| (3-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) This course deals with the problems associated with the management of engineering personnel, projects and organizations. The applications of the functions of management to engineering related operations, including the engineering aspects of products and process development, are reviewed. The course requires students to apply their knowledge of human behavior, economic analysis and science to solve problems in the management of technologically oriented organizations. The capstone of the course is a term paper analyzing an engineering management problem taken from actual practice.
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| (3-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours)
This course presents the tools and techniques for project definition, work breakdown, estimating, resource planning, critical path development, scheduling, project monitoring and control and scope management. Students will use project management software to accomplish these tasks. In addition, the student will become familiar with the responsibilities, skills and effective leadership styles of a good project manager. The role organization design plays in project management will also be addressed. Corequisite: EM270 or consent of instructor.
Prerequisites: EM 270 Management of Engineering and Technology (3-0-3)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) This course deals with the problems associated with the management of engineering personnel, projects and organizations. The applications of the functions of management to engineering related operations, including the engineering aspects of products and process development, are reviewed. The course requires students to apply their knowledge of human behavior, economic analysis and science to solve problems in the management of technologically oriented organizations. The capstone of the course is a term paper analyzing an engineering management problem taken from actual practice. Close |
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| (3-3-4) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) This course introduces students to the fundamental concepts of financial and managerial accounting, with an emphasis on actions managers can take to more effectively address the goals of the firm. Key topics covered include the preparation and analysis of financial statements, particularly creating cash flow statements needed for engineering economic analysis; consideration of variable costs, fixed costs, cost of goods sold, operating costs, product costs, period costs; job costing and process costing; application of accounting information for decision-making: marketing decisions, production decisions; capital budgeting: depreciation, taxation; budgeting process, master budgets, flexible budgets, analysis of budget variances; asset valuation, and inventory costing. The laboratory portion of the course provides the student opportunity to use the personal computer for solving problems related to the major topics of the course, such as spreadsheet analysis, and in addition covers managerial topics, including sessions focused on group dynamics and teamwork, research using the Internet and business ethics
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| (1-2-2) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours)
This course is an integral part of the Engineering Management program - it provides students with experience and tools for new product/process development. Students will participate in a semester long class project meant to provide the students with insights that will serve to improve their senior project experience. Participation will be in small groups, and will complement EM385. Students will explore the detail design through validation in the systems engineering lifecycle. Tools that have been introduced in earlier engineering management courses may be brought together as part of this pre senior design experience. Students will be required to maintain an engineering notebook throughout the course. Corequisites: EM 345 Modeling and Simulation (3-0-3)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours)
This course covers contemporary decision support models of forecasting, optimization and simulation for management. Students will learn how to identify the problem situation, choose the appropriate methods, collect the data and find the solution. The course also covers handling the information and generating alternative decisions based upon operations research optimization, statistical simulation, and systems dynamic forecasting. Computer simulations will be performed on PCs using user-friendly graphical interface with multimedia report generation for visualization and animation. Students will also be trained in management simulations for group decision support. Close |
EM 385 Innovative System Design (3-0-3)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours)
This project-based course addresses the fundamentals of systems engineering. Principles and concepts of systems engineering within a life-cycle perspective are presented through case studies and applied throughout the course to a student-selected team project. The initial focus is on the understanding of business drivers for systems engineering and the generation of innovative ideas. Students then engage in analysis, synthesis, and evaluation activities as they progress through the conceptual and preliminary design phases. Emphasis is placed on tools and methodologies for system evaluation during all phases of the design process with the goal of enhancing the effectiveness and efficiency of deployed systems as well as reducing operational and support costs. Pre or Corequisite: EM 365 and must be majoring in EM. Close |
Prerequisites: E 321 Engineering Design V (0-3-2)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) This course includes both experimentation and open-ended design problems that are integrated with the Materials Processing course taught concurrently. Core design themes are further developed. Close |
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| (3-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours)
This course covers contemporary decision support models of forecasting, optimization and simulation for management. Students will learn how to identify the problem situation, choose the appropriate methods, collect the data and find the solution. The course also covers handling the information and generating alternative decisions based upon operations research optimization, statistical simulation, and systems dynamic forecasting. Computer simulations will be performed on PCs using user-friendly graphical interface with multimedia report generation for visualization and animation. Students will also be trained in management simulations for group decision support.
Prerequisites: EM 365 Statistics for Engineering Managers (3-2-4)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Provides a working knowledge of basic statistics as it is most often applied in engineering. Topics include: fundamentals of probability theory, review of distributions of special interest in statistics, analysis and enumeration of data, linear regression and correlation, statistical design of engineering experiments, completely randomized design, randomized block design, factorial experiments, engineering applications and use of the computer as a tool for statistical analysis. Close |
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| (3-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours)
Application of forecasting and optimization models to typical engineering management situations and problems. Topics include: optimization theory and its special topics (linear programming, transportation models, and assignment models), dynamic programming, forecasting models, decision trees, game theory, and queuing theory. Applications to resource allocation, scheduling and routing, location of facilities, and waiting lines will be covered. Prerequisite: EM 365
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| (0-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Students learn about planning, organizing, staffing, directing and controlling the production of goods and providing service functions of an organization. Main stages of production cycle and components will include raw materials, personnel, machines, and buildings. Specific topics covered will include forecasting, product design and process planning, allocation of scarce resources, capacity planning and facility location, materials management, scheduling, office layout, and total quality management.
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| (3-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) This course is designed to help with understanding the complexity, structure and dynamic of a highly connected world. It takes an interdisciplinary look at economics, sociology, information science and applied mathematics to discuss some of the fundamental features of networks and their behavior. The course is designed to equip students with a modeling lens to analyze, quantify and reason about structures, dynamics and evolution of complex networks. Key topics that are covered in the course are mathematical description of complex networks, fundamental measures of network structure, diffusion and cascading, voting and economic and market implications. The course will also have a particular emphasis on game theory as the method to model resource allocation in networks in the presence of autonomous agents.
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| (3-3-4) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours)
This course covers the basics of cost accounting and cost estimation for engineering projects. Basic engineering economics topics include mathematics of finance, time value of money and economic analyses using three worths, internal rate of return and benefit cost figures of merit. Advanced topics include after tax analysis, inflation, risk analysis and multi attribute analysis. Laboratory exercises include introduction to the use of spreadsheet and a series of labs that parallel the lecture portion of the course. The student is introduced to an economic model (Spreadsheet to Determine the Economics of Engineering of Design and Development - SEED), which is used to design and provide typical venture capital financials. These financials are income statement, balance sheet, break-even analysis and sensitivity analysis.
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| (0-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Application of forecasting and optimization models to typical engineering management situations and problems. Topics include: optimization theory and its special topics (linear programming, transportation models, and assignment models), dynamic programming, forecasting models, decision trees, game theory and queuing theory. Applications to resource allocation, scheduling and routing, location of facilities, and waiting lines will be covered.
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| (3-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) This course will provide the student with the underlying management concepts and principles of Total Quality Management (TQM) and how they apply to Engineering Management. The ideas and concepts of Frederick Winslow Taylor, Edward Deming, Joe Juran, Phil Crosby, Armand Fiegenbaum and Karou Ishikawa will be presented and discussed in relation to how management thought has developed from Scientific Management to Quality Management. Discussion of the Baldridge and Deming awards will include how leadership, information and analysis, strategic quality planning, human resource utilization, quality assurance and customer satisfaction relate to QM in Engineering Management. The use of concurrent engineering in research, design, & engineering will be explored. The student will learn various TQM tools explored such as quality function deployment, design for cost and cost of quality. The students will learn the methodology and techniques of continuous process improvement and use this knowledge to analyze and correct defects as part of a team project.
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| | (3-2-4) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Provides a working knowledge of basic statistics as it is most often applied in engineering. Topics include: fundamentals of probability theory, review of distributions of special interest in statistics, analysis and enumeration of data, linear regression and correlation, statistical design of engineering experiments, completely randomized design, randomized block design, factorial experiments, engineering applications and use of the computer as a tool for statistical analysis.
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| (3-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours)
This project-based course addresses the fundamentals of systems engineering. Principles and concepts of systems engineering within a life-cycle perspective are presented through case studies and applied throughout the course to a student-selected team project. The initial focus is on the understanding of business drivers for systems engineering and the generation of innovative ideas. Students then engage in analysis, synthesis, and evaluation activities as they progress through the conceptual and preliminary design phases. Emphasis is placed on tools and methodologies for system evaluation during all phases of the design process with the goal of enhancing the effectiveness and efficiency of deployed systems as well as reducing operational and support costs. Pre or Corequisite: EM 365 and must be majoring in EM.
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| (0-8-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours)
This year long two-course sequence involves the students in a small-team Engineering Management project. The problem for the project is taken from industry, business, government or a not-for-profit organization. Each student team works with a client and is expected to collect data, analyze it and develop a design by the end of the first semester. In the second semester the design solution of the problem is completed and a written report is submitted for binding. During the year, oral and written progress reports are presented to peers and clients. The total project involves the application of the subject areas covered in the EM 385 Engineering Management Laboratory course, as well as skills learned in the other technical and non-technical courses of the Engineering Management curriculum. Prerequisite: EM 270, EM 275, EM 301, EM 322, EM 345, EM 385, E 355
Prerequisites: EM 270 (3-0-3)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) This course deals with the problems associated with the management of engineering personnel, projects and organizations. The applications of the functions of management to engineering related operations, including the engineering aspects of products and process development, are reviewed. The course requires students to apply their knowledge of human behavior, economic analysis and science to solve problems in the management of technologically oriented organizations. The capstone of the course is a term paper analyzing an engineering management problem taken from actual practice.
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EM 275 (3-0-3)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours)
This course presents the tools and techniques for project definition, work breakdown, estimating, resource planning, critical path development, scheduling, project monitoring and control and scope management. Students will use project management software to accomplish these tasks. In addition, the student will become familiar with the responsibilities, skills and effective leadership styles of a good project manager. The role organization design plays in project management will also be addressed. Corequisite: EM270 or consent of instructor.
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EM 301 (3-3-4)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) This course introduces students to the fundamental concepts of financial and managerial accounting, with an emphasis on actions managers can take to more effectively address the goals of the firm. Key topics covered include the preparation and analysis of financial statements, particularly creating cash flow statements needed for engineering economic analysis; consideration of variable costs, fixed costs, cost of goods sold, operating costs, product costs, period costs; job costing and process costing; application of accounting information for decision-making: marketing decisions, production decisions; capital budgeting: depreciation, taxation; budgeting process, master budgets, flexible budgets, analysis of budget variances; asset valuation, and inventory costing. The laboratory portion of the course provides the student opportunity to use the personal computer for solving problems related to the major topics of the course, such as spreadsheet analysis, and in addition covers managerial topics, including sessions focused on group dynamics and teamwork, research using the Internet and business ethics
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EM 322 (1-2-2)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours)
This course is an integral part of the Engineering Management program - it provides students with experience and tools for new product/process development. Students will participate in a semester long class project meant to provide the students with insights that will serve to improve their senior project experience. Participation will be in small groups, and will complement EM385. Students will explore the detail design through validation in the systems engineering lifecycle. Tools that have been introduced in earlier engineering management courses may be brought together as part of this pre senior design experience. Students will be required to maintain an engineering notebook throughout the course.
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EM 345 (3-0-3)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours)
This course covers contemporary decision support models of forecasting, optimization and simulation for management. Students will learn how to identify the problem situation, choose the appropriate methods, collect the data and find the solution. The course also covers handling the information and generating alternative decisions based upon operations research optimization, statistical simulation, and systems dynamic forecasting. Computer simulations will be performed on PCs using user-friendly graphical interface with multimedia report generation for visualization and animation. Students will also be trained in management simulations for group decision support.
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EM 355 (3-3-4)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours)
This course covers the basics of cost accounting and cost estimation for engineering projects. Basic engineering economics topics include mathematics of finance, time value of money and economic analyses using three worths, internal rate of return and benefit cost figures of merit. Advanced topics include after tax analysis, inflation, risk analysis and multi attribute analysis. Laboratory exercises include introduction to the use of spreadsheet and a series of labs that parallel the lecture portion of the course. The student is introduced to an economic model (Spreadsheet to Determine the Economics of Engineering of Design and Development - SEED), which is used to design and provide typical venture capital financials. These financials are income statement, balance sheet, break-even analysis and sensitivity analysis.
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EM 385 (3-0-3)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours)
This project-based course addresses the fundamentals of systems engineering. Principles and concepts of systems engineering within a life-cycle perspective are presented through case studies and applied throughout the course to a student-selected team project. The initial focus is on the understanding of business drivers for systems engineering and the generation of innovative ideas. Students then engage in analysis, synthesis, and evaluation activities as they progress through the conceptual and preliminary design phases. Emphasis is placed on tools and methodologies for system evaluation during all phases of the design process with the goal of enhancing the effectiveness and efficiency of deployed systems as well as reducing operational and support costs. Pre or Corequisite: EM 365 and must be majoring in EM.
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| (0-8-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) This year long two-course sequence involves the students in a small-team Engineering Management project. The problem for the project is taken from industry, business, government or a not-for-profit organization. Each student team works with a client and is expected to collect data, analyze it and develop a design by the end of the first semester. In the second semester the design solution of the problem is completed and a written report is submitted for binding. During the year, oral and written progress reports are presented to peers and clients. The total project involves the application of the subject areas covered in the EM 385 Engineering Management Laboratory course, as well as skills learned in the other technical and non-technical courses of the Engineering Management curriculum.
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| (3-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours)
This course covers the area of business analysis that includes enterprise technologies, supply chain management, engineering management, systems engineering, decision support systems, e-business, process operations and reengineering, technology consulting and analytical modeling and the relating of Business Process Reengineering to quality improvement. The course will be broken in two components with the first focusing on implementing theory into action, showing use in process discovery and definition, diagnosis and improvement, design, support and enactment. The second part of the course uses case studies to demonstrate applications of process engineering to improve efficiency. Most application and case studies are information technology focused. Prerequisite: EM 365
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| (3-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours)
This course will provide an introduction to supply chains, logistics & supply chain management. Topics covered include supply chain performance and metrics related to facilities, inventory, transportation, sourcing, pricing and information. Design of distribution networks, forecasting, and planning of demand & supply would be covered. Contemporary topics like e-business, IT and global supply chains would also be covered. Prerequisite: Requires junior or senior standing and EM 457 or BT 223 or EM 605.
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| (3-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) This course is designed to help with understanding the complexity, structure and dynamic of a highly connected world. It takes an interdisciplinary look at economics, sociology, information science and applied mathematics to discuss some of the fundamental features of networks and their behavior. The course is designed to equip students with a modeling lens to analyze, quantify and reason about structures, dynamics and evolution of complex networks. Key topics that are covered in the course are mathematical description of complex networks, fundamental measures of network structure, diffusion and cascading, voting and economic and market implications. The course will also have a particular emphasis on game theory as the method to model resource allocation in networks in the presence of autonomous agents.
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| (0-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) This course provides the student with the underlying management concepts and principles of Total Quality Management and how they apply to Engineering Management. The ideas and concepts of Frederick Winslow Taylor, Edward Deming, Joe Juran, Phil Crosby, Armand Fiegenbaum and Karou Ishikawa will be presented and discussed in relation to how management thought ahs developed form Scientific Management to Quality Management. Discussion of the Baldridge and Deming awards will include how leadership, information and analysis, strategic quality planning, human resource utilization, quality assurance and customer satisfactions relate to QM in Engineering Management. The use of Concurrent Engineering in Research, Design and Engineering will be explored. The student will learn various TQM tools explored such as Quality Function Deployment, Design for Cost, and Cost of Quality. The students will learn the methodology and techniques of Continuous Process Improvement and use this knowledge to analyze and correct defects as part of a team project.
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| (3-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Aspects of entrepreneurship and business most relevant for technical people and the practice of Technogenesis. Investigates business-related considerations in successfully commercializing new technology. Exposes technologists to five critical aspects of creating a successful new venture and/or a successful product or service business within a existing enterprise : (1) market and customer analysis, (2) beating the competition, (3) planning and managing for profitability, (4) high-tech marketing and sales, and (5) business partnerships and acquisitions. Students should take this course if they: (1) desire to maximize their effectiveness as technologists by understanding the business and customer considerations that impact the work of technologist, (2) intend to lead or participate in a technology based new venture/start-up, or (3) contemplate an eventual transition from a technical to a business management career. It is intended for either advanced undergraduate (junior or senior) or graduate students in engineering or science curricula.
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| (3-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) This course provides students with tools needed to commercialize their senior design technology. Topics include engineering economic analysis and issues of marketing, venture capital, intellectual property and project management. These topics are from the view of an entrepreneur who is creating knowledge that can be licensed and/or used in a start-up business. These topics are critical elements in implementing Technogenesis. Corequisites: E 423 Engineering Design VII (1-7-3)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Senior design capstone courses. For most programs a capstone project spanning two semesters is required. Chemical Engineering and Environmental Engineering require projects of one semester duration. While the focus is on the capstone disciplinary design experience, all programs will include the two-credit core module on Engineering Economic Design (E421) during the first semester. Close |
E 424 Engineering Design VIII (1-7-3)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Senior design capstone courses include a capstone project spanning two semesters. Close |
Prerequisites: E 321 (0-3-2)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) This course includes both experimentation and open-ended design problems that are integrated with the Materials Processing course taught concurrently. Core design themes are further developed.
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E 355 (3-3-4)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Basics of cost accounting and cost estimation, cost-estimating techniques for engineering projects, quantitative techniques for forecasting costs, cost of quality. Basic engineering economics, including capital investment in tangible and intangible assets. Engineering project management techniques, including budget development, sensitivity analysis, risk and uncertainty analysis and total quality management concepts.
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School of Systems & Enterprises