contain laboratories to provide extensive hands-on experience. Since tomorrow’s biomedical devices will have to be smarter, smaller and, in many cases wireless, a course in wireless technology is included in the design sequence (Design VI). The program is design oriented and culminates in a group capstone senior design project that spans the 6th – 8th semesters. The group carries out a comprehensive design of a biomedical device which includes an economic analysis, engineering computations and drawings, a plan for manufacture and the delivery of a working prototype of the device or a major component of the device. The emphasis in the design sequence is on teamwork, presentation skills and an entrepreneurial approach to design and manufacture. The program also provides for the flexibility of applying to medical school. The courses required to take the MCAT exam
are normally completed by the end of the junior year.
The Stevens biomedical engineering program produces graduates who possess a broad foundation in engineering and liberal arts, combined with a depth of disciplinary knowledge at the interface of engineering and biology. This knowledge is mandatory for success in a biomedical engineering career. Biomedical engineering is also an enabling step for a career in medicine, dentistry, business or law.
The objectives of the biomedical engineering program are to prepare students to:
- Obtain employment and succeed in careers with companies and government organizations in the biomedical field, such as those in the areas of implant and device design and manufacturing, biomaterials, medical instrumentation, medical imaging, healthcare, oversight, and research;
- Utilize their broad-based education to define and solve complex problems, particularly those related to design, in the biomedical engineering field and effectively communicate the results;
- Understand and take responsibility for social, ethical, and economic factors related to biomedical engineering and its application;
- Function effectively on and provide leadership to multidisciplinary teams;
- Demonstrate a facility to seek and use knowledge as the foundation for lifelong learning; and
- Be prepared for successful advanced study in biomedical engineering or entry to graduate professional programs such as medicine, dentistry, business, or law.
Our biomedical engineering graduates are employed in medical device design and manufacturing, startup biotech companies, pharmaceutical/biologics research, medical research laboratories and government regulatory agencies. Our graduates also attend graduate schools with international reputations in biomedical engineering. Some of our graduates attend medical, management, and law schools. To top
The following are requirements for graduation of all science and engineering students and do not carry academic credit. They will appear on the student record as pass/fail.
Physical Education Requirement for Engineering and Science Undergraduates (Class of 2012 and later)All engineering and science students must complete a minimum of four semester credits of Physical Education (P.E.) one of which is P.E. 100 Introduction to Wellness and Physical Education. A large number of activities are offered in lifetime, team, and wellness areas. Students must complete PE 100 in their first or second semester at Stevens; the other three courses must be completed by the end of the sixth semester. Students can enroll in more than the minimum required P.E. for graduation and are encouraged to do so.Participation in varsity sports can be used to satisfy up to three credits of the P.E. requirement, but not P.E. 100.Participation in supervised, competitive club sports can be used to satisfy up to two credits of the P.E. requirement, but not the P.E. 100 requirement, with approval from the P.E. Coordinator.
English Language Proficiency
All students must satisfy an English Language proficiency requirement.
PLEASE NOTE: A comprehensive Communications Program will be implemented for the Class of 2009. This may influence how the English Language Proficiency requirement is met. Details will be added when available To top
Huge amounts of data are being generated by the new and powerful techniques for determining the structures of biological molecules and manipulating biomolecular sequences. Bioinformatics makes use of mathematical and computer science techniques to process the information that is pouring out of laboratories so it can be used for further scientific advances. The Stevens Bioinformatics Program is built on the foundations of chemical biology. After the first two years in the Chemical Biology Program, the Bioinformatics student begins replacing certain electives with mathematics and computer science courses, provided that CS 115 is taken in the freshman year. To top
The extreme complexity - and fragility - of biological molecules has made it necessary to develop special techniques and instrumentation for their detection and analysis. These methods were employed in the Human Genome Project, and have become vital in drug development efforts and in the field called Chemical Ecology. The bioanalytical chemist is a valued scientist in medical and biomedical research and in the pharmaceutical, flavors, and fragrances industries.The program in Bioanalytical Chemistry is built on the foundations of Chemical Biology. After the first two years in the regular Chemical Biology Program, the Bioanalytical Chemistry student begins concentrating on special techniques such as mass spectrometry, nuclear magnetic resonance, and separations.
The Third and Fourth Years of the program are shown here. To top
The Accelerated Chemical Biology program gives you the opportunity to earn the B.S. degree at Stevens and the M.D. degree at the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey (UMDNJ)-New Jersey Medical School, or the D.M.D. degree at UMDNJ-New Jersey Dental School, in a total of seven years.
More information on this program can be found in the pre-professional and Accelerated Programs section of this catalog. You will also find a discussion of a program called Undergraduate Projects in Technology and Medicine (UPTAM), which is available to specially selected Stevens undergraduates. To top
A minor in chemistry must include the following courses:
- CH 243, CH 245 Organic Chemistry I + Lab;
- CH 244, CH 246 Organic Chemistry II + Lab.;
- CH 421 Chemical Dynamics,
- CH 362 Instrumental Analysis I;
- CH 412 Inorganic Chemistry
- CH 580 Biochemistry I
The following are prerequisites needed to undertake the minor program:
- CH 115, CH 117 General Chemistry I + Lab;
- CH 116, CH 118 General Chemistry II + Lab;
This sequence meets the American Chemical Society guidelines for a Minor in Chemistry. NOTE: The minor in Chemistry is not available to majors in Chemical Biology. A minor in chemical biology includes at least the following courses:
- CH 243, CH 245 Organic Chemistry I + Lab.;
- CH 244, CH 246 Organic Chemistry II + Lab.;
- CH 421 Chemical Dynamics;
- CH 381 Cell Biology;
- CH 382 Biological Systems;
- CH 580 Biochemistry I;
- CH 484 Introduction to Molecular Genetics.
The following are prerequisites needed to undertake the minor program:
- CH 115, CH 117 General Chemistry I + Lab;
- CH 116, CH 118 General Chemistry II + Lab;
- CH 281 Biology and Biotechnology;
The following are required courses:
- Ch 381 Cell Biology
- BME 306 Introduction to Biomedical Engineering
- BME 482 Engineering Physiology
- BME 504 Medical Instrumentation and Imaging
- BME 505 Biomaterials
- BME 506 Biomechanics
The following prerequisite is needed to undertake the minor program:
- Ch 281 Biology and Biotechnology
Graduate study in the Department of Chemistry, Chemical Biology, and Biomedical Engineering offers research opportunities of great variety and scope. It offers, too, an unusual receptivity to different kinds of research interests, from the most immediate and practical to the highly theoretical.
The Department includes faculty and programs in chemistry, chemical biology, and the emerging field of biomedical engineering. Faculty and students share instruments and collaborate on joint educational and research programs. The close proximity of these disciplines encourages cooperation and provides access to equipment and expertise not usually available within a single department.
The Master of Science and Doctor of Philosophy degrees are offered in chemistry or chemical biology with concentrations in physical chemistry, organic chemistry, analytical chemistry, polymer chemistry, chemical biology, and bioinformatics. Admission to the graduate program in chemistry requires an undergraduate education in chemistry. Admission to the chemical biology program requires either an undergraduate degree in chemistry with strong biology background or an undergraduate degree in biology with strong chemistry background.
The Master of Engineering and Doctor of Philosophy degrees are offered in biomedical engineering. Admission to these programs requires a bachelor’s degree in engineering, although applicants with other degrees and relevant engineering experience may be considered. Such students may be required to complete prerequisites during their enrollment in the program. To top
Polymer synthesis and characterization, methods of instrumental analysis, medicinal chemistry and structural chemistry (theoretical as well as experimental) are areas of chemistry in which the department has attained international recognition. Research in chemical biology focuses on protein trafficking through membranes, soil microbiology, drug encapsulation and dosing and proteomics.
The department is housed in a modern building with well-equipped laboratories for tissue-culture work, protein separation and analysis and small animal studies. State-of-the-art instrumentation is also available, including confocal microscopy, PCR, radio-isotope labeling, fluorometry, double-beam spectrophotometry, Fourier-transform infrared, nuclear magnetic resonance and high performance liquid chromatography, thermal analysis and electron tunneling microscopy.
The department is the home for the Center for Mass Spectrometry - one of the best equipped mass spectrometry laboratories anywhere. Included are Electrospray, MALDI, GC/LC MS and other new techniques used in pioneering research in chemistry and biology.
Periodically, the department invites a preeminent scientist for a sequence of informal talks and formal lectures. Previous lecturers have included Kenneth Pitzer and Herman Mark and the Nobelists William Lipscomb, Sir Derek Barton, Ilya Prigogine, Arthur Kornberg, Rosalyn Yalow, Sidney Altman and George Palade. Periodically, The Stivala Lectures in Chemistry invites an outstanding scientist for a day of lectures and discussions on timely topics in chemistry. Dr. James Cooper, M.D., established this lecture series in memory of his father Charles Cooper, who was a close friend of Professor Salvatore Stivala, a professor of chemistry and chemical engineering at Stevens.
Awareness of recent developments in one's field is an important component of professional development. Therefore, attendance at seminars is required of all graduate students enrolled full-time in degree programs, and all doctoral students. Finally, a measure of the success of a student's education is the ability to carry out original research. Either a thesis or a special research problem should be part of the Master's program, unless evidence is presented that the student is already engaged in research outside of Stevens. Furthermore, students completing a Masters' thesis are required to present their results in a departmental seminar. The Ph.D. dissertation, of course, forms the major part of all doctoral programs.
The department believes the vitality of an academic community depends on interaction among its members, and that teaching and learning are essential activities for professors and students alike. Thirty graduate credits in an approved plan of study, that includes the following core courses, are required for the Master of Science degree. Areas of concentration include analytical chemistry, chemical biology, organic chemistry, physical chemistry and polymer chemistry, and others can be designed. Research may be included in master's degree programs, either as a Special Research Problem (CH 800) or a Master's Thesis (CH 900), and is counted towards the 30 credits required for the degree. All fellows and teaching or research assistants are expected to complete a thesis.
Core Courses in Chemistry
- CH 520 Advanced Physical Chemistry
- CH 561 Instrumental Methods of Analysis
- CH 610 Advanced Inorganic Chemistry
- CH 620 Kinetics & Thermodynamics
- CH 640 Advanced Organic Chemistry
- CH 660 Advanced Instrumental Analysis
Core Courses in Chemical Biology (Prerequisites may be required)
- CH 681 Biochemistry II
- CH 687 Molecular Genetics
- CH 690 Cellular Signal Transduction
- One Advanced Chemistry Course (with recommendation of research advisor)
Core Courses in Biomedical Engineering - Common Requirements for Students with BME/Non-BME Background:
The Master of Engineering – Biomedical degree requires the following courses:
- BME 660 Strategies & Principles of Biomedical Design
- BME 601LA Advanced Biomedical Engineering Lab.
Thesis (full-time students), or
Design Project + Biomedical Engineering Elective (part-time with permission)
Elective Courses
Additional courses are chosen depending on the student's interests and background. The advisor must approve all elective courses. To top
Success in the field of medical technologies requires a highly interdisciplinary approach. A symbiotic relationship between these four discrete areas must be struck: clinical, industry, patient, and device. Failure to satisfy the requirements and expectations in any one area could prohibit the acceptance of a product or therapy. Certainly, the best and most elegant solutions will satisfy the requirements and expectations of each of the areas.
The core of the Stevens Biomedical Engineering program is distinguished by its consideration of these areas as an integrated system, each area representing a group of critical components required in order for the system to operate. Many other programs fail to consider all four of these components or fail to integrate them comprehensively.
The Stevens BME program allows for study in one of three avenues: advanced interdisciplinary biomedical engineering research, advanced training in biomedical engineering for engineers with an undergraduate degree in another discipline, or as a minor concentration for graduate engineers in other disciplines. In addition, the research avenue can lead directly into a Ph.D. program. To top
Admission to the doctoral program is based on 1) GRE score and 2) reasonable evidence that the student will prove capable of specialization on a broad intellectual foundation. Specifically, students will be admitted to the doctoral program only if the Admissions Committee feels that he/she is reasonably well-prepared for the Qualifying Examinations in Chemistry or Chemical Biology, which must be passed within a 10-month period after acquiring 30 graduate credits. Applicants with good academic records who lack this level of preparation may be admitted initially to the M.S. program.
A student enrolled in the master’s program in Chemistry or Chemical Biology must request admission to the doctoral program through the department’s Admissions Committee. Continuation in the doctoral program is contingent on passing the Qualifying Examinations, Preliminary Examination, and meeting all other requirements. To top
The following are typical examples of specialization areas:
Analytical Chemistry CH 650 Spectra and Structure Determination CH 660 Advanced Instrumental Analysis CH 661 Advanced Instrumental Analysis Laboratory CH 662 Separation Methods in Analytical & Organic Chemistry CH 666 Modern Mass Spectrometry
Chemical Biology CH 580 Biochemistry I CH 678 Experimental Microbiology CH 681 Biochemistry II Bio-Molecular Structure & Function CH 682 Biochemical Laboratory Techniques CH 684 Molecular Biology Laboratory Techniques CH 685 Medicinal Chemistry CH 686 Immunology CH 688 Methods in Chemical Biology CH 690 Cellular Signal Transduction CH 780 Selected Topics in Biochemistry I CH 782 Selected Topics in Bioorganic Chemistry
Organic Chemistry CH 640 Advanced Organic and Heterocyclic Chemistry I CH 641 Advanced Organic and Heterocyclic Chemistry II CH 642 Synthetic Organic Chemistry CH 646 Chemistry of Natural Products CH 650 Spectra and Structure Determination CH 685 Medicinal Chemistry
Physical Chemistry CH 620 Chemical Thermodynamics and Kinetics CH 621 Quantum Chemistry CH 622 Molecular Spectroscopy CH 623 Chemical Kinetics CH 624 Statistical Mechanics CH 650 Spectra and Structure Determination
Polymer Science CH 670 Polymer Synthesis CH 671 Physical Chemistry of Polymers CH 672 Macromolecules in Modern Technology CH 674 Polymer Functionality
Other Areas of Specialization Programs in other areas of specialization, such as Biochemistry, etc., can be designed by including the appropriate courses in that area and completing a research topic in the sub-discipline as approved by the research advisor.
Electives To complete the course requirements for the degree, a student may choose additional courses with the approval of the advisor. Special courses are frequently offered under the title of Special (or Selected) Topics, which can be included with the permission of the advisor. Some courses are offered as reading courses, with no designated lecture schedule. Research Proposals All doctoral students in Chemistry and Chemical Biology must present two written research proposals and defend them in an oral examination. Biomedical Engineering doctoral students present one proposal which is part of the Qualifying Examination.
Language Proficiency The Department no longer requires a foreign language examination for the Ph.D. degree. However, every student is required to possess a high level of proficiency in written and spoken English. International students are required to take an English proficiency examination before beginning graduate course work, and one or more remedial English courses (without credit), if necessary. The Department will not waive this requirement for any student.
Doctoral Dissertation The policies and regulations governing the doctoral dissertation are described in detail in the Stevens Catalog and the Manual for Graduate Students. |
In addition to the degree programs, the Department currently offers "mini-graduate" programs leading to the Certificate of Special Study in one of six areas: Analytical Chemistry, Bioinformatics, Biomedical Chemistry, Chemical Biology, Chemical Physiology, and Polymer Chemistry. Students in these certificate programs must meet the same admission and performance standards as regular degree graduate students. Each of the certificate programs requires twelve credits (four courses), all of which are transferable to the appropriate Master's degree program. Analytical Chemistry
- CH 561 Instrumental Methods of Analysis
- CH 660 Advanced Instrumental Analysis
- CH 662 Separation Methods in Analyticaland Organic Chemistry
- CH 666 Modern Mass Spectrometry
- CH 664 Computer Methods in Chemistry
- CH 668 Computational Biology
- CH 681 Biochemistry II
- CH 760 Chemoinformatics or CS 580 The Logic of Program Design
Biomedical Chemistry
- CH 642 Synthetic Organic Chemistry
- CH 646 Chemistry of Natural Products
and two of the following courses (with advisor approval):
- CH 647 Chemistry and Pharmacology of Drugs
- CH 685 Selected Topics in Medicinal Chemistry
- CH 800 Special Research Problems in Chemistry
Biomedical Engineering
- BME 506 Biomechanics
- BME 505 Biomaterials
- BME 504 Medical Instrumentation and Imaging
- BME 503 Physiological Systems
Chemical Biology
- CH 580 Biochemistry I
- CH 681 Biochemistry II
- CH 686 Immunology
- CH 687 Molecular Genetics
Chemical Physiology
- CH 580 Biochemistry I
- CH 583 Physiology
- CH 684 Molecular Biology Laboratory Techniques
and one of the following courses with the approval of your program advisor:
- CH 686 Immunology
- CH 690 Cellular Signal Transduction
- CH 800 Special Research Problems in Chemistry
Laboratory Methods in Chemical Biology
- CH 561 Instrumental Methods of Analysis
- CH 682 Biochemical Lab. Techniques
- CH 684 Molecular Biology Lab Techniques
- CH 689 Cell Biology Lab. Techniques
Polymer Chemistry
- CH 670 Synthetic Polymer Chemistry
- CH 671 Physical Chemistry of Polymers
- CH 672 Macromolecules in Modern Technology
- CH 673 Special Topics in Polymer Chemistry
- CH 674 Polymer Functionality
The above Graduate Certificate Programs are regular graduate courses and can be part of the Master of Science program in Chemistry or Chemical Biology.
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