Build Something Massive
We help innovators transition from science projects
to high-growth companies
How it works
You get to build the venture of your dreams

We partner early.
We're comfortable with the rough imperfections of early stage ideas.
Let's chat.

Attend our retreats.
Take our courses.
Meet co-founders.
Learn how to start a movement.
(March-Dec 2019)
Build awesome products.
Invent ideas, file patents.
Develop customers.
(June 2019 - July 2020),
or more.

Scale and grow
How do I apply?
Space is limited. We are picky.

Start Here
Applications open for Launchpad 2019. Deadline: January 15, 2019.
The first step is to get an invite code. If you do not have one, schedule an appointment with us.
To schedule an appointment, email:

Experience Launchpad
Welcome to the family!
We know you are awesome, and you know you are awesome.
But there is much work to be done. Let's roll up our sleeves and change the world.
Success Stories
What started as playful science projects quickly evolved into a series of enterprises worth well over $35 million.

Status: Acquired
Founded in 2012, iubble built a web-browser that made it easy to discover, organize and share web-content. Awarded Thomas Edison Patent Inventor award by state of NJ.
Read more here.

Noteworth enables healthcare systems to easily conceptualize, create and operationalize expansions of care. Founded in 2015, and secured $5+ millions in seed funding.
Read more here.

Fintech Studios
AI based search and analytics platform for wall street. Formed in 2016, the company has raised millions in 2017 and is headed for series-A.
Read more here.

Rooms For Humanity
This non-profit delivers safe, easy and always-on meeting places for geographically dispersed participants. Launched in April 2018, this site has already hosted more than 500 conversations.
Read more here.

DexterityDB is a database system written from the ground-up and optimized for data analytics at hyperspeed. Launched in 2016, the company has now developed plugins for MySQL and MariaDB.
Read more here.

The Blink team has re-imagined the wifi-stack for superior video delivery, fine grained user control, and cloud based AI home-mesh for an unparalled home-wifi experience.
Launching Dec 2018.
What we offer
We offer everything early founders and engineers need to generate great ideas, turn ideas into products, and use these products to capture markets.
We are not passive educators. We roll up our sleeves and get to work alongside you on strategy, product development, and value proposition.
From technology to sales, patents to legal incorporation, we will deliver pretty much anything you can imagine, and many others that you cannot imagine.
Build awesome products
Our support for building world-class products is comprehensive

Deploy full-stack web/mobile solutions.
We sponsor your cloud-computing/GPU needs (GPU-clusters, AWS, Azure and/or Google-cloud).

Developer Accounts
We sponsor developer license(s) for Apple, Google, and/or Microsoft.
Also, private GitHub, JIRA, and Slack.

Build professional grade products with confidence. We teach (and sponsor) Web (html/css), Python, Mobile (ios/android), JavaScript, TensorFlow, Node, MongoDB, and Agile Software Development.

Powerful toys.
Servers, routers, mobile phones, TVs, XBox, Oculus, Holo-lens. Even drones.
If we're missing something, we'll get it.
Frequently asked questions
Do you charge equity?
No, we do not. We are here to celebrate creativity, not stifle it.
Altough we provide a variety of services, many of which incurs a cost to us, we do not charge any equity in return.
How many students participate in Launchpad?
Our ambitions are limitless, but our resources are not.
We can only support about 20 students in any given year. As such, we are selective about who we work with.
How do I get started with an application?
Get in touch with us. Let's talk about where you are, where you want to go, and what makes you happy.
What happens after I express my intent to join Launchpad?
If all goes well, we invite you to a weekend retreat (paid for by us). You get to learn a ton of things, and then you must make a formal submission.
What follows after the retreat?
One month of summer, and a chance to register for a two-semester, 6 credit course course. We get a lot of applications for the course, we only pick 20. Once you are in, we will start investing our time and resources on you.
What prior knowledge do I need?
Not much, actually. That's the beauty of it. Most prior participants had never built any big products or started companies. However, they all shared in common these traits: passion, perseverence, ambition, and playfullness.
Our Mission
Beyond wealth creation and shareholder value is an unlimited resource to create a better world and a lasting legacy. It's called purpose. The purpose of all great companies is to improve the quality of human life.
Our purpose to help launch these companies.