| (3-3-4) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Thermodynamic laws and functions with particular emphasis on systems of variable composition and chemically reacting systems. Chemical potential, fugacity and activity, excess function properties, standard states, phase and reaction equilibria, reaction coordinate, chemical-to-electrical energy conversion.
Prerequisites: CH 116 General Chemistry II (3-0-3)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Phase equilibria, properties of solutions, chemical equilibrium, strong and weak acids and bases, buffer solutions and titrations, solubility, thermodynamics, electrochemistry, properties of the elements and nuclear chemistry. Close |
E 115 Introduction to Programming for Engineers (1-2-2)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) An introduction to the use of an advanced programming language for use in engineering applications, using C++ as the basic programming language and Microsoft Visual C++ as the program development environment. Topics covered include basic syntax (data types and structures, input/output instructions, arithmetic instructions, loop constructs, functions, subroutines, etc.) needed to solve basic engineering problems as well as an introduction to advanced topics (use of files, principles of objects and classes, libraries, etc.). Algorithmic thinking for development of computational programs and control programs from mathematical and other representations of the problems will be developed. Basic concepts of computer architectures impacting the understanding of a high-level programming language will be covered. Basic concepts of a microcontroller architecture impacting the use of a high-level programming language for development of microcontroller software will be covered, drawing specifically on the microcontroller used in E121 (Engineering Design I). Close |
MA 221 Differential Equations (4-0-4)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Ordinary differential equations of first and second order, homogeneous and non-homogeneous equations; improper integrals, Laplace transforms; review of infinite series, series solutions of ordinary differential equations near an ordinary point; boundary-value problems; orthogonal functions; Fourier series; separation of variables for partial differential equations. Close |
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| (3-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Topics in general biology are discussed from a quantitative point of view to develop an appreciation for biology, mathematics, and the connections between them. Living systems are viewed through an engineering perspective as open systems with mass, energy, and flow entering and leaving. The interaction of the component parts of living systems at the molecular, cellular, tissue, organism, and ecosystem levels are explored through descriptive and quantitative models. Modules will include cellular processes and human physiology. The diversity and evolution of living organisms is explored. Interactions among organisms and with their environment, including toxic substances, are examined in the module on ecology and ecotoxicology. No previous exposure to biology is assumed. A basic understanding of the derivative is assumed, such as may be obtained from a concurrent first semester course in differential calculus. Other relevant mathematical principles are introduced at the beginning of each module.
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| (3-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Overview of the biomedical engineering field with applications relevant to the healthcare industry such as medical instrumentation and devices. Introduction to the nervous system, propagation of the action potential, muscle contraction and introduction to the cardiovascular system. Discussion of ethical issues in biomedicine. Prerequisite: Sophomore Standing.
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| (1-3-2) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Introduction to the principles of wireless transmission and the design of biomedical devices and instrumentation with wireless capabilities.(e.g. pacemakers, defibrilators. EKG). Electrical safety (isolation, shielding), and equipment validation standards for FDA compliance are introduced. Use of LabView to provide virtual bioinstrumentation. The course culminates in group projects to design a biomedical device that runs on wireless technology.
Prerequisites: BME 306
Introduction to Biomedical Engineering (3-0-3)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Overview of the biomedical engineering field with applications relevant to the healthcare industry such as medical instrumentation and devices. Introduction to the nervous system, propagation of the action potential, muscle contraction and introduction to the cardiovascular system. Discussion of ethical issues in biomedicine. Prerequisite: Sophomore Standing. Close |
CH 281 Biology and Biotechnology (3-0-3)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Biological principles and their physical and chemical aspects are explored at the cellular and molecular level. Major emphasis is placed on cell structure, the processes of energy conversion by plant and animal cells, genetics and evolution, and applications to biotechnology. Close |
CH 282 Introductory Biology Laboratory (0-3-1)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) An introductory laboratory illustrating basic techniques and principles of modern biology by means of laboratory experiments and simulated experiments. This laboratory does not satisfy medical school admission requirements. Close |
E 234 Thermodynamics
(3-0-3)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Concepts of heat and work, First and Second Laws for closed and open systems including steady processes and cycles, thermodynamic properties of substances and interrelationships, phase change and phase equilibrium, chemical reactions and chemical equilibrium, representative applications. Close |
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| (3-3-4) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) A study of momentum, mass and heat transport in living systems. Rheology of blood. Basic hemodynamics. Use of the equations of continuity and motion to set up complex flow problems. Flow within distensible tubes. Shear stress and endothelial cell function. Mass transfer and metabolism in organs and tissues. Microscopic and macroscopic mass balances. Diffusion. Blood-tissue transport of solutes in the microcirculation. Compartmental models for pharmacokinetic analyses. Analysis of blood oxygenators, hemodialysis, tissue growth in porous support materials. Artificial organs. Energy balances and the use of heat to treat tumor growth (radio frequency ablation, cryogenic ablation). Laboratory exercises accompany major topics discussed in class and are conducted at the same time.
Prerequisites: BME 306 Introduction to Biomedical Engineering (3-0-3)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Overview of the biomedical engineering field with applications relevant to the healthcare industry such as medical instrumentation and devices. Introduction to the nervous system, propagation of the action potential, muscle contraction and introduction to the cardiovascular system. Discussion of ethical issues in biomedicine. Prerequisite: Sophomore Standing. Close |
CH 281 Biology and Biotechnology (3-0-3)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Biological principles and their physical and chemical aspects are explored at the cellular and molecular level. Major emphasis is placed on cell structure, the processes of energy conversion by plant and animal cells, genetics and evolution, and applications to biotechnology. Close |
CH 282 Introductory Biology Laboratory (0-3-1)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) An introductory laboratory illustrating basic techniques and principles of modern biology by means of laboratory experiments and simulated experiments. This laboratory does not satisfy medical school admission requirements. Close |
E 23
4 Thermodynamics
(3-0-3)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Concepts of heat and work, First and Second Laws for closed and open systems including steady processes and cycles, thermodynamic properties of substances and interrelationships, phase change and phase equilibrium, chemical reactions and chemical equilibrium, representative applications. Close |
MA 221 Differential Equations (4-0-4)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Ordinary differential equations of first and second order, homogeneous and non-homogeneous equations; improper integrals, Laplace transforms; review of infinite series, series solutions of ordinary differential equations near an ordinary point; boundary-value problems; orthogonal functions; Fourier series; separation of variables for partial differential equations. Close |
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| (0-8-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Senior design courses. Senior design provides, over the course of two semesters, a collaborative design experience with a significant biomedical problem related to human health. The project will often originate with an industrial sponsor or a medical practitioner at a nearby medical facility and will contain a clear implementation objective (i.e. for a medical device). It is a capstone experience that draws extensively on the student’s engineering and scientific background and requires independent judgments and actions. The project generally involves a determination of the medical need, a detailed economic analysis of the market potential, physiological considerations, biocompatibility issues, ease of patient use, an engineering analysis of the design, manufacturing considerations and experimentation and/or prototype construction of the device. The faculty advisor, industrial sponsor or biomedical practitioner works closely with the group to insure that the project meets its goals in a timely way. Leadership and entrepreneurship are nourished throughout all phases of the project. The project goals are met in a stepwise fashion, with each milestone forming a part of a final report with a common structure. Oral and written progress reports are presented to a panel of faculty at specified intervals and at the end of each semester.
Prerequisites: BME 306 Introduction to Biomedical Engineering (3-0-3)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Overview of the biomedical engineering field with applications relevant to the healthcare industry such as medical instrumentation and devices. Introduction to the nervous system, propagation of the action potential, muscle contraction and introduction to the cardiovascular system. Discussion of ethical issues in biomedicine. Prerequisite: Sophomore Standing. Close |
BME 322 Engineering Design VI (1-3-2)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Introduction to the principles of wireless transmission and the design of biomedical devices and instrumentation with wireless capabilities.(e.g. pacemakers, defibrilators. EKG). Electrical safety (isolation, shielding), and equipment validation standards for FDA compliance are introduced. Use of LabView to provide virtual bioinstrumentation. The course culminates in group projects to design a biomedical device that runs on wireless technology. Close |
BME 342 Transport in Biological Systems (3-3-4)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) A study of momentum, mass and heat transport in living systems. Rheology of blood. Basic hemodynamics. Use of the equations of continuity and motion to set up complex flow problems. Flow within distensible tubes. Shear stress and endothelial cell function. Mass transfer and metabolism in organs and tissues. Microscopic and macroscopic mass balances. Diffusion. Blood-tissue transport of solutes in the microcirculation. Compartmental models for pharmacokinetic analyses. Analysis of blood oxygenators, hemodialysis, tissue growth in porous support materials. Artificial organs. Energy balances and the use of heat to treat tumor growth (radio frequency ablation, cryogenic ablation). Laboratory exercises accompany major topics discussed in class and are conducted at the same time. Close |
BME 505 Biomaterials (3-0-3)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Intended as an introduction to materials science for biomedical engineers, this course first reviews the properties of materials relevant to their application to the human body. It goes on to discuss proteins, cells, tissues and their reactions and interactions with foreign materials, as well as the degradation of these materials in the human body. The course then treats various implants, burn dressings, drug delivery systems, biosensors, artificial organs and elements of tissue engineering. Close |
BME 506 Biomechanics (3-0-3)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) This course reviews basic engineering principles governing materials and structures such as mechanics, rigid body dynamics, fluid mechanics and solid mechanics and applies these to the study of biological systems such as ligaments, tendons, bone, muscles, joints, etc. The influence of material properties on the structure and function of organisms provides an appreciation for the mechanical complexity of biological systems. Methods for both rigid body and deformational mechanics are developed in the context of bone, muscle and connective tissue. Multiple applications of Newton's Laws of Mechanics are made to human motion. Close |
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| | (0-8-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Senior design courses. Senior design provides, over the course of two semesters, a collaborative design experience with a significant biomedical problem related to human health. The project will often originate with an industrial sponsor or a medical practitioner at a nearby medical facility and will contain a clear implementation objective (i.e. for a medical device). It is a capstone experience that draws extensively on the student’s engineering and scientific background and requires independent judgments and actions. The project generally involves a determination of the medical need, a detailed economic analysis of the market potential, physiological considerations, biocompatibility issues, ease of patient use, an engineering analysis of the design, manufacturing considerations and experimentation and/or prototype construction of the device. The faculty advisor, industrial sponsor or biomedical practitioner works closely with the group to insure that the project meets its goals in a timely way. Leadership and entrepreneurship are nourished throughout all phases of the project. The project goals are met in a stepwise fashion, with each milestone forming a part of a final report with a common structure. Oral and written progress reports are presented to a panel of faculty at specified intervals and at the end of each semester.
Prerequisites: BME 423 (0-8-3)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Senior design courses. Senior design provides, over the course of two semesters, a collaborative design experience with a significant biomedical problem related to human health. The project will often originate with an industrial sponsor or a medical practitioner at a nearby medical facility and will contain a clear implementation objective (i.e. for a medical device). It is a capstone experience that draws extensively on the student’s engineering and scientific background and requires independent judgments and actions. The project generally involves a determination of the medical need, a detailed economic analysis of the market potential, physiological considerations, biocompatibility issues, ease of patient use, an engineering analysis of the design, manufacturing considerations and experimentation and/or prototype construction of the device. The faculty advisor, industrial sponsor or biomedical practitioner works closely with the group to insure that the project meets its goals in a timely way. Leadership and entrepreneurship are nourished throughout all phases of the project. The project goals are met in a stepwise fashion, with each milestone forming a part of a final report with a common structure. Oral and written progress reports are presented to a panel of faculty at specified intervals and at the end of each semester.
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| (3-3-4) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Time and frequency domain analysis of linear control systems. Proportional, derivative and integral control actions. Stability. Applications of control theory to physiological control systems: biosensors, information processors and bioactuators. Mathematical modeling and analysis of heart and blood pressure regulation, body temperature regulation, regulation of intracellular ionic concentrations, eye movement and pupil dilation controls. Use of Matlab and Simulink to model blood pressure regulation, autoregulation of blood flow, force development by muscle contraction and integrated response of cardiac output, blood pressure and respiration to exercise.
Prerequisites: BME 482 (3-3-4)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Introduction to mammalian physiology from an engineering point of view. The quantitative aspects of normal cellular and organ functions and the regulatory processes required to maintain organ viability and homeostasis will be discussed. Topics include: Neuro, muscle, cardiovascular, respiratory, renal and endocrine physiology.
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| (3-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) This course focuses on professional ethical conduct in the biomedical field. It will enable students to understand the ethical challenges they may encounter as biomedical engineers, allow them to practice biomedical engineering in an ethical manner and conduct themselves ethically as contributing members of society. Case discussions and presentations by practitioners in the field illustrate ethical norms and dilemmas.
Prerequisites: BME 423 (0-8-3)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Senior design courses. Senior design provides, over the course of two semesters, a collaborative design experience with a significant biomedical problem related to human health. The project will often originate with an industrial sponsor or a medical practitioner at a nearby medical facility and will contain a clear implementation objective (i.e. for a medical device). It is a capstone experience that draws extensively on the student’s engineering and scientific background and requires independent judgments and actions. The project generally involves a determination of the medical need, a detailed economic analysis of the market potential, physiological considerations, biocompatibility issues, ease of patient use, an engineering analysis of the design, manufacturing considerations and experimentation and/or prototype construction of the device. The faculty advisor, industrial sponsor or biomedical practitioner works closely with the group to insure that the project meets its goals in a timely way. Leadership and entrepreneurship are
nourished throughout all phases of the project. The project goals are met in a stepwise fashion, with each milestone forming a part of a final report with a common structure. Oral and written progress reports are presented to a panel of faculty at specified intervals and at the end of each semester.
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| (3-3-4) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Introduction to mammalian physiology from an engineering point of view. The quantitative aspects of normal cellular and organ functions and the regulatory processes required to maintain organ viability and homeostasis will be discussed. Topics include: Neuro, muscle, cardiovascular, respiratory, renal and endocrine physiology. Corequisites: BME 423 Senior Design I (0-8-3)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Senior design courses. Senior design provides, over the course of two semesters, a collaborative design experience with a significant biomedical problem related to human health. The project will often originate with an industrial sponsor or a medical practitioner at a nearby medical facility and will contain a clear implementation objective (i.e. for a medical device). It is a capstone experience that draws extensively on the student’s engineering and scientific background and requires independent judgments and actions. The project generally involves a determination of the medical need, a detailed economic analysis of the market potential, physiological considerations, biocompatibility issues, ease of patient use, an engineering analysis of the design, manufacturing considerations and experimentation and/or prototype construction of the device. The faculty advisor, industrial sponsor or biomedical practitioner works closely with the group to insure that the project meets its goals in a timely way. Leadership and entrepreneurship are nourished throughout all phases of the project. The project goals are met in a stepwise fashion, with each milestone forming a part of a final report with a common structure. Oral and written progress reports are presented to a panel of faculty at specified intervals and at the end of each semester. Close |
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| (0-6-2) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Individual investigation of a substantive character undertaken at an undergraduate level under the guidance of a member of the departmental faculty. A written report is required. Hours to be arranged with the
faculty advisor. Prior approval required. These courses can be used as general electives for degree requirements.
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| (0-6-2) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Individual investigation of a substantive character undertaken at an undergraduate level under the guidance of a member of the departmental faculty. A written report is required. Hours to be arranged with the faculty advisor. Prior approval required. These courses can be used as general electives for degree requirements.
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Chemistry & Chemical Biology |
| (3-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Atomic structure and periodic properties, stoichiometry, properties of gases, thermochemistry, chemical bond types, intermolecular forces, liquids and solids, chemical kinetics and introduction to organic chemistry and biochemistry. Corequisites: CH 117 General Chemistry Laboratory I (0-3-1)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Laboratory work to accompany CH 115: experiments of atomic spectra, stoichiometric analysis, qualitative analysis, and organic and inorganic syntheses, and kinetics. Close |
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| (3-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Phase equilibria, properties of solutions, chemical equilibrium, strong and weak acids and bases, buffer solutions and titrations, solubility, thermodynamics, electrochemistry, properties of the elements and nuclear chemistry.
Prerequisites: Ch 107 <
td bgcolor=#FFFFFF>General Chemistry (3-0-3)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Elements, compounds, ions, stoichiometry, chemical reactions, solutions, gas laws, partial pressures, effusion, thermochemistry, atomic structure, periodicity, bonding, organic molecules, (nomenclatures), organic chemistry (hybridization, delocalization), polymers. Required course for Engineering students. Close
CH 115 General Chemistry I (3-0-3)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Atomic structure and periodic properties, stoichiometry, properties of gases, thermochemistry, chemical bond types, intermolecular forces, liquids and solids, chemical kinetics and introduction to organic chemistry and biochemistry. Close |
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| (0-3-1) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Laboratory work to accompany CH 115: experiments of atomic spectra, stoichiometric analysis, qualitative analysis, and organic and inorganic syntheses, and kinetics. Corequisites: CH 115 General Chemistry I (3-0-3)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Atomic structure and periodic properties, stoichiometry, properties of gases, thermochemistry, chemical bond types, intermolecular forces, liquids and solids, chemical kinetics and introduction to organic chemistry and biochemistry. Close |
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| (0-3-1) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Laboratory work to accompany CH 116: analytical techniques properties of solutions, chemical and phase equilibria, acid-base titrations, thermodynamic properties, electrochemical cells, and properties of chemical elements. Corequisites: CH 116 General Chemistry II (3-0-3)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Phase equilibria, properties of solutions, chemical equilibrium, strong and weak acids and bases, buffer solutions and titrations, solubility, thermodynamics, electrochemistry, properties of the elements
and nuclear chemistry. Close |
Prerequisites: CH 117 General Chemistry Laboratory I (0-3-1)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Laboratory work to accompany CH 115: experiments of atomic spectra, stoichiometric analysis, qualitative analysis, and organic and inorganic syntheses, and kinetics. Close |
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| (1-0-1) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Introduction to chemistry as the "central science" and its impact on other fields, particularly biology. Areas to be explored include the interaction of radiation with matter, the effect of symmetry on chemical and physical properties of molecules, hyphenated methods of analysis, the chemistry of biological signals, biochemical cycles, the physiology of exercise, and chaotic reactions. Corequisites: CH 115 General Chemistry I (3-0-3)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Atomic structure and periodic properties, stoichiometry, properties of gases, thermochemistry, chemical bond types, intermolecular forces, liquids and solids, chemical kinetics and introduction to organic chemistry and biochemistry. Close |
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| (3-4-4) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Principles of descriptive organic chemistry; structural theory; reactions of aliphatic compounds; and stereochemistry.
Prerequisites: CH 116 General Chemistry II (3-0-3)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Phase equilibria, properties of solutions, chemical equilibrium, strong and weak acids and bases, buffer solutions and titrations, solubility, thermodynamics, electrochemistry, properties of the elements and nuclear chemistry. Close |
CH 118 General Chemistry Laboratory II (0-3-1)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Laboratory work to accompany CH 116: analytical techniques properties of solutions, chemical and phase equilibria, acid-base titrations, thermodynamic properties, electrochemical cells, and properties of chemical elements. Close |
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| (3-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Continuation of CH 243; reactions of aromatic compounds; infrared and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy.
Prerequisites: CH 243 Organic Chemistry I (3-4-4)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Principles of descriptive organic chemistry; structural theory; reactions of aliphatic compounds; and stereochemistry. Close |
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| (0-4-1) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Laboratory includes introduction to organic reaction and separation techniques, reactions of functional groups, and synthesis. Corequisites: CH 243 Organic Chemistry I (3-4-4)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Principles of descriptive organic chemistry; structural theory; reactions of aliphatic compounds; and stereochemistry. Close |
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| (0-4-1) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Laboratory work in synthesis, spectroscopy and chromatographic separation techniques. Corequisites: CH 244 Organic Chemistry II (3-0-3)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Continuation of CH 243; reactions of aromatic compounds; infrared and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Close |
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| (3-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Biological principles and their physical and chemical aspects are explored at the cellular and molecular level. Major emphasis is placed on cell structure, the processes of energy conversion by plant and animal cells, genetics and evolution, and applications to biotechnology.
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| (0-3-1) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) An introductory laboratory illustrating basic techniques and principles of modern biology by means of laboratory experiments and simulated experiments. This laboratory does not satisfy medical school admission requirements. Corequisites: CH 281 Biology and Biotechnology (3-0-3)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Biological principles and their physical and chemical aspects are explored at the cellular and molecular level. Major emphasis is placed on cell structure, the processes of energy conversion by plant and animal cells, genetics and evolution, and applications to biotechnology. Close |
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| (3-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Laws of thermodynamics, thermodynamic functions, and the foundations of statistical thermodynamics. The chemical potential is applied to phase equilibria, chemical reaction equilibria, and solution theory, for both ideal and real systems.
Prerequisites: CH 116 General Chemistry II (3-0-3)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Phase equilibria, properties of solutions, chemical equilibrium, strong and weak acids and bases, buffer solutions and titrations, solubility, thermodynamics, electrochemistry, properties of the elements and nuclear chemistry. Close |
MA 116 Calculus II (3-0-3)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Techniques of integration, infinite series and Taylor series, polar coordinates, double integrals, improper integrals, parametric curves, arc length, functions of several variables, partial derivatives, gradients and directional derivatives. Close |
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| (3-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Quantum mechanics of molecular systems are developed. The techniques of approximation methods are employed for molecular binding and spectroscopic transitions. Examples are taken from infrared, visible, ultraviolet, microwave, and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy.
Prerequisites: CH 116 General Chemistry II (3-0-3)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Phase equilibria, properties of solutions, chemical equilibrium, strong and weak acids and bases, buffer solutions and titrations, solubility, thermodynamics, electrochemistry, properties of the elements and nuclear chemistry. Close |
MA 116 Calculus II (3-0-3)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Techniques of integration, infinite series and Taylor series, polar coordinates, double integrals, improper integrals, parametric curves, arc length, functions of several variables, partial derivatives, gradients and directional derivatives. Close |
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| (3-4-4) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) The content of this course alternates between the chemistry of natural products and methods and mechanisms of synthetic organic chemistry.
Prerequisites: CH 244 Organic Chemistry II (3-0-3)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Continuation of CH 243; reactions of aromatic compounds; infrared and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Close |
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| | (3-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Interpretation of infrared, ultraviolet, nuclear magnetic resonance, and mass spectra. Emphasis is on the use of these spectroscopic methods in identification and structure determination of organic compounds. Corequisites: CH 243 Organic Chemistry I (3-4-4)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Principles of descriptive organic chemistry; structural theory; reactions of aliphatic compounds; and stereochemistry. Close |
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| (3-4-4) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Experimental approach to spectroscopy. Topics include Fourier Transform infrared spectroscopy, ultraviolet, visible and fluorescence measurements, atomic absorption spectroscopy, and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy.
Prerequisites: CH 116 (3-0-3)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Phase equilibria, properties of solutions, chemical equilibrium, strong and weak acids and bases, buffer solutions and titrations, solubility, thermodynamics, electrochemistry, properties of the elements and nuclear chemistry.
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CH 118 (0-3-1)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Laboratory work to accompany CH 116: analytical techniques properties of solutions, chemical and phase equilibria, acid-base titrations, thermodynamic properties, electrochemical cells, and properties of chemical elements.
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CH 243 (3-4-4)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Principles of descriptive organic chemistry; structural theory; reactions of aliphatic compounds; and stereochemistry.
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| (3-3-4) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) The structure and function of the cell and its subcellular organelles is studied. Biological macromolecules, enzymes, biomembranes, biological transport, bioenergetics, DNA replication, protein synthesis and secretion, motility, and cancer are covered. Cell biology experiments and interactive computer simulation exercises are conducted in the laboratory.
Prerequisites: CH 281 (3-0-3)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Biological principles and their physical and chemical aspects are explored at the cellular and molecular level. Major emphasis is placed on cell structure, the processes of energy conversion by plant and animal cells, genetics and evolution, and applications to biotechnology.
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| (3-3-4) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Physiochemical principles underlying the coordinated function in multicellular organisms are studied. Electrical properties of biological membranes, characteristics of tissues, nerve-muscle electrophysiology, circulatory, respiratory, endocrine, digestive, and excretory systems are covered. Computer simulation experiments and data acquisition methods to evaluate and monitor human physiological systems are conducted in the laboratory.
Prerequisites: CH 281 (3-0-3)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Biological principles and their physical and chemical aspects are explored at the cellular and molecular level. Major emphasis is placed on cell structure, the processes of energy conversion by plant and animal cells, genetics and evolution, and applications to biotechnology.
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| (3-4-4) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Lecture and laboratory; ionic solids, lattice energy, and factors determining solubility; thermodynamics in inorganic synthesis and analysis; acid-base equilibria; and systematic chemistry of the halogens and other non-metals.
Prerequisites: CH 321 (3-0-3)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Laws of thermodynamics, thermodynamic functions, and the foundations of statistical thermodynamics. The chemical potential is applied to phase equilibria, chemical reaction equilibria, and solution theory, for both ideal and real systems.
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CH 362 (3-4-4)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Experimental approach to spectroscopy. Topics include Fourier Transform infrared spectroscopy, ultraviolet, visible and fluorescence measurements, atomic absorption spectroscopy, and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy.
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E 234 (3-0-3)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Concepts of heat and work, First and Second Laws for closed and open systems including steady processes and cycles, thermodynamic properties of substances and interrelationships, phase change and phase equilibrium, chemical reactions and chemical equilibrium, representative applications.
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| (3-4-4) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Chemical kinetics, solution theories with applications to separation processes, electrolytes, polyelectrolytes, regular solutions and phase equilibria, and laboratory practice in the measurements of physical properties and rate processes.
Prerequisites: CH 321 (3-0-3)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Laws of thermodynamics, thermodynamic functions, and the foundations of statistical thermodynamics. The ch
emical potential is applied to phase equilibria, chemical reaction equilibria, and solution theory, for both ideal and real systems.
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E 234 (3-0-3)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Concepts of heat and work, First and Second Laws for closed and open systems including steady processes and cycles, thermodynamic properties of substances and interrelationships, phase change and phase equilibrium, chemical reactions and chemical equilibrium, representative applications.
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MA 221 (4-0-4)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Ordinary differential equations of first and second order, homogeneous and non-homogeneous equations; improper integrals, Laplace transforms; review of infinite series, series solutions of ordinary differential equations near an ordinary point; boundary-value problems; orthogonal functions; Fourier series; separation of variables for partial differential equations.
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| (1-0-1) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Additional work in physical chemistry for transfer students to cover topics omitted from physical chemistry courses taken elsewhere.
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| (3-4-4) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Theory and practice of analytical chemistry. Topics include sampling techniques, potentiometric and conductometric titrations, chromatographic separations (gas and high-performance liquid chromatography), polarimetry, and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry.
Prerequisites: CH 116 (3-0-3)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Phase equilibria, properties of solutions, chemical equilibrium, strong and weak acids and bases, buffer solutions and titrations, solubility, thermodynamics, electrochemistry, properties of the elements and nuclear chemistry.
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CH 118 (0-3-1)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Laboratory work to accompany CH 116: analytical techniques properties of solutions, chemical and phase equilibria, acid-base titrations, thermodynamic properties, electrochemical cells, and properties of chemical elements.
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| (3-3-4) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Introduction to the study of molecular basis of inheritance. Starts with classical Mendelian genetics and proceeds to the study and function of DNA, gene expression and regulation in prokaryotes and eukaryotes, genome dynamics and the role of genes in development, and cancer. All topics include discussions of current research advances. Accompanied by laboratory section that explores the lecture topics in standard wet laboratory experiments and in computer simulations.
Prerequisites: CH 381 (3-3-4)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) The structure and function of the cell and its subcellular organelles is studied. Biological macromolecules, enzymes, biomembranes, biological transport, bioenergetics, DNA replication, protein synthesis and secretion, motility, and cancer are covered. Cell biology experiments and interactive computer simulation exercises are conducted in the laboratory.
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| (0-8-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Participation in a small group project, under the guidance of a faculty member, whose prior approval is required. Experimentation, application of chemical knowledge and developmental research leading to the implementation of a working chemical process. Individual or group written report required. Open to juniors and seniors only.
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| (0-8-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours)
Participation in a small group project, under the guidance of a faculty member, whose prior approval is required. Experimentation, application of chemical knowledge and developmental research leading to the implementation of a working chemical process. Individual or group written report required. Open to juniors and seniors only.
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| (0-8-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours)
Individual research project under the guidance of a chemistry faculty member, whose prior approval is required. A written report in acceptable journal format and an oral presentation are required at the end of the project. Senior students only. Ch 498 and Ch 499 cannot be taken simultaneously.
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| (0-8-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours)
Individual research project under the guidance of a chemistry faculty member, whose prior approval is required. A written report in acceptable journal format and an oral presentation are required at the end of the project. Senior students only. Ch 498 and Ch 499 cannot be taken simultaneously.
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Chemistry, Chemical Biology & Biomedical Engineering Department
Dr. Francis T. Jones, Director |