A distinguishing feature of chemical engineers is that they create, design, and improve processes and products that are vital to our society. Today’s high technology areas of biotechnology, electronic materials processing, ceramics, plastics, and other high-performance materials are generating opportunities for innovative solutions that may be provided from the unique background chemical engineers possess. Many activities in which a chemical engineer participates are ultimately directed toward improving existing chemical processes, or creating new ones.
Always considered to be one of the most diverse fields of engineering, chemical engineers are employed in research and development, design, manufacturing, and marketing activities. Industries served are diverse and include: energy, petrochemical, pharmaceutical, food, agricultural products, polymers and plastics, materials, semiconductor processing, waste treatment, environmental monitoring and improvement, and many others. There are career opportunities in traditional chemical engineering fields like energy and petrochemicals, but also in biochemical, pharmaceutical, biomedical, electrochemical, materials, and environmental engineering.
The chemical engineering program at Stevens is based on a solid foundation in the areas of chemical engineering science that are common to all of its branches. Courses in organic and physical chemistry, polymeric materials, biochemical engineering and process control are offered in addition to chemical engineering thermodynamics, fluid mechanics, heat and mass transfer, separations, process analysis, reactor design, and process and product design. Thus, the chemical engineering graduate is equipped for the many challenges facing modern engineering professionals. Chemical engineering courses include significant use of modern computational tools and computer simulation programs. Qualified undergraduates may also work with faculty on research projects. Many of our graduates pursue advanced study in chemical engineering, bioengineering or biomedical engineering, medicine, law, and many other fields. The chemical engineering program educates technological leaders by preparing them for the conception, synthesis, design, testing, scale-up, operation, control and optimization of industrial chemical processes that impact our well being. Consistent with this mission statement the program's objectives are as follows:
The chemical engineers who complete the Stevens curriculum:
- Offer approaches to solutions of engineering problems that cut across traditional professional and scientific boundaries
- Use modern tools of information technology on a wide range of problems
- Contribute in a professional and ethical manner to chemical engineering projects in process or product development and design
- Perform as effective team members, team leaders, and communicators
- Participate in lifelong learning in the global economy
- Demonstrate awareness of health, safety, and environmental issues and the role of technology in society
Our students are employed in commodity chemicals, pharmaceuticals, food and consumer products, fuels, and electronics industries, as well as in government laboratories. Also, our students attend graduate schools with international reputation in chemical engineering. To top A typical course sequence for chemical engineering is as follows:
The following are requirements for graduation of all engineering students and are not included for academic credit. They will appear on the student record as pass/fail.
Physical Education (P.E.) Requirements
All students must complete a minimum of four semester credits of Physical Education (P.E.). A large number of activities are offered in lifetime, team, and wellness areas.
All PE courses must be completed by the end of the sixth semester. Students can enroll in more than the minimum required P.E. for graduation and are encouraged to do so.
Participation in varsity sports can be used to satisfy up to three credits of the P.E. requirement.
Participation in supervised, competitive club sports can be used to satisfy up to two credits of the P.E. requirement, with approval from the P.E. Coordinator.
English Language Proficiency
All students must satisfy an English Language proficiency requirement.
PLEASE NOTE: A comprehensive Communications Program will be implemented for the Class of 2009. This may influence how the English Language Proficiency requirement is met. Details will be added when available. To top
Students may qualify for a minor in biochemical, biomedical, or chemical engineering by taking the required courses indicated. Completion of a minor indicates proficiency beyond that provided by the Stevens curriculum in the basic material of the selected area. If you are enrolled in a minor program, you must meet the Institute requirements. In addition, the grade in any course credited for a minor must be "C" or better. Requirements for a Minor in Biochemical Engineering for students enrolled in the Chemical Engineering curriculum CHE 210 : Process Analysis
An introduction to the most important processes employed by the chemical industries, such as plastics, pharmaceutical, chemical, petrochemical, and biochemical. The major emphasis is on formulating and solving material and energy balances for simple and complex systems. Equilibrium concepts for chemical process systems will be developed and applied. Computer courseware will be utilized extensively. CH 281 : Biology and Biotechnology
Biological principles and their physical and chemical aspects are explored at the cellular and molecular level. Major emphasis is placed on cell structure, the processes of energy conversion by plant and animal cells, genetics and evolution, and applications to biotechnology. CH 241 : Organic Chemistry I
Principles of descriptive organic chemistry; structural theory; reactions of aliphatic compounds; stereochemistry. Laboratory includes introduction to organic reaction and separation techniques, reactions of functional groups, synthesis. CHE 342 : Heat and Mass Transfer
Heat conduction, convection and radiation. General differential equations for energy transfer. Conductive and convective heat transfer. Molecular, convective and interface mass transfer. The differential equation for mass transfer. Steady state molecular diffusion and film theory. Convective mass transfer correlations. Mass transfer equipment. CHE 351 : Reactor Design
Chemical equilibria and kinetics of single and multiple reactions are analyzed in isothermal and nonisothermal batch systems. Conversion, yield, selectivity, and temperature and concentration history are studied in ideal plug flow, laminar flow, continuous stirred tank and heterogeneous reactors. The bases of reactor selection are developed. Consideration is given to stability and optimization concepts, and the interaction of the reactor with the overall processing system. CH 381 : Cell Biology
The structure and function of the cell and its subcellular organelles is studied. Biological macromolecules, enzymes, biomembranes, biological transport, bioenergetics, DNA replication, protein synthesis and secretion, motility, and cancer are covered. Cell biology experiments and interactive computer simulation exercises are conducted in the laboratory. CHE 480 : Biochemical Engineering
Integration of the principles of biochemistry and microbiology into chemical engineering processes; microbial kinetic models; transport in bioprocess systems; single & mixed culture fermentation technology; enzyme synthesis, purification & kinetics; bioreactor analysis, design and control; product recovery and downstream processing. Requirements for a Minor in Biomedical Engineering for students enrolled in the Chemical Engineering curriculum CH 381 : Cell Biology
The structure and function of the cell and its subcellular organelles is studied. Biological macromolecules, enzymes, biomembranes, biological transport, bioenergetics, DNA replication, protein synthesis and secretion, motility, and cancer are covered. Cell biology experiments and interactive computer simulation exercises are conducted in the laboratory. BME 306 : Introduction to Biomedical Engineering
Overview of the biomedical engineering field with applications relevant to the healthcare industry such as medical instrumentation and devices. Introduction to the nervous system, propagation of the action potential, muscle contraction and introduction to the cardiovascular system. Discussion of ethical issues in biomedicine. Prerequisite: Sophomore Standing. BME 506 : Biomechanics
This course reviews basic engineering principles governing materials and structures such as mechanics, rigid body dynamics, fluid mechanics and solid mechanics and applies these to the study of biological systems such as ligaments, tendons, bone, muscles, joints, etc. The influence of material properties on the structure and function of organisms provides an appreciation for the mechanical complexity of biological systems. Methods for both rigid body and deformational mechanics are developed in the context of bone, muscle, and connective tissue. Multiple applications of Newton's Laws of mechanical are made to human motion. BME 505 : Biomaterials
Intended as an introduction to materials science for biomedical engineers, this course first reviews the materials properties relevant to the their application to the human body. It goes on to discuss proteins, cells, tissues, and their reactions and interactions with foreign materials, as well as the degradation of these materials in the human body. The course then treats various implants, burn dressings, drug delivery systems, biosensors, artificial organs, and elements of tissue engineering. Laboratory exercises accompany the major topics discussed in class and are conducted at the same time. BME 504 : Medical Instrumentation and Imaging
Imaging plays an important role in both clinical and research environments. This course presents both the basic physics together with the practical technology associated with such methods as X-ray computed tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), functional MRI (f-MRI) and spectroscopy, ultrasonics (echocardiography, Doppler flow), nuclear medicine (Gallium, PET and SPECT scans) as well as optical methods such as bioluminescence, optical tomography, fluorescent confocal microscopy, two-photon microscopy and atomic force microscopy. BME 482 : Engineering Physiology
Introduction to mammalian physiology from an engineering point of view. The quantitative aspects of normal cellular and organ functions and the regulatory processes required maintaining organ viability and homeostasis. Laboratory exercises using exercise physiology as an integration of function at the cellular, organ and systems level will be conducted at the same time. Measurements of heart activity (EKG), cardiac output (partial CO2 rebreathing), blood pressure, oxygen consumption, carbon dioxide production, muscle strength (EMG), fluid shifts and respiratory function in response to exercise stress will be measured and analyzed from an engineering point of view. *Prerequisites: CH 281, CH 381 Requirements for a Minor in Chemical Engineering for students enrolled in the Engineering curriculum CHE 210 : Process Analysis
An introduction to the most important processes employed by the chemical industries, such as plastics, pharmaceutical, chemical, petrochemical, and biochemical. The major emphasis is on formulating and solving material and energy balances for simple and complex systems. Equilibrium concepts for chemical process systems will be developed and applied. Computer courseware will be utilized extensively. CHE 234 : Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics
Thermodynamic laws and functions with particular emphasis on systems of variable composition and chemically reacting systems. Chemical potential, fugacity and activity, excess function properties, standard states, phase and reaction equilibria, reaction coordinate, chemical-to-electrical energy conversion. CHE 332 : Separation Operations
The design of industrial separation equipment using both analytical and graphical methods is studied. Equilibrium based design techniques for single and multiple stages in distillation, absorption/stripping, and liquid-liquid extraction are employed. An introduction to gas-solid and solid-liquid systems is presented as well. Mass transfer considerations are included in efficiency calculations and design procedures for packed absorption towers, membrane separations, and adsorption. Ion exchange and chromatography are discussed. The role of solution thermodynamics and the methods of estimating or calculating thermodynamic properties are also studied. Degrees of freedom analyses are threaded throughout the course as well as the appropriate use of software. Iterative rigorous solutions are discussed as bases for Aspen simulation models used in Design VI. CHE 336 : Fluid Mechanics
Linear cause-effect relationship; molecular aspects, microscopic mass, momentum and energy balances leading to the field equations of change; emphasis is on both isothermal and nonisothermal, steady state flow of incompressible Newtonian fluids; integral forms of the equations of change: macroscopic balances for laminar as well as turbulent isothermal and nonisothermal systems: engineering correlations. CHE 342 : Heat and Mass Transfer
Heat conduction, convection and radiation. General differential equations for energy transfer. Conductive and convective heat transfer. Molecular, convective and interface mass transfer. The differential equation for mass transfer. Steady state molecular diffusion and film theory. Convective mass transfer correlations. Mass transfer equipment. CHE 351 : Reactor Design
Chemical equilibria and kinetics of single and multiple reactions are analyzed in isothermal and nonisothermal batch systems. Conversion, yield, selectivity, and temperature and concentration history are studied in ideal plug flow, laminar flow, continuous stirred tank and heterogeneous reactors. The bases of reactor selection are developed. Consideration is given to stability and optimization concepts, and the interaction of the reactor with the overall processing system. * ChE 234 and 336 may be waived if appropriate substitutes have been taken in other programs. The department offers programs of study leading to the Master of Engineering and the Doctor of Philosophy degrees, as well as the professional degree of Chemical Engineer. Courses are offered in chemical, biochemical, biomedical, polymer, and materials engineering. The programs are designed to prepare you for a wide range of professional opportunities in manufacturing, design, research, or in development. Special emphasis is given to the relationship between basic science and its applications in modern technology. Chemical, biomedical and materials engineers create, design, and improve processes and products that are vital to our society. Our programs produce broad-based graduates who are prepared for careers in many fields and who have a solid foundation in research and development methodology. We strive to create a vibrant intellectual setting for our students and faculty anchored by pedagogical innovations and interdisciplinary research excellence. Active and well-equipped research laboratories in polymer processing, biopolymers, highly filled materials, microchemical systems, tissue engineering, high-performance coatings, photonic devices and systems, and nanotechnology are available for Ph.D. dissertations and master’s theses.
Admission to the degree programs requires an undergraduate education in chemical, biomedical, or materials engineering. However, a conversion program enables qualified graduates of related disciplines (such as chemistry, mechanical engineering, physics, etc.) to enter the master’s program through intensive no-credit courses designed to satisfy deficiencies in undergraduate preparation. To top
The Master of Engineering requires 30 graduate credits in an approved plan of study. Credits can be obtained by performing research in the form of a master’s thesis. The Master of Engineering programs are developed with your objectives in mind. The curriculum must include the following courses: Chemical Engineering Concentration (10 Courses) MA 530 : Applied Mathematics for Engineers and Scientists II
Review of first order and second order constant coefficient differential equations, nonhomogeneous equations; series solutions, Bessel and Legendre functions; boundary value problems, Fourier-Bessel series and separation of variables for partial differential equations; classification of partial differential equations; Laplace transform methods; calculus of variations; introduction to finite-difference methods. CHE 620 : Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics
This course supplements the clasical undergraduate thermodynamics course by focusing on physical and thermodynamic properties, and phase equilibria. A variety of equations of state, and their applicability, are introduced as are all of the important liquid activity coefficient equations. Customization of both vapor and liquid equations is introduced by appropriate methods of applied mathematics. Vapot-liquid, liquid-liquid, vapor-liquid-liquid and solid-liquid equilibria are considered with rigor. Industrial applications are employed. A variety of methods for estimating physical and thermodynamic properties are introduced. Students are encouraged to use commercial software in applications. The course concludes with an introduction to statistical thermodynamics.
CHE 630 : Theory of Transport Processes
Generalized approach to differential and macroscopic balances: constitutive material equations; momentum and energy transport in laminar and turbulent flow; interphase and intraphase transport; dimensionless correlations CHE 650 : Reactor Design
Analysis of batch and continuous chemical reactions for homogeneous, heterogeneous, catalytic, and non-catalytic reactions; influence of temperature, pressure, reactor size and type, mass and heat transport on yield and product distribution; design criteria based on optimal operating conditions and reactor stability will be developed. Plus six courses or thesis work. Polymer Engineering Concentration (10 Courses) MA 530 : Applied Mathematics for Engineers and Scientists II
Review of first order and second order constant coefficient differential equations, nonhomogeneous equations; series solutions, Bessel and Legendre functions; boundary value problems, Fourier-Bessel series and separation of variables for partial differential equations; classification of partial differential equations; Laplace transform methods; calculus of variations; introduction to finite-difference methods. CHE 620 : Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics
This course supplements the clasical undergraduate thermodynamics course by focusing on physical and thermodynamic properties, and phase equilibria. A variety of equations of state, and their applicability, are introduced as are all of the important liquid activity coefficient equations. Customization of both vapor and liquid equations is introduced by appropriate methods of applied mathematics. Vapot-liquid, liquid-liquid, vapor-liquid-liquid and solid-liquid equilibria are considered with rigor. Industrial applications are employed. A variety of methods for estimating physical and thermodynamic properties are introduced. Students are encouraged to use commercial software in applications. The course concludes with an introduction to statistical thermodynamics.
CHE 630 : Theory of Transport Processes
Generalized approach to differential and macroscopic balances: constitutive material equations; momentum and energy transport in laminar and turbulent flow; interphase and intraphase transport; dimensionless correlations CHE 670 : Polymer Properties and Structure
Stress-strain relationships, theory of linear viscoelasticity and relaxation spectra, temperature dependence of viscoelastic behavior, dielectric properties, dynamic mechanical and electrical testing, molecular theories of flexible chains, statistical mechanics and thermodynamics of rubber-like undiluted systems, morphology of high polymers. CHE 671 : Polymer Rheology
Molecular and continuum mechanical constitutive equations for viscoelastic fluids; analysis of viscometric experiments to evaluate the viscosity and normal stress functions: dependence of these functions on the macromolecular structure of polymer melts: solution of isothermal and nonisothermal flow problems with non-Newtonian fluids which are encountered in polymer processing; development of design equations for extruder dies and molds. CHE 672 : Processing of Polymers for Biomedical Applications
Descriptions of various polymer processing operations and processing requirements of biomedical products, principles of processing of polymers covering melting, pressurization, mixing, devolatilization, shaping using extrusion, spinning, blowing, coating, calendering and molding technologies, surface treatment and sterilization, applications in the areas of prostheses and artificial organs and packaging of various biomedical devices. Plus four courses or thesis work. The Degree of Chemical Engineer designates completion of a program of studies at the graduate level beyond the master's degree in scope, but with an overall objective. Students will be required to apply the subject matter acquired in formal graduate courses to a problem more consistent with one they are likely to encounter as a practicing engineer. Work on this problem in the form of an independent project will constitute a substantial part of the overall program of study. Specifically, it may be a design project, a process evaluation, or an engineering feasibility study involving economic, social, and managerial aspects.
Entrance requirements include a master’s degree in chemical engineering (or equivalent) and one year of industrial experience. This is to be satisfied either before entering the program or during the course of the program.
The credit requirements are 30 credits beyond the master’s degree in a program approved by your advisory committee (three faculty members, preferably including one member not in the department, assigned to you at the time of acceptance into the program). Of the 30 credits, a minimum of 8 and maximum of 15 credits will be given for the independent project.
In addition, on being accepted into the program, you will be expected to complete a set of placement examinations in chemical engineering for the purpose of constructing a suitable course of study. Your independent project must be approved by the advisory committee, defended publicly, bound according to specifications governing theses, and placed in the library. A time limit of six years is set for completion of the program. To top
MA 530 Applied Mathematics MT 601 Structure and Diffraction MT 602 Principles of Inorganic Materials Synthesis MT 603 Thermodynamics and Reaction Kinetics of Solids
Plus six courses and/or thesis work
The Materials Science and Engineering program offers, jointly with Electrical and Computer Engineering (EE) and Physics and Engineering Physics (PEP), a unique interdisciplinary concentration in Microelectronics and Photonics Science and Technology. Intended to meet the needs of students and of industry in the areas of design, fabrication, integration, and applications of microelectronic and photonic devices for communications and information systems, the program covers fundamentals, as well as state-of-the-art industrial practices. Designed for maximum flexibility, the program accommodates the background and interests of students with either a master's degree or graduate certificate.
Microelectronics and Photonics Science and Technology - Interdisciplinary
Core Courses
MT 507 Introduction to Microelectronics and Photonics
Four additional courses from the Materials core (listed above).
Five electives are required from the courses offered below by Materials Science and Engineering, Physics, and Engineering Physics and Electrical Engineering. Three of these courses must be from Materials Science and Engineering and one must be from each of the other two departments. Ten courses are required for the degree.
Required Concentration Electives
PEP 503 Introduction to Solid State Physics PEP 515 Photonics I PEP 516 Photonics II PEP 561 Solid State Electronics I MT 562 Solid State Electronics II MT 595 Reliability and Failure of Solid State Devices MT 596 Microfabrication Techniques EE 585 Physical Design of Wireless Systems EE 626 Optical Communication Systems CPE 690 Introduction to VLSI Design Core Courses
MT 507 Introduction to Microelectronics and Photonics
Three additional courses from the Materials core (listed above)
Six electives are required from the courses offered below by Materials Engineering, Physics and Engineering Physics, and Electrical Engineering. Three of these courses must be from Materials Engineering and at least one must be from each of the other two departments. Ten courses are required for the degree.
Required Concentration Electives:
PEP 503 Introduction to Solid State Physics PEP 515 Photonics I PEP 516 Photonics II PEP 561 Solid State Electronics I MT 562 Solid State Electronics II MT 595 Reliability and Failure of Solid State Devices MT 596 Microfabrication Techniques EE 585 Physical Design of Wireless Systems EE 626 Optical Communication Systems CPE 690 Introduction to VLSI Design Admission to the Chemical Engineering or Materials Science and Engineering doctoral program is based on evidence that a student will prove capable of scholarly specialization in a broad intellectual foundation of a related discipline. The master’s degree is strongly recommended for students entering the doctoral program. Applicants without the master’s degree will normally be enrolled in the master’s program.
Ninety credits of graduate work in an approved program of study are required beyond the bachelor’s degree; this may include up to 30 credits obtained in a master’s degree program, if the area of the master's degree is relevant to the doctoral program. A doctoral dissertation for a minimum of 30 credits and based on the results of your original research, carried out under the guidance of a faculty member and defended in a public examination, is a major component of the doctoral program. The Ph.D. qualifying exam consists of a written and an oral exam. Students are strongly encouraged to take the qualifying exam within two semesters of enrollment in the graduate program. A minimum of 3.5 GPA must be satisfied in order to take the exam. A time limit of six years is set for completion of the doctoral program. An interdisciplinary Ph.D. program is jointly offered with the Department of Physics and Engineering Physics and the Department of Chemistry, Chemical Biology, and Biomedical Engineering. This program aims to address the increasingly cross-cutting nature of doctoral research in these disciplines. The interdisciplinary Ph.D. program aims to take advantage of the complementary educational offerings and research opportunities in these areas. Any student who wishes to enter this interdisciplinary program needs to obtain the consent of the three departments and the subsequent approval of the Dean of Academic Administration. The student will follow a study plan designed by his/her faculty advisor(s). The student will be granted official candidacy in the program upon successful completion of a qualifying exam that will be administered according to the applicable guidelines of the Office of Graduate Admissions. All policies of the Office of Graduate Admissions that govern the credit and thesis requirements apply to students enrolled in this interdisciplinary program. Interested students should follow the normal graduate application procedures through the Dean of Academic Administration. |
Chemical Engineering and Materials Science and Engineering doctoral programs are an integral part of the Institute-wide Nanotechnology Graduate Program. Ph.D. degree options in these disciplines with a Nanotechnology concentration are available to students who satisfy the conditions and requirements outlined in a separate section of this catalog. A thesis for the master's or doctoral program can be completed by participating in one of the following research programs of the department.
- Biologically Active Material - Professor Libera
- Biochemical Engineering - Professor DeLancey
- Crystallization - Professors Kovenklioglu and Kalyon
- Electron Microscopy and Polymer Interfaces - Professor Libera
- Heterogeneous catalysis, infrared spectroscopy, density-functional theory (DFT) calculations - Prof. Podkolzin
- Mathematical Modeling and Simulation of Transport Processes ? Professor Lawal
- Microchemical Systems - Professors Lee, Lawal, Besser, and Kovenklioglu
- Polymer Characterization and Processing - Professor Kalyon
- Rheology Modeling Processability and Microstructure of Filled Materials - Professor Kalyon
- Surface Modification at Multiple Length Scales, Photonic Sensing, High-Temperature Oxidation - Professor Du
- Surface Science and Engineering - Professor Rothberg
In addition to the degree programs, the department also offers graduate certificate programs. In most cases, the courses may be used toward the master’s degree. Each graduate certificate program is a self-contained and highly focused collection of courses carrying nine or more graduate credits. The selection of courses is adapted to the professional interests of the student.
The Graduate Certificate in Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Practices is an interdisciplinary School of Engineering certificate developed by the Department of Mechanical Engineering and the Department of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science. This certificate is intended to provide professionals with skills required to work in the pharmaceutical industry. The focus is on engineering aspects of manufacturing and the design of facilities for pharmaceutical manufacturing, within the framework of the regulatory requirements in the pharmaceutical industry.
The certificate is designed for technologists in primary manufacturers, including pharmaceutical, biotechnology, medical device, diagnostic, and cosmetic companies, as well as in related companies and organizations, including architect/engineer/construction firms, equipment manufacturers and suppliers, government agencies, and universities.
The Graduate Certificate Program in Pharmaceutical Process Engineering is a 4-course program comprising: Pharmaceutical Reaction Engineering, Separation Processes in Pharmaceutical Industry, Pharmaceutical Mixing, and Design of Control Systems. The program provides practical up-to-date information and skills needed by the pharmaceutical industry process engineers and other professionals in the biopharmaceutical, food and beverage, and specialty chemical industries in their everyday work. Course content and curriculum were developed by Stevens’ faculty in collaboration with industry practitioners with expertise in the field. This program will provide an overview and understanding of the chemical engineering principles involved in process development. Courses cover current and emerging technologies used for mixing, reaction, separation and process control. The audience comprises professionals in the Pharmaceutical/Life Sciences industry including: chemical engineers, chemists, process engineers, and compliance and quality directors and managers. The credits earned can be applied toward a Master’s Degree in Chemical Engineering or Interdisciplinary Studies.
Pharmaceutical Process Engineering
CHE 681 Pharmaceutical Reaction Engineering CHE 615 Separation Processes in Pharmaceutical Industry CHE 621 Pharmaceutical Mixing CHE 661 Design of Control Systems
Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Practices
PME 530 Introduction to Pharmaceutical Manufacturing PME 535 Good Manufacturing Practice in Pharmaceutical Facilities Design PME 540 Validation and Regulatory Affairs in Pharmaceutical Manufacturing and one of the following electives:
PME 628 Pharmaceutical Finishing and Packaging Systems PME 538 Chemical Technology Processes in API Manufacturing PME 649 Design of Water, Steam, and CIP Utility Systems for Pharmaceutical Manufacturing (M.E. Graduate Course) PME 531 Process Safety Management (CHE Graduate Course) (Full course descriptions can be found in the Interdisciplinary Programs section.)
EE/MT/PEP 507 Introduction to Microelectronics and Photonics EE/MT/PEP 515 Photonics I EE/MT/PEP 516 Photonics II EE/MT/PEP 626 Optical Communication Systems
EE/MT/PEP 507 Introduction to Microelectronics and Photonics EE/MT/PEP 561 Solid State Electronics I EE/MT/PEP 562 Solid State Electronics II CpE/MT/PEP 690 Introduction to VLSI Design
Microdevices and Microsystems
EE/MT/PEP 507 Introduction to Microelectronics and Photonics EE/MT/PEP 595 Reliability and Failure of Solid State Devices EE/MT/PEP 596 Micro-Fabrication Techniques EE/MT/PEP 685 Physical Design of Wireless Systems
Any one elective in the three certificates above may be replaced with another within the Microelectronics and Photonics (MP) curriculum upon approval from the MP Program Director.