| (3-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Particle kinematics and kinetics, systems of particles, work-energy, impulse and momentum, rigid-body kinematics, relative motion, Coriolis acceleration, rigid-body kinetics, direct and oblique impact, eccentric impact.
Prerequisites: E 126 Mechanics of Solids
(4-0-4)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Fundamental concepts of particle statics, equivalent force systems, equilibrium of rigid bodies, analysis of trusses and frames, forces in beam and machine parts, stress and strain, tension, shear and bending moment, flexure, combined loading, energy methods, statically indeterminate structures. Close |
MA 116 Calculus II (3-0-3)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Techniques of integration, infinite series and Taylor series, polar coordinates, double integrals, improper integrals, parametric curves, arc length, functions of several variables, partial derivatives, gradients and directional derivatives. Close |
PEP 112 Electricity and Magnetism (3-0-3)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Coulomb’s law, concepts of electric field and potential, Gauss’ law, capacitance, current and resistance, DC and R-C transient circuits, magnetic fields, Ampere’s law, Faraday’s law of induction, inductance, A/C circuits, electromagnetic oscillations, Maxwell’s equations and electromagnetic waves. Close |
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| (3-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Concepts of heat and work; First and Second Laws for closed and open systems, including steady processes and cycles; thermodynamic properties of substances and interrelationships; phase change and phase equilibrium; chemical reactions and chemical equilibrium; and representative applications.
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| (2-2-2) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) This course is intended to teach modern systematic design techniques used in the practice of mechanical engineering. Methodology for the development of design objective(s), literature surveys, base case designs, and design alternatives are given. Economic analyses with an emphasis on capital investment and operating costs are introduced. Integrated product and process design concepts are emphasized with case studies. Students are encouraged to select their senior capstone design project near the end of the course, form teams, and commence preliminary work. A number of design projects are required of all students.
BME 306 Introduction to Biomedical Engineering (3-0-3)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Overview of the biomedical engineering field with applications relevant to the healthcare industry such as medical instrumentation and devices. Introduction to the nervous system, propagation of the action potential, muscle contraction and introduction to the cardiovascular system. Discussion of ethical issues in biomedicine. Prerequisite: Sophomore Standing. Close |
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| (3-1-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Applications of First and Second Laws to thermal systems including gas turbine, and internal and external combustion engines. Vapor cycles, including supercritical binary and combined cycles, regeneration and recuperation, gas compression, refrigeration and gas liquefaction. Analysis of thermal processes, including available energy and availability, irreversibility, effectiveness. Laboratory work in air compressors, internal combustion engines, furnaces, heat pumps, and gas turbines.
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| (3-3-4) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Properties of a fluid, basic flow analysis techniques, fluid kinematics, hydrostatics, manometry, pressure distribution in rigid body motion of a fluid, control volume analysis, conservation of mass, linear and angular momentum, Bernoulli and energy equations, dimensional analysis, viscous flow in pipes, flow metering devices, external flows, estimation of lift and drag, turbo-machinery, open channel flow.
Prerequisites: E 126 Mechanics of Solids
(4-0-4)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Fundamental concepts of particle statics, equivalent force systems, equilibrium of rigid bodies, analysis of trusses and frames, forces in beam and machine parts, stress and strain, tension, shear and bending moment, flexure, combined loading, energy methods, statically indeterminate structures. Close |
MA 221 Differential Equations (4-0-4)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Ordinary differential equations of first and second order, homogeneous and non-homogeneous equations; improper integrals, Laplace transforms; review of infinite series, series solutions of ordinary differential equations near an ordinary point; boundary-value problems; orthogonal functions; Fourier series; separation of variables for partial differential equations. Close |
ME 225 Dynamics (3-0-3)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Particle kinematics and kinetics, systems of particles, work-energy, impulse and momentum, rigid-body kinematics, relative motion, Coriolis acceleration, rigid-body kinetics, direct and oblique impact, eccentric impact. Close |
PEP 112 Electricity and Magnetism (3-0-3)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Coulomb’s law, concepts of electric field and potential, Gauss’ law, capacitance, current and resistance, DC and R-C transient circuits, magnetic fields, Ampere’s law, Faraday’s law of induction, inductance, A/C circuits, electromagnetic oscillations, Maxwell’s equations and electromagnetic waves. Close |
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| (2-3-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Modeling and simulation methodologies including model-block building, logical and data modeling, validation, simulation and trade-off analysis, decision-making, and optimization. Product and assembly modeling; visual simulation; process modeling; production modeling; process plans and resource modeling, entity flow modeling including conveyors, transporters, and guided vehicles; Input and output statistical analysis. Several CAD/CAE simulation software are used.
Prerequisites: E 234 Thermodynamics
(3-0-3)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Concepts of heat and work, First and Second Laws for closed and open systems including steady processes and cycles, thermodynamic properties of substances and interrelationships, phase change and phase equilibrium, chemical reactions and chemical equilibrium, representative applications. Close |
MA 227 Multivariate Calculus (3-0-3)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Review of matrix operations, Cramer’s rule, row reduction of matrices; inverse of a matrix, eigenvalues and eigenvectors; systems of linear algebraic equations; matrix methods for linear systems of differential equations, normal form, homogeneous constant coefficient systems, complex eigenvalues, nonhomogeneous systems, the matrix exponential; double and triple integrals; polar, cylindrical and spherical coordinates; surface and line integrals; integral theorems of Green, Gauss and Stokes. Engineering curriculum requirement. Close |
ME 225 Dynamics (3-0-3)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Particle kinematics and kinetics, systems of particles, work-energy, impulse and momentum, rigid-body kinematics, relative motion, Coriolis acceleration, rigid-body kinetics, direct and oblique impact, eccentric impact. Close |
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| (3-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Basic modes of heat transfer, steady heat conduction, extended surface heat transfer, transient heat conduction, computational methods, forced and free convection, boiling and condensation, thermal radiation, heat exchangers. Design projects.
Prerequisites: E 234 Thermodynamics
(3-0-3)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Concepts of heat and work, First and Second Laws for closed and open systems including steady processes and cycles, thermodynamic properties of substances and interrelationships, phase change and phase equilibrium, chemical reactions and chemical equilibrium, representative applications. Close |
MA 227 Multivariate Calculus (3-0-3)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Review of matrix operations, Cramer’s rule, row reduction of matrices; inverse of a matrix, eigenvalues and eigenvectors; systems of linear algebraic equations; matrix methods for linear systems of differential equations, normal form, homogeneous constant coefficient systems, complex eigenvalues, nonhomogeneous systems, the matrix exponential; double and triple integrals; polar, cylindrical and spherical coordinates; surface and line integrals; integral theorems of Green, Gauss and Stokes. Engineering curriculum requirement. Close |
ME 342 Fluid Mechanics (3-3-4)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Properties of a fluid, basic flow analysis techniques, fluid kinematics, hydrostatics, manometry, pressure distribution in rigid body motion of a fluid, control volume analysis, conservation of mass, linear and angular momentum, Bernoulli and energy equations, dimensional analysis, viscous flow in pipes, flow metering devices, external flows, estimation of lift and drag, turbo-machinery, open channel flow. Close |
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| (3-1-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) The principles of dynamics as applied to the analysis of the accelerations and dynamic forces in machines such as linkages, cam systems, gears trains, belts, chains and couplings. The effect these dynamic forces have on the dynamic balance and operation of the machines and the attending stresses in the individual components of the machines. Some synthesis techniques. Students also work in teams on a semester long project associated with the design of a mechanical system from recognizing the need through a detailed conceptual design.
Prerequisites: E 126 Mechanics of Solids
(4-0-4)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Fundamental concepts of particle statics, equivalent force systems, equilibrium of rigid bodies, analysis of trusses and frames, forces in beam and machine parts, stress and strain, tension, shear and bending moment, flexure, combined loading, energy methods, statically indeterminate structures. Close |
E 232 Engineering Design IV
(2-3-3)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) This course continues the experiential sequence in design. Design projects are in, and lectures address the area of Electronics and Instrumentation. Core design themes are further developed. Close |
E 246 Electronics and Instrumentation
(3-0-3)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Review of AC analysis, phasors, power, energy, node equations, transformers, maximum power transfer, Laplace transforms; Fourier series and transforms; filters; Bode plots; op-amps, ideal, difference, summing, integrating; Wheatstone bridge; strain gauge; position & pressure transducers; thermistors; instrumentation amplifiers; ideal diodes, full & ½ wave rectifiers; battery eliminator design; non-ideal diodes, non-linear analysis; junction transistors, DC models, saturation and cut-off; Boolean algebra; logic gates; A to D converters. Close |
MA 227 Multivariate Calculus (3-0-3)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Review of matrix operations, Cramer’s rule, row reduction of matrices; inverse of a matrix, eigenvalues and eigenvectors; systems of linear algebraic equations; matrix methods for linear systems of differential equations, normal form, homogeneous constant coefficient systems, complex eigenvalues, nonhomogeneous systems, the matrix exponential; double and triple integrals; polar, cylindrical and spherical coordinates; surface and line integrals; integral theorems of Green, Gauss and Stokes. Engineering curriculum requirement. Close |
ME 225 Dynamics (3-0-3)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Particle kinematics and kinetics, systems of particles, work-energy, impulse and momentum, rigid-body kinematics, relative motion, Coriolis acceleration, rigid-body kinetics, direct and oblique impact, eccentric impact. Close |
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| (3-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Application of the principles of strength of materials to the analysis and design of machine parts. Stress and deflection analysis. Curved bars, multi-support shafts, torsion, cylinders under pressure, thermal stresses, creep, and relaxation, rotating disks, fasteners, springs, bearings, gears, brakes and other machine elements are considered. Failure of structural materials under cyclic stress.
Prerequisites: E 126 Mechanics of Solids
(4-0-4)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Fundamental concepts of particle statics, equivalent force systems, equilibrium of rigid bodies, analysis of trusses and frames, forces in beam and machine parts, stress and strain, tension, shear and bending moment, flexure, combined loading, energy methods, statically indeterminate structures. Close |
MA 221 Differential Equations (4-0-4)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Ordinary differential equations of first and second order, homogeneous and non-homogeneous equations; improper integrals, Laplace transforms; review of infinite series, series solutions of ordinary differential equations near an ordinary point; boundary-value problems; orthogonal functions; Fourier series; separation of variables for partial differential equations. Close |
ME 358 Machine Dynamics and Mechanisms (3-1-3)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) The principles of dynamics as applied to the analysis of the accelerations and dynamic forces in machines such as linkages, cam systems, gears trains, belts, chains and couplings. The effect these dynamic forces have on the dynamic balance and operation of the machines and the attending stresses in the individual components of the machines. Some synthesis techniques. Students also work in teams on a semester long project associated with the design of a mechanical system from recognizing the need through a detailed conceptual design. Close |
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| (3-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Technology and economics of energy sources, storage and utilization, overview of fundamental concepts of mechanical, thermal, chemical, nuclear, electrical energy conversion (practical and visionary), thermo chemical conversion, including combustion in power plants, propulsion systems, thermo mechanical conversion in nozzles and turbomachinery, "direct" energy conversion in fuel cells, etc., nuclear energy conversion.
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| | (1-6-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Senior design courses. Complete design sequence with a required capstone project spanning two semesters. While the focus is on the capstone disciplinary d
esign experience, it includes the two-credit core module on Engineering Economic Design (E 421) during the first semester.
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| (1-6-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Senior design courses. Complete design sequence with a required capstone project spanning two semesters. While the focus is on the capstone disciplinary design experience, it includes the two-credit core module on Engineering Economic Design (E 421) during the first semester.
Prerequisites: ME 423 (1-6-3)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Senior design courses. Complete design sequence with a required capstone project spanning two semesters. While the focus is on the capstone disciplinary design experience, it includes the two-credit core module on Engineering Economic Design (E 421) during the first semester.
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| (3-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Differential equations of fluid flow, Navier-Stokes equations, introduction to fluid turbulence, inviscid incompressible flow, introduction to airfoil theory, compressible fluid flow and applications nozzles, ducts and airfoils.
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| (0-8-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Individual investigation of a substantive character undertaken at an undergraduate level under the guidance of a faculty advisor leading to a thesis with a public defense. Thesis comitee will consist of the faculty advisor and one or more reader. Prior approval from the Department is required. Hours to be arranged with the faculty advisor.
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| (0-8-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Individual investigation of a substantive character undertaken at an undergraduate level under the guidance of a faculty advisor leading to a thesis with a public defense. Thesis comitee will consist of the faculty advisor and one or more reader. Prior approval from the Department is required. Hours to be arranged with the faculty advisor.
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| (0-3-2) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Experiments in selected mechanical engineering systems areas, including principles and applications of experimentation, data-acquisition, design of experiments, and written and oral reporting on experimental hardware and results.
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| (3-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Multidimensional stress, strain and transformation equations, yield conditions and theories of failure, constitutive laws including linear elasticity, viscoelasticity and temperature influences, equations of elasticity, simple applications to uniaxial stress and symmetric bending, unsymmetrical bending and shear center of beams, torsions, combined stresses with applications to beams, thin-walled cylinders and pressure tanks, shrink fits, bending beyond the elastic limit, instability and energy methods.
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| (3-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Static and dynamic force analysis of mechanisms, dynamics of reciprocating and rotating machinery, balancing of machinery, friction and wear, vibration and noise control in machines, manipulators and robots, computer-aided design.
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| (3-1-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Analysis and synthesis of feedback control systems to achieve specified stability and performance criteria, stability via root-locus techniques, Nyquist's criterion, Bode and Nichol's plots, effect of various control laws and pole-zero compensation on performance, applications to servomechanisms, hydraulic and pneumatic control systems, analysis of nonlinear systems.
Prerequisites: E 246 (3-0-3)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Review of AC analysis, phasors, power, energy, node equations, transformers, maximum power transfer, Laplace transforms; Fourier series and transforms; filters; Bode plots; op-amps, ideal, difference, summing, integrating; Wheatstone bridge; strain gauge; position & pressure transducers; thermistors; instrumentation amplifiers; ideal diodes, full & ½ wave rectifiers; battery eliminator design; non-ideal diodes, non-linear analysis; junction transistors, DC models, saturation and cut-off; Boolean algebra; logic gates; A to D converters.
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MA 227 (3-0-3)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Review of matrix operations, Cramer’s rule, row reduction of matrices; inverse of a matrix, eigenvalues and eigenvectors; systems of linear algebraic equations; matrix methods for linear systems of differential equations, normal form, homogeneous constant coefficient systems, complex eigenvalues, nonhomogeneous systems, the matrix exponential; double and triple integrals; polar, cylindrical and spherical coordinates; surface and line integrals; integral theorems of Green, Gauss and Stokes. Engineering curriculum requirement.
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ME 225 (3-0-3)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Particle kinematics and kinetics, systems of particles, work-energy, impulse and momentum, rigid-body kinematics, relative motion, Coriolis acceleration, rigid-body kinetics, direct and oblique impact, eccentric impact.
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| (3-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Analysis of both bulk-forming (forging, extrusion, rolling, etc.) and sheet-forming processes, metal cutting, and other related manufacturing processes; physics and stochastic nature of manufacturing processes and their effects on quality, rate, cost and flexib
ility; role of computer-aided manufacturing in manufacturing system automation; methodologies used to plan and control a manufacturing system, forecasting, production scheduling, facility layout, inventory control, and project planning.
Prerequisites: ME 345 (2-3-3)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Modeling and simulation methodologies including model-block building, logical and data modeling, validation, simulation and trade-off analysis, decision-making, and optimization. Product and assembly modeling; visual simulation; process modeling; production modeling; process plans and resource modeling, entity flow modeling including conveyors, transporters, and guided vehicles; Input and output statistical analysis. Several CAD/CAE simulation software are used.
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ME 361 (3-0-3)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Application of the principles of strength of materials to the analysis and design of machine parts. Stress and deflection analysis. Curved bars, multi-support shafts, torsion, cylinders under pressure, thermal stresses, creep, and relaxation, rotating disks, fasteners, springs, bearings, gears, brakes and other machine elements are considered. Failure of structural materials under cyclic stress.
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