7/2/06  Praying for the government

7/3/06 Dinner is served

7/4/06 The Chasid of Kelm

7/5/06 How RYS Dressed and Conducted Himself

7/6/06 RYS does not say Kaddish on his  father's Yahrtzeit

7/7/06 Losing the value of a mitzvah

7/9/06 Going to live in EY

7/10/06 RYS nixes Torah & Zemiros at the  Shabbos Table

7/11/06 Shema

7/12/06  Who is a masmid?

7/13/06 The First Fundamental

7/14/06 Speed of Davening


7/17/06 Going Into Business

7/18/06 Honesty

7/19/06 Total and Complete Honesty

7/20/06 RYS and RSRH meet

7/21/06 Torah and Secular Knowledge

7/23/06 Aggadita

7/24/06 R. Zundel and Secular Subjects and Grammar

7/25/06 Long Before Artscroll

7/26/06 Dealing with the Non-observant

7/27/06 Torah Greatness

7/28/06 Going to live in EY

7/30/06  Proof

7/31/06 Character Training