| (0-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Properties of fluids, fluid statics, mass, energy and momentum conservation principles, flow in pipes, major and minor energy losses, water pumps. Principles of flow in open channels, uniform flow computations, gradually varied flows, design of hydraulic structures, dimensional analyses and similitude principles.
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| (0-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Principles of engineering hydrology, the hydrologic cycle, rainfall – runoff relationships, hydrographs, hydrologic and hydraulic routing. Ground water resources. Planning and management of water resources. Probabilistic methods in water resources, reservoir design, water distribution systems.
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| (0-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) A second course in Mechanics of Materials that will introduce failure criteria, energy methods, beams on elastic foundation, curved beams, unsymmetric bending, buckling and theory of elasticity. The emphasis is on classical problems and solutions without numerical procedures.
Prerequisites: E 126 Mechanics of Solids (4-0-4)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Fundamental concepts of particle statics, equivalent force systems, equilibrium of rigid bodies, analysis of trusses and frames, forces in beam and machine parts, stress and strain, tension, shear and bending moment, flexure, combined loading, energy methods, statically indeterminate structures. Close |
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| (0-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Analysis of structures using methods of work, slope deflection and moment distribution; force acceleration and energy methods; variable moments of inertia; continuous beams, trusses and frames; arch analysis; plasticity and limit design; slab and shell structures.
Prerequisites: CE 373 Structural Analysis (3-0-3)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Shear and bending moment diagrams for beams and frames. Statically determinate trusses influence lines and moving loads, deflection of beams using moment-area and conjugate-beam methods, introduction to energy methods, deflection of beams and frames using unit-load method, introduction to statically indeterminate structures, approximal methods, moment-distribution and slope-deflection methods. Close |
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| (0-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) See EN520 course description. Corequisites: EN 520 Soil Behavior and its Role in Environmental Applications (0-0-3)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) An overview of soil mineralogy, soil formation, chemistry, and composition. Influence of the above factors in environmental engineering properties; study of colloidal phenomena; fate and transport of trace metals in sediments, soil fabric, and structure; conduction phenomena; and compressibility, strength, deformation properties, and stress-strain-time effects, as they pertain to environmental geotechnology applications (i.e., contaminated soil remediation, soil/solid waste stabilization, waste containment alternatives, soil-water-contaminant interactions, and contaminant transport). Close |
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| (0-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Principles of hydrology and their application to engineering projects, including the hydrologic cycle, measurement and interpretation of hydrologic variables, stochastic hydrology, flood routing and computer simulations in hydrology.
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| (0-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) This course is intended to provide graduate students with the tools necessary to simulate the water quality of a complex watershed. The course will focus on the development of models for examining the water quality and water quantity issues that are associated with watershed management. Students will learn various modeling technologies from simplistic mass balance models to more complex dynamic models. The models required for fully understanding the effects of both point and nonpoint sources of pollution on a natural waterway will be examined. The students will also develop an understanding of how to design a monitoring program to collect the data that are appropriate for simulating a natural system. Current state and federal guidelines and regulations will be discussed including the development of a wasteload allocation for a point source, a load allocation for a nonpoint source and a Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) for an impaired waterway. This course will not only provide the student with the tools necessary to simulate a watershed but also provide a keen insight into the watershed management process. The final project will require the students to work in teams to analyze a specific watershed.
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| (0-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Over the past two decades, there has been a rise in wetland mitigation projects across the country. The success of a wetland depends mainly on it hydrology. Central to the course will be the principle of water budgeting. This course will outline the hydrologic principles involved in freshwater and coastal wetland engineering. Dynamic and steady state mathematical modeling will be presented as techniques to estimate wetland hydrology.
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| (0-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) This course will introduce principles and applications of Nondestructive Evaluation (NDE) techniques, which are important in design, manufacturing, and maintenance. Most commonly used methods such as ultrasonic, magnetic, radiography, penetrates, and eddy currents will be discussed. Physical concepts behind each of these methods as well as practical examples of their applications will be emphasized.
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| (0-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) This course will be of significant importance in urbanplanning and construction management. The management of stormwater must be addressed for any modern development/construction project. This course will focus on the development of the runoff hydrograph, the design of storm drains and detention ponds, watershed characteristics for the existing and developed areas and regulations by both state and federal agencies.
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| (0-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) This course deals with the problems of managing a project. A project is defined as a temporary organization of human and nonhuman resources, within a permanent organization, for the purpose of achieving a specific objective. Both operational and conceptual issues will be considered. Operational issues include definition, planning, implementation, control and evaluation of the project; conceptual issues include project management vs. hierarchical management, matrix organization, project authority, motivation and morale. Cases will include construction management, chemical plant construction and other examples.
Prerequisites: CM 511 Construction Accounting (0-0-3)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) This course presents the principles of accounting for construction projects. Topics include elements of cost accounting, project accounting, and financial analysis used by the construction manager. Close |
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| (0-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) An advanced treatment of methods and techniques of soil testing. It entails the execution of tests, data presentation and data interpretation associated with soil mechanics practice and research. Tests include soil classification, compaction, shear strength, permeability soil-moisture extraction and soil compressibility. Use of microcomputers in data reduction and presentation.
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| (0-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) This course exposes the student to the physical principles underlying remote sensing of ocean, atmosphere, and land by electromagnetic and acoustic passive and active sensors: radars, lidars, infrared and microwaves thermal sensors, sonars, sodars, infrasound/seismic detectors. Topics include fundamental concepts of electromagnetic and acoustic wave interactions with oceanic, atmospheric, and land environment, as well as with natural and man-made objects. Examples from selected sensors will be used to illustrate the information extraction process, and applications of the data for environmental monitoring, oceanography, meteorology, and security/military objectives.
Prerequisites: E 246 Electronics and Instrumentation
(3-0-3)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Review of AC analysis, phasors, power, energy, node equations, transformers, maximum power transfer, Laplace transforms; Fourier series and transforms; filters; Bode plots; op-amps, ideal, difference, summing, integrating; Wheatstone bridge; strain gauge; position & pressure transducers; thermistors; instrumentation amplifiers; ideal diodes, full & ½ wave rectifiers; battery eliminator design; non-ideal diodes, non-linear analysis; junction transistors, DC models, saturation and cut-off; Boolean algebra; logic gates; A to D converters. Close |
PEP 112 Electricity and Magnetism (3-0-3)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Coulomb’s law, concepts of electric field and potential, Gauss’ law, capacitance, current and resistance, DC and R-C transient circuits, magnetic fields, Ampere’s law, Faraday’s law of induction, inductance, A/C circuits, electromagnetic oscillations, Maxwell’s equations and electromagnetic waves. Close |
PEP 201 Physcis II for Engineering Students (2-3-3)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Simple harmonic motion, oscillations and waves; wave-particle dualism; the Schrödinger equation and its interpretation; wave functions; the Heisenberg uncertainty principle; quantum mechanical tunneling and application; quantum mechanics of a particle in a "box," the hydrogen atom; electronic spin; properties of many electron atoms; atomic spectra; principles of lasers and applications; electrons in solids; conductors and semi-conductors; the n-p junction and the transistor; properties of atomic nuclei; radioactivity; fusion and fission. Close |
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| (0-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) An introduction to numerical and methods applied to civil and environmental engineering. Methods for solution of nonlinear equations, systems of linear equations, interpolation, regression, and solution of ordinary and partial differential equations. Applications include trusses, beams, river oxygen balances and adsorption isotherms. Several computer projects are required.
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| (0-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Identification and assessment of wind, flood, earthquake, surge, wave, tsunami, erosion, subsidence, and landslide hazards and their associated loading on the built environment, and comprehensive engineering and planning techniques presented to mitigate extreme loads generated by individual and multi-hazards in the natural environment.
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| (0-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Identification, assessment, and risk analysis of river and coastal flood hazards. Introduction to flood plain analysis, surge, and overland wave propagation. Development of flood, surge, and wave load analysis. Presentation of flood hazard mitigation techniques and engineering design of flood proofing techniques.
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| (0-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Ultimate Strength Design of beams, deep beams, slender columns, walls, two-way and plate slabs. Study of bending, shear, torsion, deflections, shrinkage, creep and temperature effects. Code Requirements.
Prerequisites: CE 484 Reinforced Concrete Design (3-0-3)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Ultimate strength design for bending and shear of rectangular sections, slabs, "T" sections and continuous beams, girders, columns, retaining walls and footings. Code requirements. Close |
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| (0-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Introduction to meteorology presents a cogent explanation of the fundamentals of atmospheric dynamics. The course begins with a discussion of the Earth's atmospheric system includingglobal circulation, climate, and the greenhouse effect. The basic conservation laws and the applications of the basic equations of motion are discussed in the context of synoptic scale meteorology.The thermodynamics of the atmosphere are derived based on the equation of state of the atmosphere with specific emphasison adiabatic and pseudo-adiabatic motions. The concept of atmospheric stability is presented in terms of the moist and dry lapse rate. The influence of the planetary boundary layer on atmospheric motions is presented with emphasis on topographic and open ocean frictional effects, temperature discontinuity between land and sea, and the generation of sea breezes. The mesocale dynamics of tornadoes and hurricanes are discussed as well as the cyclogenesis of extratropical coast allows. The course makes use of a multitude of web-based prducts including interactive learning sites, weather forecasts from the National Weather Service (NWS), tropical predictions from the National Hurrican Center and NWS model outputs (AVN, NGM, ETA, and WAM).
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| (0-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) . A design oriented course in which geotechnical engineering principles are applied to the computer-aided design of shallow and pile foundations, bulkheads and retaining walls. The course also deals with advanced soil mechanics concepts as applied to the determination of lateral earth pressures needed for the design of retaining walls.
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| (0-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Review of matrix algebra; the strain tensor, including higher order terms; the stress tensor; derivation of the linear form of Hooke's law and the higher order form of Hooke's law; equilibrium equations, boundary conditions and compatibility conditions; applications to the bending and torsion problems; variational and approximate methods of solving the Dirichlet type boundary value problems with particular application to the torsion problem. Fall semester.
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| (0-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Buckling failure of beams, columns, plates and shells in the elastic and plastic range; postbuckling strength of plates; application of variational principles.
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| (0-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Bending of laterally loaded plates of various shapes and edge conditions; large deflection of plates; membrane stresses in shells; bending of cylindrical shells; energy solutions. Spring semester
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| (0-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Formulation of structural theory based on matrix algebra; discussion of force method and displacement method; use of matrix transformation chain in structural analysis; application to indeterminate structures, space frames, vibration and buckling of structures; computer application. Spring semester.
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| (0-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Analysis of structures using methods of work, slope deflection and moment distribution; force acceleration and energy methods; variable moments of inertia; continuous beams, trusses and frames; arch analysis; plasticity and limit design; slab and shell structures. Fall semester.
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| (0-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) This course will concentrate on the typical highway bridge design and analysis. The design will be based on the current AASHTO specifications and other applicable codes. Major topics will include detailing and seismic design considerations. In addition, emphasis will be placed on inspection procedures and the development of contract plans, specifications and construction cost estimating. Grading for the course will be based on a midterm exam and a comprehensive design project. Included in the scope of the project will be the design of the superstructure and substructure, the development of influence lines and a construction cost estimate.
Prerequisites: CE 483 Geotechnical Engineering (3-3-3)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Elementary concepts of engineering geology and solid mechanics: applications to the solution of design problems; classification of soils; theory of soil strength; lateral pressure and retaining walls; slope stability; stress distribution theory and settlement predictions; bearing capacity and design of shallow foundations; seepage analysis; consolidation theory; laboratory tests. The course is accompanied by concurrent weekly laboratory sessions where students are introduced to the basic concepts of geotechnical testing in a hands-on fashion. Close |
CE 484 Reinforced Concrete Design (3-0-3)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Ultimate strength design for bending and shear of rectangular sections, slabs, "T" sections and continuous beams, girders, columns, retaining walls and footings. Code requirements. Close |
CE 486 Structural Steel Design (3-0-3)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) ASD and LRFD design for tension members, beams and columns. Design of steel frame systems. Code requirements. Close |
CE 519 Advanced Structural Analysis (0-0-3)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Analysis of structures using methods of work, slope deflection and moment distribution; force acceleration and energy methods; variable moments of inertia; continuous beams, trusses and frames; arch analysis; plasticity and limit design; slab and shell structures. Close |
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| (0-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Introduction to theory of structural dynamics with emphasis on civil engineering problems. One-degree systems; lumped parameter and multi-degree systems; approximate methods; analysis and design applications using computers.
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| (0-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) A new approach to the overall earthquake-engineering problem is presented in a form that may be utilized by engineering design offices. New earthquake invariants are obtained. The emphasis is placed on the two major topics (1) damage assessment and (2) structural design, but some consideration is also given to the development of a new "mechanism" theory consistent with deep-foci earthquakes. The fundamental data bases the sources for the basic hypotheses and the resultant theories are the accelerograms and the isoseismal maps. These lead to temporal and spacewise energy variations that are the key elements in the theoretical approach.
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| | (0-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Wind characteristics; deterministic and stochastic response; static wind effects and building code; effects of lateral forces; dynamic effects; self-excited motion, flutter, galloping and vortex-induced vibration; tornado and hurricane effects; case studies on tall buildings, long-span bridges, etc.
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| (0-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Basic concepts of prestressing, partial loss of prestress, flexural design, shear, torsion, camber, deflection, indeterminate prestressed structures, connections, and prestressed circular tanks.
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| (0-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Potential flows around bodies: Panel singularities methods and conformal mapping methods. Finite-difference and spectral methods for Poisson equations: numerical inversion of matrices, potential flows in or around irregular domains. Consistency, stability and convergence of numerical methods: linear stability analysis. Numerical methods for diffusion equations: methods for ordinary differential equations. One-dimensional Burgers equation: nonlinear problems, Newton iteration, error analysis. Numerical methods for stream function vorticity equations: flows in or around irregular domains. Current research in computational fluid dynamics: discussions. Four (4) exercise projects and one (1) examination project will be assigned to each student.
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| (0-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) A course of lectures dealing with the design, performance and quality control of earth supporting structures. It includes an outline of the available methods of evaluating slope stability by field studies, numerical computer analysis and hand calculations. Finally, the last portion of the course covers the principles involved in the design and construction of earth and rockfill dams including such topics as soil compaction, hydraulic fill dams, design criteria, seepage control, slope stability analyses, seismic design and case history studies.
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| (0-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) The design of an effective and proper system for the distribution of potable water for domestic, institutional, commercial, and industrial use, requires an understanding of the principles of planning, design and construction of pipe networks. This course will focus on the critical elements of planning, design, and modeling of a water distribution systems.
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| (0-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Drainage design includes watershed analysis combined with hydrologic and hydraulic computations. The basic laws of drainage design will be discussed including the environmental and economic implications. Regulations pertinent to the area will also be addressed. Concepts of open channel, pressure and gravity flow will be discussed. Mathematical and computer models will be used to educate the engineer in the techniques available in industry. These models combined with the mathematical principals presented will aid the engineer in developing the best possible design for a particular region.
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| (0-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Water is probably the most used, the most abused, and the most taken for granted natural resource. Few people realize what is involved in the planning and building of urban water-distribution and management systems. Environmental costs must also be considered when analyzing any water resources project. Efforts continue toward conservation and environmental protection, which increases the need for engineers to be educated in the behavior of water as it moves through the water cycle. This course will address the modern day hydrologic processes, the mathematical and scientific processes for hydrology and introduce several models commonly used in industry. These models will aid the engineer in analyzing the hydrologic processes of a particular region and help provide the best solution for a very sensitive issue.
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| (0-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours)
The objective of the course is to provide the students with exposure to the geotechnical nature of environmental problems. The topics covered include: principles of geochemistry, contaminant transport and hydrogeology; an overview of landfill liners and other disposal facilities and their design, construction, safe operation, performance monitoring, structural and physicochemical stability; an overview of the general principles governing the design, implementation and monitoring of existing remediation technologies with special emphasis on stabilization/solidification, vapor extraction, bioremediation, soil washing, pump and treat, cover systems and alternative containment systems such as slurry walls. A concurrent laboratory section introduces the student to the chemical analyses, absorption behavior, mineralogical and crystallographical identification and characterization of various waste forms as they pertain to surface chemistry considerations. The main emphasis of the course consists of providing hands-on experience with analyses involving the use of spectrometric, X-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscope equipment. See EN654 course description.
Prerequisites: EN 520 (0-0-3)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) An overview of soil mineralogy, soil formation, chemistry, and composition. Influence of the above factors in environmental engineering properties; study of colloidal phenomena; fate and transport of trace metals in sediments, soil fabric, and structure; conduction phenomena; and compressibility, strength, deformation properties, and stress-strain-time effects, as they pertain to environmental geotechnology applications (i.e., contaminated soil remediation, soil/solid waste stabilization, waste containment alternatives, soil-water-contaminant interactions, and contaminant transport).
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| (0-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Ultimate Strength Design, deep beams, torsion, deflections, shrinkage, creep and temperature effects, biaxially loaded columns, slender columns, walls, two-way and plate slabs.
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| (0-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) An introduction to the applied nonlinear regression, multiple regression and time-series methods for modeling civil and environmental engineering processes. Topics include: coefficient estimation of linear and nonlinear models; construction of multivariate transfer function models; modeling of linear and nonlinear systems; forecast and prediction using multiple regression and time series models; statistical quality control techniques; ANOVA tables and analysis of model residuals. Applications include monitoring and control of wastewater treatment plants, hydrologic-climatic histories of watercourses, and curve-fitting of experimental and field data.
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| (0-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) A concise introduction for advanced undergraduate and graduate engineering students. Includes numerical discretization, finite-differences, variational principle, weighted residual method, Galerkin approximations, continuous and piecewise-defined basis functions, finite-element methods, computer coding of one-dimensional problems, triangular elements - coding of two-dimensional problems, time-dependent problems.
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| (0-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) This course will provide an understanding of the hydraulic equipment design associated with integrated water and wastewater facilities. Topics include manifold pipe flow, sludge flow, multiport diffusers, open channel flow, flow measurement, hydraulic control points, chemical feed hydraulics, pump and valve selection and hydraulics, and use of computer tools for pump selection and sizing.
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| (0-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Development of advective-diffusion equations for conservative and non-conservative substances. Fickian diffusion, turbulent diffusion, shear flow dispersion. Description and specification of mixing processes in rivers, reservoirs and estuaries. Methods and analyses of conservative dye tracer studies. Monte Carlo simulations of diffusion processes, and numerical models for simulation of advection diffusion processes in rivers and estuaries.
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| (0-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Fundamentals of open channel flows; types of open channels and their properties; velocity distribution in open channels. Specific energy, momentum and specific force principles; critical flows; principles of uniform flow and its computation. Gradually varied flow; channel transitions and controls. Rapidly varied flow; hydraulic jump and energy dissipaters. Unsteady flows; waves and wave propagation; flood routing. Applications of numerical methods in hydraulic engineering.
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| (0-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Design of small canal and small dam structures including sharp and broad crested weirs, stilling basins, energy dissipaters, spillways, gates, flumes, sluice gates, erosion control structures and transmission pipe lines.
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| (0-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Introduction to meteorology presents a cogent explanation of the fundamentals of atmospheric dynamics. The course begins with a discussion of the Earth?s atmospheric system including global circulation, climate and the greenhouse effect. The basic conservation laws and the applications of the basic equations of motion are discussed in the context of synoptic scale meteorology. The thermodynamics of the atmosphere are derived based on the equation of state of the atmosphere with specific emphasis on adiabatic and pseudo-adiabatic motions. The concept of atmospheric stability is presented in terms of the moist and dry lapse rate. The influence of the planetary boundary layer on atmospheric motions is presented with emphasis on topographic and open-ocean frictional effects, temperature discontinuity between land and sea and the generation of sea breezes. The mesoscale dynamics of tornadoes and hurricanes are discussed as well as the cyclogenesis of extratropical coast allows. The course makes use of a multitude of web-based products including interactive learning sites, weather forecasts from the National Weather Service (NWS), tropical predictions from the National Hurricane Center and NWS model outputs (AVN, NGM, ETA, and WAM).
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| (0-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) This graduate course will introduce the applications of multiscale theory and computational techniques in the fields of materials and mechanics. Students will obtain fundamental knowledge on homogenization and heterogeneous materials, and be exposed to various sequential and concurrent multiscale techniques. The first half of the course will be focused on the homogenization theory and its applications in heterogeneous materials. In the second half multiscale computational techniques will be addressed through multiscale finite element methods and atomistic/continuum computing. Students are expected to develop their own course projects based on their research interests and the relevant topics learned from the course.
Prerequisites: CE 518 (0-0-3)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) A second course in Mechanics of Materials that will introduce failure criteria, energy methods, beams on elastic foundation, curved beams, unsymmetric bending, buckling and theory of elasticity. The emphasis is on classical problems and solutions without numerical procedures.
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CE 681 (0-0-3)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) A concise introduction for advanced undergraduate and graduate engineering students. Includes numerical discretization, finite-differences, variational principle, weighted residual method, Galerkin approximations, continuous and piecewise-defined basis functions, finite-element methods, computer coding of one-dimensional problems, triangular elements - coding of two-dimensional problems, time-dependent problems.
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E 234 (3-0-3)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Concepts of heat and work; First and Second Laws for closed and open systems including steady processes and cycles; thermodynamic properties of substances and interrelationships; phase change and phase equilibrium; chemical reactions and chemical equilibrium; representative applications. Introduction to energy conversion systems, including direct energy conversion in fuel-cells, photo-voltaic systems, etc.
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| (0-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) This graduate course will introduce the applications of multiscale theory and computational techniques in the fields of materials and mechanics. Students will obtain fundamental knowledge on homogenization and heterogeneous materials, and be exposed to various sequential and concurrent multiscale techniques. The first half of the course will be focused on the homogenization theory and its applications in heterogeneous materials. In the second half multiscale computational techniques will be addressed through multiscale finite element methods and atomistic/continuum computing. Students are expected to develop their own course projects based on their research interests and the relevant topics learned from the course.
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| (0-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) This course will focus on the design of hydraulic structures including small dams, spillways, weirs and culverts. These are complex structures, the design of which must account for the water forces, which act upon them as well as their impacts upstream and downstream. Structural topics will be covered along with backwater curves and downstream effects. Models such as the US Army HEC II and HEC RAS will be used to model the associated hydraulic impacts of these structures. Structural models will also be used were appropriate to assist in the design of the structures. Environmental and economic implications of hydraulic structures will also be addressed.
Prerequisites: CE 525 (0-0-3)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Principles of hydrology and their application to engineering projects, including the hydrologic cycle, measurement and interpretation of hydrologic variables, stochastic hydrology, flood routing and computer simulations in hydrology.
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CE 685 (0-0-3)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Fundamentals of open channel flows; types of open channels and their properties; velocity distribution in open channels. Specific energy, momentum and specific force principles; critical flows; principles of uniform flow and its computation. Gradually varied flow; channel transitions and controls. Rapidly varied flow; hydraulic jump and energy dissipaters. Unsteady flows; waves and wave propagation; flood routing. Applications of numerical methods in hydraulic engineering.
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| (0-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Advanced topics in soil mechanics and geotechnology. Application of theory of elasticity to geotechnical problems; two and three dimensional consolidation theories; settlement analysis, strength of soils.
Prerequisites: CE 595 (0-0-3)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) . A design oriented course in which geotechnical engineering principles are applied to the computer-aided design of shallow and pile foundations, bulkheads and retaining walls. The course also deals with advanced soil mechanics concepts as applied to the determination of lateral earth pressures needed for the design of retaining walls.
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| (0-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) An advanced seminar course concerned with recent research developments in civil engineering. Areas of concentration can be in Structures, Geotechnical, Earthquake, or Environmental Engineering. The topics are subject to current faculty and student interests. The student must have completed certain prerequisite courses and can enroll only with the consent of the instructor.
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| (0-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) One to six credits. Limit of six credits for the degree of Master of Engineering (Civil).
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| (0-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) A thorough investigation of an advanced research topic under the direction of a faculty member.
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| (0-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) One to six credits. Limit of six credits for the degree of Civil Engineer.
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| (0-0-5) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) For the degree of Master of Engineering (Civil).
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| (0-0-8) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Design project for the degree of Civil Engineer.
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| (0-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Original research of advanced level in Civil Engineering, which may serve as the topics for the dissertations for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy.
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Environmental Engineering |
| (0-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) This course will focus on the relationship and impact that international relations, international business, and foreign policy have on world trade, commerce, and finance. The course will provide the student with a better understanding of how the complexity of international differences affects political, economic, and cultural behaviors. Among the topics for discussion: the content and scope of international politics, the international struggle for power, the role and impact of non-governmental organizations, foreign policy as a tool for promoting international commerce, the role of international law and world public opinion, the rise of regionalism, the political economy of international trade.
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| (0-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) An introduction to environmental engineering, including: environmental legislation; water usage and conservation; water chemistry including pH and alkalinity relationships, solubility and phase equilibria; environmental biology; fate and transport of contaminants in lakes, streams and groundwater; design and analysis of mechanical, physicochemical and biochemical water and wastewater treatment processes.
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| (3-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) An introduction to the principles and control of air pollution, including: types and measurement of air pollution; air pollution chemistry; atmospheric dispersion modeling; compressible fluid flow; particle dynamics; ventilation systems; inertial devices; electrostatic precipitators; scrubbers; filters; absorption and adsorption; combustion; and condensation.
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| (0-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) An overview of soil mineralogy, soil formation, chemistry, and composition. Influence of the above factors in environmental engineering properties; study of colloidal phenomena; fate and transport of trace metals in sediments, soil fabric, and structure; conduction phenomena; and compressibility, strength, deformation properties, and stress-strain-time effects, as they pertain to environmental geotechnology applications (i.e., contaminated soil remediation, soil/solid waste stabilization, waste containment alternatives, soil-water-contaminant interactions, and contaminant transport).
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| (3-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Description of fundamental processes in natural and engineered systems, including intermedia transport of contaminants between environmental compartments (air, water, soil, and biota) and chemical and biochemical transformations within these compartments.
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| (0-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) The impact of engineering projects on the physical, cultural, and socioeconomic environment, and preparation of environmental impact statements, regulatory framework, and compliance procedures. Topics include: major federal and state environmental regulations, environmental permitting processes, environmental impact analysis and assessment, risk assessment and risk management, and regulatory compliance.
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| (0-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) This course addresses the environmental management of engineering projects from the research through the development, operation, maintenance, and ultimate disposal phases. Topics include: impacts of exploitation of raw materials and energy resources and transportation; pollution from use and ultimate disposal of products; and economics of environmental resources.
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| (0-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) The purpose of this course is to teach engineers how to incorporate environmental principles in the design and manufacturing of various products and engineering systems. Topics include: economics and cost-benefit analysis, pollution prevention, recycling, concurrent design, facility citing, risk perception, and case studies.
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| (0-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) There is little doubt that the different types of risk assessment - health, safety, and ecological - are playing an increasingly important role in environmental decision-making and risk management. Guided by several examples and case studies, participants in this course learn to understand the basic concepts of environmental hazards and the different types of risk assessment. The student will conduct human health risk assessments and appreciate the wide array of applications, as well as the advantages and limitations of risk assessments; interpret and present the results of risk assessments to provide linkages with risk management; and apply the principles of integrated risk management.
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| (3-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) An introduction to the science underlying the description of atmospheric processes and air pollution control, including: composition of atmosphere; sources, transport, and fate of pollutants; chemical and photochemical reactions; properties of aerosols and effects of air pollution on climate and water; and adsorption, absorption, filtration, and chemical destruction pollutants in air pollution control systems.
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| (3-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Soil is a mixture of inorganic and organic solids, air, water, and microorganisms. Soil affects the environmental chemistry through the interactions at solution-solid and air-solid interfaces, and the soil in turn is affected by the environmental and human activities. Soil science is not only important to agriculture, but also to diverse fields, such as environmental engineering, biogeochemistry, and hydrology. This course will enable students to understand the chemical properties of soil, soil minerals, natural surfaces, and mechanisms regulating solute chemistry in soil solutions. The fate and transport of inorganic and organic pollutants in soil and soil remediation technologies are discussed. One year of introductory chemistry is required for students who want to take this course.
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| (0-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Fundamental and advanced topics in groundwater engineering analysis and design. Aquifers and well aquifer relationships; aquifer tests by well methods; in situ permeability determination; and flow nets. Seepage principles and seepage control measures; filter and drain design; and computer methods in groundwater engineering.
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| (0-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) This course exposes the student to the physical principles underlying remote sensing of ocean, atmosphere, and land by electromagnetic and acoustic passive and active sensors: radars, lidars, infrared and microwaves thermal sensors, sonars, sodars, infrasound/seismic detectors. Topics include fundamental concepts of electromagnetic and acoustic wave interactions with oceanic, atmospheric, and land environment, as well as with natural and man-made objects. Examples from selected sensors will be used to illustrate the information extraction process, and applications of the data for environmental monitoring, oceanography, meteorology, and security/military objectives.
Prerequisites: E 246 Electronics and Instrumentation
(3-0-3)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Review of AC analysis, phasors, power, energy, node equations, transformers, maximum power transfer, Laplace transforms; Fourier series and transforms; filters; Bode plots; op-amps, ideal, difference, summing, integrating; Wheatstone bridge; strain gauge; position & pressure transducers; thermistors; instrumentation amplifiers; ideal diodes, full & ½ wave rectifiers; battery eliminator design; non-ideal diodes, non-linear analysis; junction transistors, DC models, saturation and cut-off; Boolean algebra; logic gates; A to D converters. Close |
PEP 112 Electricity and Magnetism (3-0-3)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Coulomb’s law, concepts of electric field and potential, Gauss’ law, capacitance, current and resistance, DC and R-C transient circuits, magnetic fields, Ampere’s law, Faraday’s law of induction, inductance, A/C circuits, electromagnetic oscillations, Maxwell’s equations and electromagnetic waves. Close |
PEP 201 Physcis II for Engineering Students (2-3-3)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Simple harmonic motion, oscillations and waves; wave-particle dualism; the Schrödinger equation and its interpretation; wave functions; the Heisenberg uncertainty principle; quantum mechanical tunneling and application; quantum mechanics of a particle in a "box," the hydrogen atom; electronic spin; properties of many electron atoms; atomic spectra; principles of lasers and applications; electrons in solids; conductors and semi-conductors; the n-p junction and the transistor; properties of atomic nuclei; radioactivity; fusion and fission. Close |
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| (3-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Principles of environmental reactions with emphasis on aquatic chemistry; reaction and phase equilibria; acid-base and carbonate systems; oxidation-reduction; colloids; organic contaminants classes, sources, and fates; groundwater chemistry; and atmospheric chemistry.
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| (3-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) A study of the chemical and physical operation involved in treatment of potable water, industrial process water, and wastewater effluent; topics include chemical precipitation, coagulation, flocculation, sedimentation, filtration, disinfection, ion exchange, oxidation, adsorption, flotation, and membrane processes. A physical-chemical treatment plant design project is an integral part of the course. The approach of unit operations and unit processes is stressed.
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| (3-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Biological basis of wastewater treatment; river systems and wastewater treatment works analogy; population dynamics; food sources; aerobic and anaerobic systems; reaction kinetics and parameters affecting waste removal; fundamentals of mass transfer and gas transfer; trickling filter, and activated sludge process; aerated lagoons; stabilization ponds; nitrification; denitrification; sludge concentration; aerobic sludge digestion; anaerobic sludge digestio and sludge conditioning; sludge drying, vacuum filtration; and incineration and ocean disposal. A biological treatment plant design project is an integral part of the course.
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| (3-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) A survey of biological topics concerning the environment: ecology, population dynamics, pollution microbiology, aquatic biology, bioconcentration, limnology, stream sanitation, nutrient cycles, and toxicology.
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| (0-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) A comprehensive introduction to hazardous waste management, including laws and regulations, identification and analysis, risk assessment, and techniques and technologies for control and treatment.
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| | (0-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) A survey of legal and regulatory approaches to environmental protection. Topics include: environmental ethics, National Environmental Policy Act, State and Federal environmental agencies; and the Clean Water Act, Safe Drinking Water Act, Superfund, Resource Recovery and Conservation Act, Right-to-Know, Environmental Cleanup Responsibility Act, and wetlands protection.
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| (0-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) This course covers the environmental and health aspects of nanotechnology. It presents an overview of nanotechnology along with characterization and properties of nanomaterials. The course material covers the biotoxicity and ecotoxicity of nanomaterials. A sizable part of the course is devoted to discussions about the application of nanotechnology for environmental remediation along with discussions about fate and transport of nanomaterials. Special emphasis is given to risk assessment and risk management of nanomaterials, ethical and legal aspects of nanotechnology, and nano-industry and nano-entrepreneurship.
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| (0-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) This course is designed to introduce students to the state-of-the-art techniques in spill response planning. Numerical and analytical techniques for the prediction of fate and effects of in-water spills are discussed. Spill cleanup technologies are introduced, including mechanical (e.g., booms and skimmers), chemical (e.g., dispersants), and biological. Students are instructed in the essential steps toward developing an effective spill response plan. Special attention is paid to the influence of spill characteristics and environmental factors - waves, currents, shoreline geometry, sensitive ecological areas, etc. - in the selection of an appropriate planning strategy. Examples are given of existing spill response plans in the New York/New Jersey region, and case studies of actual spills are discussed as a means of providing students with an understanding of the complexities of operational spill response planning.
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| (0-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Laboratory verification of theoretical concepts involved in design and analysis of unit operations and unit processes for environmental pollution control and conservation. Laboratory investigations include mixing, coagulation, flocculation, sedimentation, filtration, vacuum operations, flotation, disinfection, corrosion control, chemical precipitation, adsorption, ion exchange, membrane processes, biological oxidation and anaerobic digestion.
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| (0-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Soil is a mixture of inorganic and organic solids, air, water, and microorganisms. Soil affects the environmental chemistry through the interactions at solution-solid and air-solid interfaces, and the soil in turn is affected by the environmental and human activities. Soil science is not only important to agriculture, but also to diverse fields, such as environmental engineering, biogeochemistry, and hydrology. This course will enable students to understand the chemical properties of soil, soil minerals, natural of surfaces, and mechanisms regulating solute chemistry in soil solutions. The fate and transport of inorganic and organic pollutants in soil, and soil remediation technologies are discussed.
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| (0-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) The objective of the course is to provide the students with exposure to the geotechnical nature of environmental problems. The topics covered include: principles of geochemistry, contaminant transport, and hydrogeology; an overview of landfill liners and other disposal facilities and their design, construction, safe operation, performance monitoring, structural, and physicochemical stability; an overview of the general principles governing the design, implementation, and monitoring of existing remediation technologies with special emphasis on stabilization/solidification, vapor extraction, bioremediation, soil washing, pump and treat, cover systems, and alternative containment systems such as slurry walls. A concurrent laboratory section introduces the student to the chemical analyses, absorption behavior, mineralogical, and crystallographical identification and characterization of various waste forms as they pertain to surface chemistry considerations. The main emphasis of the course consists of providing hands-on experience with analyses involving the use of spectrometric, X-ray diffraction, and scanning electron microscope equipment.
Prerequisites: EN 520 (0-0-3)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) An overview of soil mineralogy, soil formation, chemistry, and composition. Influence of the above factors in environmental engineering properties; study of colloidal phenomena; fate and transport of trace metals in sediments, soil fabric, and structure; conduction phenomena; and compressibility, strength, deformation properties, and stress-strain-time effects, as they pertain to environmental geotechnology applications (i.e., contaminated soil remediation, soil/solid waste stabilization, waste containment alternatives, soil-water-contaminant interactions, and contaminant transport).
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| (0-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Incorporation of fundamental reaction and transport phenomena into mass balances to describe the fate and transport of contaminants in lakes, rivers, estuaries, groundwater, the atmosphere, and in pollution-control processes. Several computer projects involving numerical solutions of models are required.
Prerequisites: CE 565 (0-0-3)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) An introduction to numerical and methods applied to civil and environmental engineering. Methods for solution of nonlinear equations, systems of linear equations, interpolation, regression, and solution of ordinary and partial differential equations. Applications include trusses, beams, river oxygen balances and adsorption isotherms. Several computer projects are required.
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EN 541 (3-0-3)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Description of fundamental processes in natural and engineered systems, including intermedia transport of contaminants between environmental compartments (air, water, soil, and biota) and chemical and biochemical transformations within these compartments.
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| (0-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) This course deals with processes in the coastal ocean and in estuaries that affect the transport and dispersion of materials floating on the surface, dissolved in the water or in suspension. Topics include: fundamentals of surface wave mechanics, wind-generated surface waves, wind-generated currents, Ekman transport and upwelling, estuarine characteristics and buoyancy-driven circulation, and estuarine-coastal ocean exchange processes.
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| (0-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Fundamental concepts in groundwater hydrology and pollution, occurrence, and movement of groundwater; flow nets; well hydraulics; and numerical methods in groundwater hydraulics. Chemical properties of groundwater, sources, and effects of contamination; principles of mathematical modeling of containment transport in groundwater; and numerical methods in groundwater pollution.
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| (0-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) This course will provide the student with a thorough understanding of soil and groundwater remediation technologies including fundamental principles, site applicability, remedial alternatives, and selection, planning and design of remedial systems, field implementation and economics.
Prerequisites: EN 686 (0-0-3)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Fundamental concepts in groundwater hydrology and pollution, occurrence, and movement of groundwater; flow nets; well hydraulics; and numerical methods in groundwater hydraulics. Chemical properties of groundwater, sources, and effects of contamination; principles of mathematical modeling of containment transport in groundwater; and numerical methods in groundwater pollution.
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| (0-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) An advanced treatment of flow and mass transport in porous media; fluid and porous matrix properties; mathematical description of flow and mass transport in fully and partially saturated soils; diffusion and hydrodynamic dispersion processes; analytical-numerical and conformal mapping techniques for the solution of the governing equations; development of computer models for prediction of flow and contaminant transport in variably saturated soils.
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| (0-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Principles of process design and economics are integrated through open-ended problem-solving situations. Topics include process selection, feasibility studies, equipment design and scale-up, costing and economics, optimization, process identification and control, operation and maintenance, and permitting and other regulatory issues.
Prerequisites: EN 571 (3-0-3)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) A study of the chemical and physical operation involved in treatment of potable water, industrial process water, and wastewater effluent; topics include chemical precipitation, coagulation, flocculation, sedimentation, filtration, disinfection, ion exchange, oxidation, adsorption, flotation, and membrane processes. A physical-chemical treatment plant design project is an integral part of the course. The approach of unit operations and unit processes is stressed.
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EN 573 (3-0-3)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Biological basis of wastewater treatment; river systems and wastewater treatment works analogy; population dynamics; food sources; aerobic and anaerobic systems; reaction kinetics and parameters affecting waste removal; fundamentals of mass transfer and gas transfer; trickling filter, and activated sludge process; aerated lagoons; stabilization ponds; nitrification; denitrification; sludge concentration; aerobic sludge digestion; anaerobic sludge digestio and sludge conditioning; sludge drying, vacuum filtration; and incineration and ocean disposal. A biological treatment plant design project is an integral part of the course.
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| (0-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Advanced topics in separation processes for environmental applications in the mass and energy transfer areas. Topics include distillation, absorption, stripping, membrane-based separation processes, thermal destruction of hazardous wastes, supercritical fluid extraction for soils and solid wastes, utilization and development of computer models for process plant design, optimization, and simulation.
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| (0-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) An investigation of tools to identify nonlinear processes and relationships. Mathematical tools covered include nonlinear regression, artificial neural networks, and multivariate polynomial regression. Applications include mass transfer correlations, prediction of drinking water quality, and modeling of wastewater treatment processes. Prerequisites: CE 679 or equivalent, and permission of instructor.
Prerequisites: CE 679 (0-0-3)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) An introduction to the applied nonlinear regression, multiple regression and time-series methods for modeling civil and environmental engineering processes. Topics include: coefficient estimation of linear and nonlinear models; construction of multivariate transfer function models; modeling of linear and nonlinear systems; forecast and prediction using multiple regression and time series models; statistical quality control techniques; ANOVA tables and analysis of model residuals. Applications include monitoring and control of wastewater treatment plants, hydrologic-climatic histories of watercourses, and curve-fitting of experimental and field data.
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| (0-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) One to six credits. Limit of six credits for the degree of Master of Engineering (Environmental).
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| (0-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) A thorough investigation of an advanced research topic under the direction of a faculty member. The course is open to students who are or plan to be doctoral candidates. One to six credits for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy.
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| (0-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) For the degree of Master of Engineering (Environmental). Five to ten credits with departmental approval.
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| (0-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Original research of advanced level in Environmental Engineering which may serve as the topic for the dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. Credits to be arranged.
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| (0-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Geophysical description of the earth; the extent, shape. and structure of ocean basins; relief of the sea floor; chemistry of sea water; geochemical balances; physical properties of water and sea water; solar and terrestrial radiation; evaporation and precipitation over the oceans; dissolved gases in sea water; distribution of variables; and general oceanic circulation.
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| (0-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Seminar course in which you report on selected topics in ocean engineering. Emphasis is on the problems encountered in performing engineering tasks in the ocean and methods employed to surmount them. Students are encouraged to devise alternate methods to improve existing techniques.
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| (0-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) An introductory course intended to acquaint students with the various components of maritime systems, including shorefront and inland infrastructure and waterborne (vessel) transportation technologies. Students are introduced to the concepts of port and marine terminal design, cargo handling equipment and optimization, and intermodal transportation networks. The course emphasizes the application of new and emerging technologies to enhance port productivity, drawing on developments within an array of fields, including naval architecture, civil and ocean engineering, and systems engineering. Students are provided with practical examples of the application of these concepts in actual port design projects.
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| (0-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) This course is intended to provide a basic understanding of the ocean environment, hydrodynamic loads and the design of marine and coastal structures. Basic hydrodynamics and linear wave theory will be introduced. Essential elements of coastal structure design will be covered including: the determination of design parameters, hydraulic performance,and structural stability. Interaction between floating and fixed marine structures such as vessels and off-shore platform components will beintroduced through the following topics: hydrodynamic loads based on linear wave theory; breaking wave loads; application of Morisons equation in load predictions; fluid-induced vibration phenomena such as vortex-induced vibration and flutter; and motion response of floating structures to wave excitation. The discussion of these topics will emphasize application for engineering analysis.
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| (3-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Overview of maritime industry; types and purposes of commercial and naval ships; introduction to various disciplines of naval engineering; concepts of hydrostatics, resistance, and propulsion; overview of ship systems and general arrangements; introduction to towing tanks and model testing methodology; overview of preliminary ship design with brief group design project; and basics of ship building, operation, repair, and maintenance.
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| (0-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Basic principles and design calculations in naval architecture; terminology, delineation of hull form, loading and stability, trim, and effects of flooding; freeboard and tonnage regulations; introduction to design of hull structure; nature of resistance and its variation with hull form and proportions; and introduction to propellers and propulsion. Basic theories in maneuvering and sea-keeping characteristics, computer application in naval architecture, and ship design.
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| (0-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Basic principles and design calculations in naval architecture as an extension of OE 525 PNA course with emphasis placed on the application of computers. Computer-aided studies of hull-forms, intact stability, damaged stability, resistance and propulsion characteristics, course-keeping analysis, and ship motion predictions. Problems in the area of naval architecture will be considered on computers through time-sharing systems.
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| (0-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Solution of problems in naval architecture through model testing, actually conducting a wide variety of model tests at Davidson Laboratory, and prediction of prototype performance.
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| (0-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Computer-aided design procedures to achieve mission requirements for various ship types through design spirals. Determination of major dimension and performance analysis during preliminary design stage. Computer graphics on mainframe and microcomputers as design tools. Pertinent design procedures are covered in a computer-aided manner.
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| (0-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) This course introduces students to international and national safety and security issues of importance to officials in the maritime industry, including the UN International Maritime Organization, U.S. Coast Guard, vessel owners and operators, marine facility management, and Port Authorities. Risk-based analyses are performed to assess safety and security concerns related to vessel and shore labor practices, navigational safety including cargo (e.g., oil spills) and vessel traffic (e.g., collisions) movements, Maritime Domain Awareness, sensor technology, and potential terrorist activities. Students receive instruction in the procedures required for the identification, analysis, prevention, and mitigation of safety and security problems associated with the various threats to human safety, vessels, critical infrastructure, and sensitive marine environments. Students are introduced to the concepts of risk assessment and management, vessel traffic management systems, ship and port security planning, facility contingency planning, and event response planning. State, Federal, and international regulations and guidelines related to maritime safety and security are discussed. Case studies from the New York/New Jersey region and other port regions are employed in the delivery of this instruction.
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| (0-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Calculation of hydrostatic curves to determine trim and sinkage of sailing yachts, static and dynamic stability, calculation of resistance and side force by expansion of tank test results, sail force coefficients, prediction of comparative performance based on tank test results, application of lifting surface theory to the design of keel and rudder, and consideration of structural strength and stiffness.
Prerequisites: OE 525 Principles of Naval Architecture (0-0-3)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Basic principles and design calculations in naval architecture; terminology, delineation of hull form, loading and stability, trim, and effects of flooding; freeboard and tonnage regulations; introduction to design of hull structure; nature of resistance and its variation with hull form and proportions; and introduction to propellers and propulsion. Basic theories in maneuvering and sea-keeping characteristics, computer application in naval architecture, and ship design. Close |
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| (3-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) This course is the first one of a two-course sequence and the focus will be on marine engineerign aspects and machinery considerations. Topics covered in this course include: Diesel engines, steam turbines and gas turbines as marine prime movers. Thermodynamic cycles, ratings, matching to loads. Engine-propeller matching. Mechanical transmission of power to marine loads. Ship Design Process, Mission and Owner's Requirements, Regulatory and Classification Requirements, Design/Production Integration and Ship Building Process.
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| (3-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) This is the second part of a two-course sequence where the focus is on shipboard electrical power systems and other components of ship design that are not covered in the first part. Topics covered in this course include: Electric Power Generation and Electric Propulsion, Integrated marine electrical plants, electric load calculations, auxiliary systems, combat systems, ship systems integration, human factors in ship design, general arrangement design, contracts and specifications, cost estimating and ship preservation.
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| (0-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Basic ocean measurements and instrumentation, sampling requirements, data processing, analysis, and presentation. Prerequisite: Completion of an undergraduate probability and statistics course.
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| (0-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) The course is intended to acquaint students with environmental acoustics and the application of acoustic waves to remote environmental monitoring. Students will learn how to measure and suppress environmental noise and how underwater acoustic systems are used for remote measurements of various ocean and river parameters, including: bottom profile, surface waves, current, bubble and fish density, etc. The course also surveys recent developments in acoustic tomography, including global warming control. Students will be asked to write a research paper on the application of acquired methods to remote acoustic measurements conducted at Stevens.
Prerequisites: OE 539 Introduction to Underwater Acoustics (0-0-3)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) The course is intended to acquaint students with environmental acoustics and the application of acoustic waves to remote environmental monitoring. Students will learn how to measure and suppress environmental noise and how underwater acoustic systems are used for remote measurements of various ocean and river parameters, including: bottom profile, surface waves, current, bubble and fish density, etc. The course also surveys recent developments in acoustic tomography, including global warming control. Students will be asked to write a research paper on the application of acquired methods to remote acoustic measurements conducted at Stevens. Close |
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| (0-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) The course is intended to acquaint students with environmental acoustics and the application of acoustic waves to remote environmental monitoring. Students will learn how to measure and suppress environmental noise and how underwater acoustic systems are used for remote measurements of various ocean and river parameters, including: bottom profile, surface waves, current, bubble and fish density, etc. The course also surveys recent developments in acoustic tomography, including global warming control. Students will be asked to write a research paper on the application of acquired methods to remote acoustic measurements conducted at Stevens.
Prerequisites: OE 539 Introduction to Underwater Acoustics (0-0-3)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) The course is intended to acquaint students with environmental acoustics and the application of acoustic waves to remote environmental monitoring. Students will learn how to measure and suppress environmental noise and how underwater acoustic systems are used for remote measurements of various ocean and river parameters, including: bottom profile, surface waves, current, bubble and fish density, etc. The course also surveys recent developments in acoustic tomography, including global warming control. Students will be asked to write a research paper on the application of acquired methods to remote acoustic measurements conducted at Stevens. Close |
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| (0-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) This course exposes the student to the physical principles underlying remote sensing of ocean, atmosphere, and land by electromagnetic and acoustic passive and active sensors: radars, lidars, infrared and microwaves thermal sensors, sonars, sodars, infrasound/seismic detectors. Topics include fundamental concepts of electromagnetic and acoustic wave interactions with oceanic, atmospheric, and land environment, as well as with natural and man-made objects. Examples from selected sensors will be used to illustrate the information extraction process, and applications of the data for environmental monitoring, oceanography, meteorology, and security/military objectives.
Prerequisites: E 246 Electronics and Instrumentation
(3-0-3)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Review of AC analysis, phasors, power, energy, node equations, transformers, maximum power transfer, Laplace transforms; Fourier series and transforms; filters; Bode plots; op-amps, ideal, difference, summing, integrating; Wheatstone bridge; strain gauge; position & pressure transducers; thermistors; instrumentation amplifiers; ideal diodes, full & ½ wave rectifiers; battery eliminator design; non-ideal diodes, non-linear analysis; junction transistors, DC models, saturation and cut-off; Boolean algebra; logic gates; A to D converters. Close |
PEP 112 Electricity and Magnetism (3-0-3)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Coulomb’s law, concepts of electric field and potential, Gauss’ law, capacitance, current and resistance, DC and R-C transient circuits, magnetic fields, Ampere’s law, Faraday’s law of induction, inductance, A/C circuits, electromagnetic oscillations, Maxwell’s equations and electromagnetic waves. Close |
PEP 201 Physcis II for Engineering Students (2-3-3)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Simple harmonic motion, oscillations and waves; wave-particle dualism; the Schrödinger equation and its interpretation; wave functions; the Heisenberg uncertainty principle; quantum mechanical tunneling and application; quantum mechanics of a particle in a "box," the hydrogen atom; electronic spin; properties of many electron atoms; atomic spectra; principles of lasers and applications; electrons in solids; conductors and semi-conductors; the n-p junction and the transistor; properties of atomic nuclei; radioactivity; fusion and fission. Close |
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| (0-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) This course focuses on the identification of the physical principles and environmental phenomena responsible for driving nearshore circulation on open ocean coasts. The equations governing the hydrodynamics of the surfzone (shoreward of the break point) will be studied in detail and the various types of models used to predict nearshore circulation will be discussed. Real world examples, based on current research projects being conducted at the Stevens Coastal Engineering Research Lab will form an integral part of the curriculum. Topics covered will include: basic hydrodynamics, linear wave theory, wave transformation, wave boundary layers, surfzone currents, and nearshore circulation.
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| (0-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) This course focuses on the physical processes impacting engineered systems in the coastal environment and the resulting impact of these built systems on the coast. The importance of characteristics such as beach composition, shoreline configuration, and both present and past hydrodynamic conditions will be emphasized. Modern approaches for predicting large scale or bulk coastal change based on observed and/or modeled environmental conditions will be presented. The course complements and will feature examples extracted from current research projects being conducted at the Stevens Coastal Engineering Research Laboratory (CERL). Topics covered in this course will include: coastal geomorphology, hydrodynamics, coastal sediment transport, inlet processes, and shore protection methods.
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| (0-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) An introductory course covering the fundamental principles of coastal engineering. The initial stages of the course are intended to provide an understanding of the physics of the coastal environment. Topics will include basic wave theory (wave generation, refraction, diffraction, and shoaling), wave prediction techniques, tides and coastal circulatio, and sediment transport. The latter stages of the course will be devoted to the application of these basic principles, such as stabilization and harbor development. The course will culminate in a substantial design project, which will incorporate all aspects of the course material, ranging from the estimation of design wave conditions to the actual design of a shore protection structure. Prerequisite: MA 227 or the equivalent, Fluid Mechanics.
Prerequisites: MA 227 Multivariable Calculus (3-0-3)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Review of matrix operations, Cramer’s rule, row reduction of matrices; inverse of a matrix, eigenvalues and eigenvectors; systems of linear algebraic equations; matrix methods for linear systems of differential equations, normal form, homogeneous constant coefficient systems, complex eigenvalues, nonhomogeneous systems, the matrix exponential; double and triple integrals; polar, cylindrical and spherical coordinates; surface and line integrals; integral theorems of Green, Gauss and Stokes. Close |
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| (0-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Introduction to meteorology presents a cogent explanation of the fundamentals of atmospheric dynamics. The course begins with a discussion of the Earth's atmospheric system, including global circulation, climate, and the greenhouse effect. The basic conservation laws and the applications of the basic equations of motion are discussed in the context of synoptic scale meteorology. The thermodynamics of the atmosphere are derived based on the equation of state of the atmosphere, with specific emphasis on adiabatic and pseudo-adiabatic motions. The concept of atmospheric stability is presented, in terms of the moist and dry lapse rate. The influence of the planetary boundary layer on atmospheric motions is presented with emphasis on topographic and open ocean frictional effects, temperature discontinuity between land and sea, and the generation of sea breezes. The mesoscale dynamics of tornadoes and hurricanes are discussed, as well as the cyclogenesis of extratropical coastal storms. The course makes use of a multitude of web-based products, including interactive learning sites, weather forecasts from the National Weather Service (NWS), tropical predictions from the National Hurricane Center, and NWS model outputs (AVN, NGM, ETA, and WAM).
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| (0-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) This course introduces students to the history and technical description of the cargo-carrying vessel. Students are given instruction in the basic principles of vessel design, and the various types of ocean-going and inland waterway cargo vessels. Issues related to the introduction of new vessel types are discussed, particularly as these new designs affect port infrastructure and capacity, harbor dredging requirements, and the intermodal transportation network.
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| (0-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) An introductory course intended to familiarize students with the array of environmental issues related to inland, estuarine, and oceanfront port facilities. Particular attention is paid to water quality and bottom sediment contamination problems associated with the construction and operation of port facilities. Students are introduced to the various types of analysis tools, including field measurements and computer models, employed in the examination of port and harbor environmental problems. Practical examples of their use are provided from actual projects in the New York/New Jersey region. Students are also instructed in the use of emerging technologies in the prevention/remediation of identified pollution problems. Relevant state, federal, and international regulations are also discussed.
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| (0-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) This course introduces students to the unique economic issues facing today's port developers and operators. The economic considerations essential to the efficient movement of cargo from vessels to inland transportation systems are discussed. Students are introduced to concepts related to the optimization of port manpower, energy, and infrastructure as a means of assuring competitiveness in the global marketplace. Students are also introduced to the principles of port financial strategies, with examples given from port authorities in the United States and abroad.
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| (0-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Theory of sediment transport in open channel flow, including applications to riverine, ocean, and coastal environments. Topics covered include boundary layer dynamics, the initiation of motion, sediment characteristics, suspended load, and bed load. Applications include the estimation of transport rates in waves and currents, and the influence of hydraulic structures.
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| (0-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) This course is designed to introduce students to the state-of-the-art techniques in spill response planning. Numerical and analytical techniques for the prediction of fate and effects of in-water spills are discussed. Spill cleanup technologies are introduced, including mechanical (e.g., booms and skimmers), chemical (e.g., dispersants), and biological. Students are instructed in the essential steps toward developing an effective spill response plan. Special attention is paid to the influence of spill characteristics and environmental factors - waves, currents, shoreline geometry, sensitive ecological areas, etc. - in the selection of an appropriate planning strategy. Examples are given of existing spill response plans in the New York/New Jersey region, and case studies of actual spills are discussed as a means of providing students with an understanding of the complexities of operational spill response planning.
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| (0-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) This course is intended to provide a detailed understanding of the design process in coastal engineering, including the statistical evaluation of oceanographic and meteorological forces and the use of physical and computer models in the assessment of design performance. The essential features of the design of several types of coastal structures will be presented, along with the relevant design relations and/or publicly available design software. The potential environmental impacts of the construction of the various coastal structures considered will also be discussed. A series of case studies and a comprehensive design project provide the opportunity to apply the principles examined.
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| (0-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) This course introduces students to the fundamentals of port structures design, including design codes, guidelines, and functional requirements. Students are instructed in optimization procedures for port and marine terminal layout, including issues related to navigation channels and dredging, shore infrastructure and utilities, land reclamation, and environmental and economic considerations. Structural, geotechnical, and materials considerations are discussed for a variety of environmental conditions, including extreme wave and current environments, ice, and seismic loading. Examples and case studies from actual port design projects are utilized to a great extent in the delivery of the course material.
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| | (0-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) This course instructs students in the functional design of the various components of ports and marine terminals, including steel, concrete, timber, and stone structures. Students are introduced to the detailed design procedures for a variety of structure types, including bulkheads and piers, fender and mooring systems, and breakwaters and revetments. Special considerations such as sedimentation/dredging, structure inspection and rehabilitation, vessel motions, and port downtime are discussed. Students receive instruction in the use of computer and physical model studies in support of structure design. Environmental and permitting issues are discussed.
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| (0-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) This course introduces students to the evaluation and optimization of port and harbor layout from the standpoint of safe and efficient vessel navigation and cargo loading and unloading. Students receive instruction in the analysis tools and procedures used in the assessment of vessel motions, while underway in open water and in navigation channels, and while at dock. The evaluation of long wave motions and harbor resonance problems are discussed, as is risk-based analysis of port and harbor protection (e.g., breakwaters). Students will be introduced to computer models used in the evaluation of these issues, and will make extensive use of the models in the conduct of in-class case studies of port and harbor layouts.
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| (0-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) The course is intended to acquaint students with the underlying technologies pertaining to Maritime Safety and Security. Students will understand current technologies applicable to threat mitigation including threats from criminal activities, illegal immigration, piracy, and terrorism. The considered technologies will include: X-Ray scanning, Gamma Ray and neutron scanning, biometrics, radiation detection, Radio Frequency Identification Tags, underwater acoustic surveillance, wireless sensor networks, and infrared techniques. The physical principles of radio waves, optic and infrared waves, acoustic and seismic waves applied in these technologies will be introduced to student. The course also surveys recent developments in port protection conducted by Stevens scientists.
Prerequisites: OE 560 (0-0-3)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) This course exposes the student to the physical principles underlying remote sensing of ocean, atmosphere, and land by electromagnetic and acoustic passive and active sensors: radars, lidars, infrared and microwaves thermal sensors, sonars, sodars, infrasound/seismic detectors. Topics include fundamental concepts of electromagnetic and acoustic wave interactions with oceanic, atmospheric, and land environment, as well as with natural and man-made objects. Examples from selected sensors will be used to illustrate the information extraction process, and applications of the data for environmental monitoring, oceanography, meteorology, and security/military objectives.
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| (0-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) This course provides broad knowledge of security systems and protocols applied in the Maritime Transportation System (MTS), consistent with international and national laws and regulations. Security policies, processes and procedures are presented and illustrated by case studies. All requirements for certification for those who may be designated to perform the duties and responsibilities of a Company Security Officer (CSO) or a Vessel Security Officer (VSO), as defined in the International Ship and Port Security Code (ISPS) and the Maritime Transportation Security Act of 2002 as part of their vessel or port responsibilities, are covered.
Prerequisites: OE 529 (0-0-3)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) This course introduces students to international and national safety and security issues of importance to officials in the maritime industry, including the UN International Maritime Organization, U.S. Coast Guard, vessel owners and operators, marine facility management, and Port Authorities. Risk-based analyses are performed to assess safety and security concerns related to vessel and shore labor practices, navigational safety including cargo (e.g., oil spills) and vessel traffic (e.g., collisions) movements, Maritime Domain Awareness, sensor technology, and potential terrorist activities. Students receive instruction in the procedures required for the identification, analysis, prevention, and mitigation of safety and security problems associated with the various threats to human safety, vessels, critical infrastructure, and sensitive marine environments. Students are introduced to the concepts of risk assessment and management, vessel traffic management systems, ship and port security planning, facility contingency planning, and event response planning. State, Federal, and international regulations and guidelines related to maritime safety and security are discussed. Case studies from the New York/New Jersey region and other port regions are employed in the delivery of this instruction.
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| (0-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Development of the kinematic and dynamic equations for incompressible fluid flow, the Navier-Stokes equation, velocity potential and stream function, Bernoulli's equation, conformal mapping, free surface flows, wave theory, flow in porous media, and turbulence.
Prerequisites: CE 342 (3-3-4)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Fluid properties: fluid statics, stability of floating bodies, conservation of mass, Euler and Bernoulli equations, impulse-momentum principle, laminar and turbulent flow, dimensional analysis and model testing, analysis of flow in pipes, open channel flow, hydrodynamic lift and drag. Practical civil engineering applications are stressed.
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MA 227 (3-0-3)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Review of matrix operations, Cramer’s rule, row reduction of matrices; inverse of a matrix, eigenvalues and eigenvectors; systems of linear algebraic equations; matrix methods for linear systems of differential equations, normal form, homogeneous constant coefficient systems, complex eigenvalues, nonhomogeneous systems, the matrix exponential; double and triple integrals; polar, cylindrical and spherical coordinates; surface and line integrals; integral theorems of Green, Gauss and Stokes.
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| (0-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Cavitation, two-dimensional flows, complex velocity and complex potential; and concentrated and distributed singularities, lift-drag Kutta condition, D'Alembert paradox, Blasius theorem,and Karman vortex street. Conformal mapping, Möbius transformation, Schwartz-Christoffel transformation. Applications, added mass and virtual mass, Taylor's added mass theorem, Lagally's theorem, the Navier-Stokes equation, exact solutions for parallel flow, Couette flow, and Poiseuille flow. Unsteady problems: boundary layer Reynold's number, flat plate boundary layer, Von Karman integral method, and Pohlhausen solution.
Prerequisites: OE 630 (0-0-3)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Development of the kinematic and dynamic equations for incompressible fluid flow, the Navier-Stokes equation, velocity potential and stream function, Bernoulli's equation, conformal mapping, free surface flows, wave theory, flow in porous media, and turbulence.
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| (0-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Gravity and rotation of earth, continuity considerations, dynamic equations of motion, gradient currents, stationary accelerated currents, turbulence, analysis of temperature-salinity diagrams, internal friction and modification of geostrophic currents, wind-driven currents, and horizontal circulation of wind-driven current.
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| (0-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Momentum, heat and water flux across the air-sea interface, shear stress and the neutral wind profile, adiabatic lapse rate in the lower atmosphere, static and dynamic stability of a stratified fluid, effects of stability on transfer processes in the lower atmosphere and ocean surface layer, direct measurement of eddy flux, and indirect determination of eddy flux from routine shipboard meteorological observations.
Prerequisites: OE 633 (0-0-3)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Gravity and rotation of earth, continuity considerations, dynamic equations of motion, gradient currents, stationary accelerated currents, turbulence, analysis of temperature-salinity diagrams, internal friction and modification of geostrophic currents, wind-driven currents, and horizontal circulation of wind-driven current.
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| (0-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Introduction to probability theory; statistical techniques for characterizing random variables and evaluation of data; statistical techniques for analyzing stochastic processes; and application of power spectral density techniques to the representation of the sea surface and other stochastic marine processes.
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| (0-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) An expansion upon three important topics introduced in OE 205. The first topic is random data reduction and interpretation in ocean engineering; and basic methods of auto- and cross-spectral analysis, statistical errors, design of experiments, and directional-wave spectra estimation. The second deals with the application of probabilistic design methods in ocean engineering; and the third is a survey of the state-of-the-art marine applications of nonlinear random process theory.
Prerequisites: OE 635 (0-0-3)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Introduction to probability theory; statistical techniques for characterizing random variables and evaluation of data; statistical techniques for analyzing stochastic processes; and application of power spectral density techniques to the representation of the sea surface and other stochastic marine processes.
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| (0-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Classification of estuaries; salt balance equation, forms of the salt balance equation for major types of estuaries, equations of motion, estuarine circulation, diffusion and dispersion in estuaries.
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| (0-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Description and formulation of wave problems in the ocean, development of classical wave theory, free waves and forced waves induced by pulsating and uniformly translating pressures and sources in steady and unsteady states, diffraction, refraction and reflection of waves, application to floating breakwaters, and harbor oscillations.
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| (0-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Dynamic response of a ship in regular and irregular seas, the equation of motion with six degrees of freedom, added mass and damping coefficient of an oscillating ship on the free surface, coupled equation of motion of a ship in waves, and description of ship motion in the irregular sea with the discussion leading to nonlinear equations of motion.
Prerequisites: OE 641 (0-0-3)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Description and formulation of wave problems in the ocean, development of classical wave theory, free waves and forced waves induced by pulsating and uniformly translating pressures and sources in steady and unsteady states, diffraction, refraction and reflection of waves, application to floating breakwaters, and harbor oscillations.
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| (0-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Basic concepts of stability and automatic control, equations of motion of marine craft, representation of hydrodynamic forces and moments, equilibrium conditions and perturbation equations, stability criteria, Routh-Hurwitz method, directional stability and maneuvering control, effects of wind, waves and restricted waters, stability of towed bodies, anti-rolling and anti-pitching control systems, and dynamic simulations of marine systems.
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| (0-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Fundamentals of two-dimensional flow about hydrofoils, including design of camber lines for specified pressure distributions and the inverse problem, characteristics of thickness distribution, predictions of cavitation inception as a function of thickness, camber, and departure from ideal angle of attack. Three-dimensional flows about lifting signs of large and small aspect ratios. Momentum theory applied to propellers to determine ideal efficiency, lifting line, and lifting surface models of propellers. The use of openwater design charts for the determination of optimum pitch, diameter, and revolutions. Exercise of computer program for preliminary design. Introduction to concepts leading to assessment of vibratory forces and hull forces.
Prerequisites: OE 525 (0-0-3)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Basic principles and design calculations in naval architecture; terminology, delineation of hull form, loading and stability, trim, and effects of flooding; freeboard and tonnage regulations; introduction to design of hull structure; nature of resistance and its variation with hull form and proportions; and introduction to propellers and propulsion. Basic theories in maneuvering and sea-keeping characteristics, computer application in naval architecture, and ship design.
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OE 530 (0-0-3)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Calculation of hydrostatic curves to determine trim and sinkage of sailing yachts, static and dynamic stability, calculation of resistance and side force by expansion of tank test results, sail force coefficients, prediction of comparative performance based on tank test results, application of lifting surface theory to the design of keel and rudder, and consideration of structural strength and stiffness.
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| (0-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Planing craft, life, drag, wetted area of hull, appendage drag, direct and indirect propeller effect, spray formation, impact loads in smooth water and waves, porpoising, rough water behavior, and tank test procedures.
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| (0-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Several of the important theories germane to ocean engineering are reviewed or developed and used to predict body or fluid behavior. These predictions are then compared with results obtained by the student using the Davidson Laboratory research facilities.
Prerequisites: OE 525 (0-0-3)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Basic principles and design calculations in naval architecture; terminology, delineation of hull form, loading and stability, trim, and effects of flooding; freeboard and tonnage regulations; introduction to design of hull structure; nature of resistance and its variation with hull form and proportions; and introduction to propellers and propulsion. Basic theories in maneuvering and sea-keeping characteristics, computer application in naval architecture, and ship design.
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OE 527 (0-0-3)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Solution of problems in naval architecture through model testing, actually conducting a wide variety of model tests at Davidson Laboratory, and prediction of prototype performance.
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OE 630 (0-0-3)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Development of the kinematic and dynamic equations for incompressible fluid flow, the Navier-Stokes equation, velocity potential and stream function, Bernoulli's equation, conformal mapping, free surface flows, wave theory, flow in porous media, and turbulence.
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OE 641 (0-0-3)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Description and formulation of wave problems in the ocean, development of classical wave theory, free waves and forced waves induced by pulsating and uniformly translating pressures and sources in steady and unsteady states, diffraction, refraction and reflection of waves, application to floating breakwaters, and harbor oscillations.
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| (0-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Potential flows around bodies: panel singularities methods and conformal mapping methods. Finite-difference and spectral methods for Poisson equations: numerical inversion of matrices, and potential flows in or around irregular domains. Consistency, stability, and convergence of numerical methods: linear stability analysis. Numerical methods for diffusion equations and methods for ordinary differential equations. One-dimensional Burger's equation and nonlinear problems, Newton iteration, error analysis. Numerical methods for stream function vorticity equations: flows in or around irregular domains. Discussions of current research in computational fluid dynamics. Four exercise projects and one examination project will be assigned to each student. Prerequisite: Computer Programming.
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| (0-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) See description for EN683.
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| (0-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Development of advective-diffusion equations for conservative and non-conservative substances. Fickian diffusion, turbulent diffusion, and shear flow dispersion. Description and specification of mixing processes in rivers, reservoirs, and estuaries. Methods and analyses of conservative dye tracer studies. Monte Carlo simulations of diffusion processes and numerical models for simulation of advection diffusion processes in rivers and estuaries.
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| (0-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Mechanics of rotating flow; inviscid shallow-water theory: topographic Rossby Waves; effects of friction: the Ekman theory; and wind-driven ocean circulation: coastal ocean modeling, supercomputing applications, dispersion, and mixing in coastal waters.
Prerequisites: MA 529 (3-0-3)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Review of limits, continuity, partial differentiation, Leibnitz’s rule; implicit functions and Jacobians; gradients, divergence, curl, line and surface integrals; theorems of Stokes, Gauss and Green; complex numbers, elementary functions, analytic functions, complex integration, power series, residue theorem, evaluation of real definite integrals; systems of linear equations, rank, eigenvalues and eigenvectors.
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OE 501 (0-0-3)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Geophysical description of the earth; the extent, shape. and structure of ocean basins; relief of the sea floor; chemistry of sea water; geochemical balances; physical properties of water and sea water; solar and terrestrial radiation; evaporation and precipitation over the oceans; dissolved gases in sea water; distribution of variables; and general oceanic circulation.
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| (0-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) An advanced seminar course concerned with recent research developments in ocean engineering. Special emphasis will be placed on developments in theoretical and applied hydrodynamics. Topics are subject to the currents interest of the faculty and students.
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| (0-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) One to six credits. Limit of six credits for the degree of Master of Engineering (Ocean).
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| (0-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) One to six credits. Limit of six credits for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy.
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| (0-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) A participating seminar on topics of current interest and importance in Ocean Engineering.
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| (0-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Five to ten credits with departmental approval for the degree of Master of Engineering (Ocean).
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| (0-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Original basic research of high level design in ocean engineering which may serve as the basis for the dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy.
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| (0-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) This course is a study of construction industry customs, practices and methods from project conception to close-out. Equipment usage, construction estimating, scheduling, and management techniques are woven into the fabric of this course.
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| (0-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) This course provides the student in the construction field with a practical analysis and study of the completed construction facility. Case studies are discussed along with the performance of the constructed facility and elements of possible failure within the completed facility. Alternate solutions are discussed along with their economic feasibilty.
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| (0-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Various aspects of construction areas and the necessary design and safety techniques are discussed along with building a corporate culture of zero accidents, planning for high project safety performance, establishing accountability for safety, and maintaining a safety communication network. Safety agendas contained within the Total Quality Management Process and the Partnering Process are discussed using actual job case studies.
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| (0-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Today's construction manager and engineer should have a thorough knowledge of the latest technology and methods so that various elements within the construction process can be produced, analyzed, and reviewed in an efficient manner. The course gives the construction executive the tools to provide proper planning and scheduling, estimating, cost accounting, cost reports, and other valuable and necessary information in a rapid and professional manner.
Prerequisites: CM 501 Construction Engineering I (0-0-3)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) This course is a study of construction industry customs, practices and methods from project conception to close-out. Equipment usage, construction estimating, scheduling, and management techniques are woven into the fabric of this course. Close |
CM 509 Construction Cost Analysis & Estimating (0-0-3)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) This course provides the construction-orientated professional with the analysis tools and methodology to organize and prepare an accurate construction estimate. Topics include development of productivity data, analysis, and applications of historical data, break-even and cost-to-complete analysis and the study and analysis of job cost reporting systems as they relate to the construction estimate. Estimating methods and systems will be discussed, along with field trips and practical case studies. Close |
CM 580 Construction Management I (0-0-3)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) This course provides a survey and study of the management process for domestic and international contracting business enterprises. Topics of discussion include the roles of the construction manager, bonds and insurance elements of the estimating process, finance and cost control, labor relations, and work culture. Close |
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| (0-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) A description of and introduction to the major areas of transportation engineering planning and management which deals with roadways, streets, and highways and the people and vehicles that interact with each other. Topics of discussion include land use, energy, transportation economics, and transportation systems management, along with the traditional areas of traffic engineering. Open-ended problem solving using practical case examples is stressed.
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| (0-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) This course provides the construction-orientated professional with the analysis tools and methodology to organize and prepare an accurate construction estimate. Topics include development of productivity data, analysis, and applications of historical data, break-even and cost-to-complete analysis and the study and analysis of job cost reporting systems as they relate to the construction estimate. Estimating methods and systems will be discussed, along with field trips and practical case studies.
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| (0-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) This course presents the principles of accounting for construction projects. Topics include elements of cost accounting, project accounting, and financial analysis used by the construction manager.
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| (0-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) The general superintendent, engineering staff and construction manager, in order to manage, schedule and complete the heavy construction project, must be aware of problems associated with the completion of the complex project. Problems associated with pile driving & shoring, excavation methods, tunneling, trenchless technology, and rock excavation are reviewed. Examples and case studies are discussed with alternate solutions reviewed based on site conditions and economic considerations.
Prerequisites: CM 509 Construction Cost Analysis & Estimating (0-0-3)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) This course provides the construction-orientated professional with the analysis tools and methodology to organize and prepare an accurate construction estimate. Topics include development of productivity data, analysis, and applications of historical data, break-even and cost-to-complete analysis and the study and analysis of job cost reporting systems as they relate to the construction estimate. Estimating methods and systems will be discussed, along with field trips and practical case studies. Close |
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| (0-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) This course provides the student with an understanding of human behavior including individual and group performance, motivation, leadership, and industrial relations. Next, the student will examine various theories of management and the basic functions of planning, organizing, leading, and controlling. This body of knowledge will be applied to the management of construction companies and projects.
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| (0-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) This course provides the student with a basic understanding of the practices involved in construction labor relations. Topics include the discussion of union and open shop contractors, job site agreements, collective bargaining and local union negotiations, double-breasted construction operations and termination of the labor agreement, along with case studies in selected areas.
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| (0-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) This lecture course covers civil engineering materials, their properties, and their construction use. Specifics to be discussed include physical and mechanical properties of steel, concrete, asphalt, wood, plastic, timber, and soil. Coverage of ASTM standard tests covering these properties is also presented.
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| (0-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) This course deals with the problems of managing a project. A project is defined as a temporary organization of human and nonhuman resources, within a permanent organization, for the purpose of achieving a specific objective. Both operational and conceptual issues will be considered. Operational issues include definition, planning, implementation, control and evaluation of the project; conceptual issues include project management vs. hierarchical management, matrix organization, project authority, motivation and morale. Cases will include construction management, chemical plant construction and other examples.
Prerequisites: CM 511 Construction Accounting (0-0-3)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) This course presents the principles of accounting for construction projects. Topics include elements of cost accounting, project accounting, and financial analysis used by the construction manager. Close |
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| (0-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) This course presents the principles and techniques of total quality management (TQM), with emphasis on its application to construction projects and firms. Students will form teams to apply TQM concepts and techniques to construction projects/firms.
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| (0-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) This course deals with and discusses in detail the complex set of relationships that are involved when a construction project is undertaken. The course also reviews these relationships and how they interact with the planning, administration, start-up, and completion of the project. Risk in the construction project is discussed as it relates to the management and successful completion of the project, while also reviewing the legal relationships that can evolve during the project duration.
Prerequisites: CM 511 Construction Accounting (0-0-3)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) This course presents the principles of accounting for construction projects. Topics include elements of cost accounting, project accounting, and financial analysis used by the construction manager. Close |
CM 541 Project Management for Construction (0-0-3)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) This course deals with the problems of managing a project. A project is defined as a temporary organization of human and nonhuman resources, within a permanent organization, for the purpose of achieving a specific objective. Both operational and conceptual issues will be considered. Operational issues include definition, planning, implementation, control and evaluation of the project; conceptual issues include project management vs. hierarchical management, matrix organization, project authority, motivation and morale. Cases will include construction management, chemical plant construction and other examples. Close |
CM 580 Construction Management I (0-0-3)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) This course provides a survey and study of the management process for domestic and international contracting business enterprises. Topics of discussion include the roles of the construction manager, bonds and insurance elements of the estimating process, finance and cost control, labor relations, and work culture. Close |
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| | (0-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) The impact of engineering projects on the physical, cultural, and socioeconomic environment, preparation of environmental impact statements, regulatory framework, and compliance procedures will be discussed. Topics include: major federal and state environmental regulations, environmental impact analysis and assessment, risk assessment and risk management, and regulatory compliance.
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| (0-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) This course introduces the principle areas of construction law and contracts. Areas of discussion include contract formulation, scope of work, changes, delays, no damage for delays, insurance and sureties, completion, termination, and claims and dispute resolutions. Case studies are presented with class presentations and discussions.
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| (0-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) This course presents a review and analysis of the methods used in presenting and solving construction contract disputes. Topics of discussion include the origins of the construction dispute, the contract documents, the design deficiency, the construction schedule, construction of the project and resolving the dispute.
Prerequisites: CM 550 (0-0-3)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) This course introduces the principle areas of construction law and contracts. Areas of discussion include contract formulation, scope of work, changes, delays, no damage for delays, insurance and sureties, completion, termination, and claims and dispute resolutions. Case studies are presented with class presentations and discussions.
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| (0-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) A study of sustainable design principles and techniques. The course is designed to make the construction manager familiar with the procedures used by designers to achieve sustainable projects. Students will study the role of government mandates for sustainable design, the selection of materials and systems that meet sustainable requirements, the ecolabeling of buildings, and the economic and environmental impact of sustainable designs.
Prerequisites: CM 580 (0-0-3)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) This course provides a survey and study of the management process for domestic and international contracting business enterprises. Topics of discussion include the roles of the construction manager, bonds and insurance elements of the estimating process, finance and cost control, labor relations, and work culture.
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| (0-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) A study of green construction principles and techniques. The course is designed to make the manager familiar with the procedures required to achieve green construction. Students will study the role of government regulations requiring contractors to produce green construction projects, green building commissioning and the economic and environmental impact of green construction.
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| (0-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) This will be a capstone course taken at the end of a student’s program of studies. The students will be organized into construction management groups.
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| (0-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) This course provides a survey and study of the management process for domestic and international contracting business enterprises. Topics of discussion include the roles of the construction manager, bonds and insurance elements of the estimating process, finance and cost control, labor relations, and work culture.
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| (0-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) This course is a study of the elements and concepts of temporary supportive structures involved with heavy construction process. Topics of discussion will include codes, construction, cofferdams, temporary sheeting and bracing, falsework and shoring, and concrete form design.
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| (0-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) This class addresses a survey of legal and regulatory approaches to environmental protection. Topics include: environmental ethics, National Environmental Policy Act, state and federal environmental agencies; Clean Water Act, Safe Drinking Water Act, Superfund, Resource Recovery andConservation Act, Right-to-know, Environmental Cleanup Responsibility Act, and wetlands protection.
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| (0-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) This course discusses the principles of construction marketing and strategic planning. Marketing engineering and construction company services and products are discussed with an eye towards the most economical and competitive sales techniques. Case studies and practical applications are presented for class analysis and discussion.
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| (0-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) One to six credits. Limit of six credits for the degree of Master of Science.
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| (0-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) A participating seminar on topics of current interest and importance in Construction Management.
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| (0-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Five to ten credits with departmental approval.
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Civil, Environmental & Ocean Engineering Department
David Vaccari, Director |