| (3-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) This course designed to provide a foundation of knowledge on the subject of management, while moving you closer to being an effective manager yourself. We discuss the functions, tasks, and responsibilities of managers in modern organizations. And we will focus on how managers engage their resources to achieve their goals. As this in an introductory course, we will survey a broad range of topics relevant to management scholars and managers.
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| (3-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Business Plan I: Introduction to Business Planning and Field Study During this 1st year course, students will gain a fundamental understanding of how businesses are organized, key functions within a company, and how companies operate, based upon using a Business Plan model as the teaching tool. Students start their exposure to a group of companies to assist them in determine what company, product, or service they choose for their business plan. Where appropriate, the latest E-Business techniques will be taught and used.
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| (3-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) During this 1st year course, students will develop skills in conducting in-depth internal analysis of a company, to include the type of questions and information needed for a situational diagnosis of a company's product or service, R&D efforts, organization and management, and financial strategies, Students are required to do more in-depth analysis on three selected companies, using the research and analysis techniques learned in this and last semester's course. Corequisites: BT 101 Business Plan I: Introduction to Business Planning and Field Study (3-0-3)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Business Plan I: Introduction to Business Planning and Field Study During this 1st year course, students will gain a fundamental understanding of how businesses are organized, key functions within a company, and how companies operate, based upon using a Business Plan model as the teaching tool. Students start their exposure to a group of companies to assist them in determine what company, product, or service they choose for their business plan. Where appropriate, the latest E-Business techniques will be taught and used. Close |
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| (4-0-4) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) This course deals with the methods and principles of financial accounting. It is concerned with the measurement of the results of business activities and with the preparation and use of financial reports such as the balance sheet and income statement. Topics include: the accounting cycle, principles of accrual accounting, the measurement and reporting of detailed balance sheet items and the analysis of financial reports. Ethical issues in accounting will be addressed.
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| (3-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) The recent developements in information technology (IT) and e-business have brought dramatic changes in the way companies operate, compete and conduct business. During theis course, students are introduced to the organization structure of e-business and are provided with a solid theoretical foundation for understanding applications from a managerial orientation. The focus is how new technology is conducted and managed, in addition to what are its opportunities, limitations, issues and risks. The goals for the course encourage student to develop skills in two areas: Information Technology Fundamentals and Business Applications. Specific topics include: Architecture of IT; e-business and the Internet; future trends in IT; and understanding business applications as they relate to IT.
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| (3-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) This course will introduce students to innovation and creativity. Included will be techniques to stimulate creativity in groups and individuals. The course utilizes individual and team projects to develop an intrinsic understanding of the environment, human's interaction with it and innovations to improve that interaction. Students will report the results of their innovation efforts through written and oral presentations. Included will be guest lectures and laboratory visits to introduce the student to the innovation processes. This course is open only to Business and Technology majors.
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| (0-0-0) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) This course will broadly address the issue of how management decisions are made in a corporate business environment.The focus will be on understanding the tools, people and processes that are used in large public companies to make major decisions. We will explore this in the context of the major decisions made by senior management, as opposed to day-to-day decision-making. As a survey course we will only highlight the theory and detailed mechanics of complex decision-making. Our focus will be to discuss the issues faced by executives in solving complex problems that require their attention and review the methods used by business executives to handle uncertainty, mitigate risk and create outcomes that address the needs of the business. Throughout the course we will examine the decision-making process from the perspective of different departments; marketing, sales, corporate planning, production, financing, etc.While many of the planning, financial and analytical tools are common, their application within different departments can and will vary. The course will consist of two components: 1. Lectures and reading on decision-making tools, methods and procedures. 2. Business case discussion on the application of decision-making tools to timely issues faced by leading corporations.
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| (3-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) This course deals with the methods and principles of financial accounting. It is concerned with the measurement of the results of business activities and with the preparation and use of financial reports such as the balance sheet and income statement. Topics include: the accounting cycle, principles of accrual accounting, the measurement and reporting of detailed balance sheet items and the analysis of financial reports. Ethical issues in accounting will be addressed.
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| (3-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) During this 2nd year course that focuses on measuring customer satisfaction and expectations, students will gain an understanding and appreciation of the issues that must be addressed to initiate a CSM program, the issues that go into the development implementation and managerial considerations involved in CSM. Topics include: customer satisfaction; "Customer Value Model;" and collecting and analyzing demographic and psychographic data. Corequisites: BT 101 Business Plan I: Introduction to Business Planning and Field Study (3-0-3)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Business Plan I: Introduction to Business Planning and Field Study During this 1st year course, students will gain a fundamental understanding of how businesses are organized, key functions within a company, and how companies operate, based upon using a Business Plan model as the teaching tool. Students start their exposure to a group of companies to assist them in determine what company, product, or service they choose for their business plan. Where appropriate, the latest E-Business techniques will be taught and used. Close |
BT 102 Business Plan II: Diagnosing the Internal Capabilities of a Company (3-0-3)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) During this 1st year course, students will develop skills in conducting in-depth internal analysis of a company, to include the type of questions and information needed for a situational diagnosis of a company's product or service, R&D efforts, organization and management, and financial strategies, Students are required to do more in-depth analysis on three selected companies, using the research and analysis techniques learned in this and last semester's course. Close |
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| (3-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) BT201 Students continue to build upon the market research and situational analysis techniques from prior courses by evaluating the external factors that can significantly impact a company's performance. Topics include: identifying key market-related forces and their impact on the company's marketing strategy; the impact of technological and social-economic developments; analyzing the impact of economic development on a company's financial strategy; and understanding the impact of legislative and regulatory actions. Students will complete an externally focused analysis of a company's operations and use the results of the analysis to identify threats and opportunities related to that company's performance.
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| (3-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) This course focuses on the managerial uses of accounting data for planning and control. It covers analysis of financial statements, cash flows, cost behavior,cost volume profit analysis, budgeting, decision making, responsibility accounting and cost allocation. Activity based costing and job order costing will also be addressed.
Prerequisites: BT 115 Financial Accounting (4-0-4)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) This course deals with the methods and principles of financial accounting. It is concerned with the measurement of the results of business activities and with the preparation and use of financial reports such as the balance sheet and income statement. Topics include: the accounting cycle, principles of accrual accounting, the measurement and reporting of detailed balance sheet items and the analysis of financial reports. Ethical issues in accounting will be addressed. Close |
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| (3-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) This course provides students with an understanding of the use of statistical methods as applied to business problems, in general, and to marketing research applications in particular. Topics include: descriptive statistics; probability theory, discrete and continuous probability distributions; sampling theory and sampling distributions; interval estimation; hypothesis testing; statistical inference about means, proportions, and variances; tests of goodness-of-fit and independence; analysis of variance and experimental design; simple and multiple regression; correlation analysis. This course has been developed with particular attention to the specific statistical foundation required by students enrolling in BT214 Marketing Research the next term. A statistical package (SPSS) will be used throughout the term.
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| (3-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) This course covers contemporary decision support models of forecasting, optimization and simulation for business activity. Students learn how to identify the problem situation, choose the appropriate methods, collect the data and find the solution. Handling the information and generating of alternative decisions based on operations research optimization, statistical simulation and system dynamic forecasting. Computer simulations will be performed on PCs equipped by user-friendly graphical interface with multimedia reports generation for visualization and animation. Students will also be trained in business game simulations for group decision support.
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| (3-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) The course will examine how firms achieve improved performance through the use of quantitative tools and techniques to inform marketing decision making----with particular emphasis on decisions involving response advertising and customer relationships. Each module of the course will begin with a review of a quantitative tool to which the students have already been exposed (e.g., net present value, statistical sampling theory, simulation, and regression analysis) and then illustrate the application of that tool in a marketing context. The course will rely heavily on problem sets, web-based exercises, and case studies as opposed to lectures and will require that students prepare for, attend, and contribute to class discussions. Examples of the kinds of decisions the course will examine range from the very tactical (how many names should be used to test the responsiveness of a direct mail list) to the strategic (how does one use the value of a firm’s customer relationships to estimate the value of the company). Companies that will be examined through the use of case studies include Capital One™ and their information-based credit-card strategy, Progressive® and their MyRate(SM) pay-as-you-drive auto insurance, and Netflix®.
Prerequisites: BT 350 Marketing (3-0-3)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) The purpose of this course is to provide the conceptual frameworks and decision tools required for the success in both technology-based and non-technology-based markets: the student learns to define and select specific customer segments; to monitor the business environment for both opportunities and threats, with particular attention to the ever changing technological and global context; and to develop marketing strategies for serving each targeted customer segment profitably. Although this course introduces the student to the basic theory and analytical methods characterizing modern marketing practice, there is an emphasis on both the marketing of technology products/services as well as the impact of technology on the general practice of marketing. Students are required to present both detailed marketing plans and several rigorous case analyses. Close |
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| (3-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) The forces which govern the overall performance of the national economy are covered. Areas discussed include the essence of the economic problem, supply and demand analysis, national income theory, the monetary system, alternative approaches to economic policy, current macroeconomic problems, and international economics.
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| (3-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) The focus of this course is on the behavior of and interactions between individual participants in the economic system. In addition to providing a theoretical basis for the analysis of these economic questions, the course also develops applications of these theories to a number of current problems. Topics include: the nature of economic decisions, the theory of market processes, models of imperfect competition, public policy towards competition, the allocation of factors of production, discrimination, poverty and earnings, and energy.
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| (3-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Students learn how to set preliminary goals, objectives, and strategies. They begin to develop the specific aspects of their business plan, including an actual sales/revenue plan. Topics covered also include preparing an research and development plan and the use of historical information to prepare sales, revenues, and marketing expense estimates. Students work independently and in class, individually and in teams.
Prerequisites: BT 101 Business Plan I: Introduction to Business Planning and Field Study (3-0-3)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Business Plan I: Introduction to Business Planning and Field Study During this 1st year course, students will gain a fundamental understanding of how businesses are organized, key functions within a company, and how companies operate, based upon using a Business Plan model as the teaching tool. Students start their exposure to a group of companies to assist them in determine what company, product, or service they choose for their business plan. Where appropriate, the latest E-Business techniques will be taught and used. Close |
BT 102 Business Plan II: Diagnosing the Internal Capabilities of a Company (3-0-3)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) During this 1st year course, students will develop skills in conducting in-depth internal analysis of a company, to include the type of questions and information needed for a situational diagnosis of a company's product or service, R&D efforts, organization and management, and financial strategies, Students are required to do more in-depth analysis on three selected companies, using the research and analysis techniques learned in this and last semester's course. Close |
BT 201 Business Plan III: Diagnosing and Measuring Customer Satisfaction (3-0-3)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) During this 2nd year course that focuses on measuring customer satisfaction and expectations, students will gain an understanding and appreciation of the issues that must be addressed to initiate a CSM program, the issues that go into the development implementation and managerial considerations involved in CSM. Topics include: customer satisfaction; "Customer Value Model;" and collecting and analyzing demographic and psychographic data. Close |
BT 202 Business Plan IV: Diagnosing the External Environment (3-0-3)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) BT201 Students continue to build upon the market research and situational analysis techniques from prior courses by evaluating the external factors that can significantly impact a company's performance. Topics include: identifying key market-related forces and their impact on the company's marketing strategy; the impact of technological and social-economic developments; analyzing the impact of economic development on a company's financial strategy; and understanding the impact of legislative and regulatory actions. Students will complete an externally focused analysis of a company's operations and use the results of the analysis to identify threats and opportunities related to that company's performance. Close |
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| (3-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) This course covers the basic managerial components of planning, organizing, influencing, and controlling with selected study and discussion of important and sometimes controversial topics including global management, social and ethical responsibility, human resources, change, leadership, and communication. By term-end, students are expected to complete the ‘Managerial’ portion of their Business Plan.
Prerequisites: BT 101 Business Plan I: Introduction to Business Planning and Field Study (3-0-3)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Business Plan I: Introduction to Business Planning and Field Study During this 1st year course, students will gain a fundamental understanding of how businesses are organized, key functions within a company, and how companies operate, based upon using a Business Plan model as the teaching tool. Students start their exposure to a group of companies to assist them in determine what company, product, or service they choose for their business plan. Where appropriate, the latest E-Business techniques will be taught and used. Close |
BT 102 Business Plan II: Diagnosing the Internal Capabilities of a Company (3-0-3)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) During this 1st year course, students will develop skills in conducting in-depth internal analysis of a company, to include the type of questions and information needed for a situational diagnosis of a company's product or service, R&D efforts, organization and management, and financial strategies, Students are required to do more in-depth analysis on three selected companies, using the research and analysis techniques learned in this and last semester's course. Close |
BT 201 Business Plan III: Diagnosing and Measuring Customer Satisfaction (3-0-3)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) During this 2nd year course that focuses on measuring customer satisfaction and expectations, students will gain an understanding and appreciation of the issues that must be addressed to initiate a CSM program, the issues that go into the development implementation and managerial considerations involved in CSM. Topics include: customer satisfaction; "Customer Value Model;" and collecting and analyzing demographic and psychographic data. Close |
BT 202 Business Plan IV: Diagnosing the External Environment (3-0-3)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) BT201 Students continue to build upon the market research and situational analysis techniques from prior courses by evaluating the external factors that can significantly impact a company's performance. Topics include: identifying key market-related forces and their impact on the company's marketing strategy; the impact of technological and social-economic developments; analyzing the impact of economic development on a company's financial strategy; and understanding the impact of legislative and regulatory actions. Students will complete an externally focused analysis of a company's operations and use the results of the analysis to identify threats and opportunities related to that company's performance. Close |
BT 301 Strategy (3-0-3)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Students learn how to set preliminary goals, objectives, and strategies. They begin to develop the specific aspects of their business plan, including an actual sales/revenue plan. Topics covered also include preparing an research and development plan and the use of historical information to prepare sales, revenues, and marketing expense estimates. Students work independently and in class, individually and in teams. Close |
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| (3-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) This course will focus on the appropriate capital structure for a corporation. Topics covered include financial statement analysis, time value of money, valuation of financial instruments, risk and reward, capital structures, the capital asset pricing model and cash management.
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| (3-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) This is a survey course that addresses the major financial markets, including the debt, equity, government securities and commodity exchanges. I have designed the course to provide a basic appreciation of why these markets exist, who are the players; how they work; what are the rules and how they are evolving. We will spend considerable time in discussing in detail the nature of the principal financial instruments or securities that are being bought and sold in these markets. Within this context we will also discuss how money is being made and lost in these exchanges; although we will not spend a lot of time on the financial theories of how these securities are pricing.
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| (0-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) This course will review how firms communicate through financial statements. It discusses how accounting regulations and managerial discretion influence financial statements. The course will cover how to use financial statement analysis as an integral part of the strategic analysis of firms. The course will focus on how to interpret financial statements, analyze cash flows and make judgments about earnings quality.
Prerequisites: BT 115 Financial Accounting (4-0-4)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) This course deals with the methods and principles of financial accounting. It is concerned with the measurement of the results of business activities and with the preparation and use of financial reports such as the balance sheet and income statement. Topics include: the accounting cycle, principles of accrual accounting, the measurement and reporting of detailed balance sheet items and the analysis of financial reports. Ethical issues in accounting will be addressed. Close |
BT 321 Corporate Finance (3-0-3)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) This course will focus on the appropriate capital structure for a corporation. Topics covered include financial statement analysis, time value of money, valuation of financial instruments, risk and reward, capital structures, the capital asset pricing model and cash management. Close |
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| (0-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Course exposes students to experts from a myriad of backgrounds to discuss current, relevant topics relating to accounting issues in the modern, global corporation and to give students a greater understanding of the accountant's role. Guests will speak for one-hour and the remainder of the time will be a question-and-answer session, which will be intended to encourage a lively exchange of ideas.
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| (3-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) The course addresses the application of relational databases to solve business problems. It focuses on relational database model, multi-table query languages, file and index organization and integrity. Advanced topics include calculations in creating professional and useful reports, pivot tables and charts for data mining, database maintenance and the customization of a database with programming languages. Upon completion of this course students will be able to design, implement and maintain a relational database.
Prerequisites: CS 105 Introduction to Scientific Computing (3-0-3)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) This is a first course in computer programming for students with no prior experience. Students will learn the core process of programming: given a problem statement, how does one design an algorithm to solve that particular problem and then implement the algorithm in a computer program? The course will also introduce elementary programming concepts like basic control concepts (such as conditional statements and loops) and a few essential data types (e.g., integers and doubles). Exposure to programming will be through a self-contained user-friendly programming environment, widely used by the scientific and engineering communities, such as Matlab. The course will cover problems from all fields of science, engineering, and business. Close |
BT 121 IT & Communications: Introduction to E-Business (3-0-3)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) The recent developements in information technology (IT) and e-business have brought dramatic changes in the way companies operate, compete and conduct business. During theis course, students are introduced to the organization structure of e-business and are provided with a solid theoretical foundation for understanding applications from a managerial orientation. The focus is how new technology is conducted and managed, in addition to what are its opportunities, limitations, issues and risks. The goals for the course encourage student to develop skills in two areas: Information Technology Fundamentals and Business Applications. Specific topics include: Architecture of IT; e-business and the Internet; future trends in IT; and understanding business applications as they relate to IT. Close |
BT 223 Applied Models and Simulation (3-0-3)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) This course covers contemporary decision support models of forecasting, optimization and simulation for business activity. Students learn how to identify the problem situation, choose the appropriate methods, collect the data and find the solution. Handling the information and generating of alternative decisions based on operations research optimization, statistical simulation and system dynamic forecasting. Computer simulations will be performed on PCs equipped by user-friendly graphical interface with multimedia reports generation for visualization and animation. Students will also be trained in business game simulations for group decision support. Close |
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| (3-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) The course is the fourth in a four-course sequence for business and technology program students. The sequence of courses is designed to provide the student with an overview of modern sciences and technologies, as well as scientific and engineering methodologies. This course covers energy, thermodynamics, as well as environmental science and the impact of man's activity on the environment. The unifying theme of the course is power generation systems including fossil fuels, hydroelectric, geothermal and photovoltaic. A three-hour laboratory is an integral part of the course and includes experimentation, demonstrations and group projects.
Prerequisites: PEP 124 |
| (3-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) The purpose of this course is to provide the conceptual frameworks and decision tools required for the success in both technology-based and non-technology-based markets: the student learns to define and select specific customer segments; to monitor the business environment for both opportunities and threats, with particular attention to the ever changing technological and global context; and to develop marketing strategies for serving each targeted customer segment profitably. Although this course introduces the student to the basic theory and analytical methods characterizing modern marketing practice, there is an emphasis on both the marketing of technology products/services as well as the impact of technology on the general practice of marketing. Students are required to present both detailed marketing plans and several rigorous case analyses.
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| (2-0-2) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) This course will introduce the student to the basic principles of managing technology and innovation in the corporate environment and the critical role technology plays as a strategic resource to achieve an organization's business objectives. Topics will include the evolution of technology and the technology lifecycle, understanding technological innovation in industry and organizational contexts, intellectual property, and the new product/service development process. Corequisites: BT 334 Science and Technology IV: Introduction to Chemistry and Materials (3-0-3)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) The course is the fourth in a four-course sequence for business and technology program students. The sequence of courses is designed to provide the student with an overview of modern sciences and technologies, as well as scientific and engineering methodologies. This course covers energy, thermodynamics, as well as environmental science and the impact of man's activity on the environment. The unifying theme of the course is power generation systems including fossil fuels, hydroelectric, geothermal and photovoltaic. A three-hour laboratory is an integral part of the course and includes experimentation, demonstrations and group projects. Close |
Prerequisites: PEP 124 |
| | (3-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) This course will describe the problems of managing a project within a permanent organization for the purpose of achieving a specific objective. It will broadly cover the operational and conceptual issues faced by modern project managers. At the end of this course, students should be able to develop, execute, and control a basic project plan capable of supporting business objectives linked to measures of success for a single project
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| (3-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours)
The International Business course focuses on the impact of variation in the economic, political, legal, social, and cultural contexts of nations on the competitive business strategies of local and multinational firms. Course objectives include: - Developing concepts and tools useful in evaluating and formulating the competitive business strategies of firms on the changing global environment.
- Develop a general framework for the country analysis useful in identifying the opportunities, challenges, and risks various countries present both to firms headquartered in them, and to multinational firms currently or contemplating competing in them.
- Apply the international business concepts and tools, and the framework for the country analysis to a number of different firms in a number of different industries in a number of different countries.
- Develop communication skills, including the ability to present effectively and communicate in writing effectively.
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| (3-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Students are confronted with the challenges, problems and issues faced by inventors who seek to transform their inventions into economic viable innovations. This integrative course develops the fundamental business skills necessary to identify, evaluate, develop and exploit business opportunities.
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| (3-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Students learn how to use their business plan, deal with problems encountered, update, and get funding. They are exposed to the issues of law, ethics, and negotiation as applied to business implementation. Students are required to make their first full-plan presentation to peers and faculty. Topics include type of capital and alternative sources, venture capital, and building the organizational infrastructure for plan support.
Prerequisites: BT 101 (3-0-3)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Business Plan I: Introduction to Business Planning and Field Study During this 1st year course, students will gain a fundamental understanding of how businesses are organized, key functions within a company, and how companies operate, based upon using a Business Plan model as the teaching tool. Students start their exposure to a group of companies to assist them in determine what company, product, or service they choose for their business plan. Where appropriate, the latest E-Business techniques will be taught and used.
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BT 102 (3-0-3)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) During this 1st year course, students will develop skills in conducting in-depth internal analysis of a company, to include the type of questions and information needed for a situational diagnosis of a company's product or service, R&D efforts, organization and management, and financial strategies, Students are required to do more in-depth analysis on three selected companies, using the research and analysis techniques learned in this and last semester's course.
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BT 201 (3-0-3)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) During this 2nd year course that focuses on measuring customer satisfaction and expectations, students will gain an understanding and appreciation of the issues that must be addressed to initiate a CSM program, the issues that go into the development implementation and managerial considerations involved in CSM. Topics include: customer satisfaction; "Customer Value Model;" and collecting and analyzing demographic and psychographic data.
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BT 202 (3-0-3)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) BT201 Students continue to build upon the market research and situational analysis techniques from prior courses by evaluating the external factors that can significantly impact a company's performance. Topics include: identifying key market-related forces and their impact on the company's marketing strategy; the impact of technological and social-economic developments; analyzing the impact of economic development on a company's financial strategy; and understanding the impact of legislative and regulatory actions. Students will complete an externally focused analysis of a company's operations and use the results of the analysis to identify threats and opportunities related to that company's performance.
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BT 301 (3-0-3)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Students learn how to set preliminary goals, objectives, and strategies. They begin to develop the specific aspects of their business plan, including an actual sales/revenue plan. Topics covered also include preparing an research and development plan and the use of historical information to prepare sales, revenues, and marketing expense estimates. Students work independently and in class, individually and in teams.
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BT 302 (3-0-3)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) This course covers the basic managerial components of planning, organizing, influencing, and controlling with selected study and discussion of important and sometimes controversial topics including global management, social and ethical responsibility, human resources, change, leadership, and communication. By term-end, students are expected to complete the ‘Managerial’ portion of their Business Plan.
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| (3-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Students see the culmination of their efforts in this final semester. They make their presentation; it is evaluated by industry and venture leaders.
Prerequisites: BT 101 (3-0-3)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Business Plan I: Introduction to Business Planning and Field Study During this 1st year course, students will gain a fundamental understanding of how businesses are organized, key functions within a company, and how companies operate, based upon using a Business Plan model as the teaching tool. Students start their exposure to a group of companies to assist them in determine what company, product, or service they choose for their business plan. Where appropriate, the latest E-Business techniques will be taught and used.
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BT 102 (3-0-3)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) During this 1st year course, students will develop skills in conducting in-depth internal analysis of a company, to include the type of questions and information needed for a situational diagnosis of a company's product or service, R&D efforts, organization and management, and financial strategies, Students are required to do more in-depth analysis on three selected companies, using the research and analysis techniques learned in this and last semester's course.
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BT 201 (3-0-3)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) During this 2nd year course that focuses on measuring customer satisfaction and expectations, students will gain an understanding and appreciation of the issues that must be addressed to initiate a CSM program, the issues that go into the development implementation and managerial considerations involved in CSM. Topics include: customer satisfaction; "Customer Value Model;" and collecting and analyzing demographic and psychographic data.
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BT 202 (3-0-3)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) BT201 Students continue to build upon the market research and situational analysis techniques from prior courses by evaluating the external factors that can significantly impact a company's performance. Topics include: identifying key market-related forces and their impact on the company's marketing strategy; the impact of technological and social-economic developments; analyzing the impact of economic development on a company's financial strategy; and understanding the impact of legislative and regulatory actions. Students will complete an externally focused analysis of a company's operations and use the results of the analysis to identify threats and opportunities related to that company's performance.
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BT 301 (3-0-3)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Students learn how to set preliminary goals, objectives, and strategies. They begin to develop the specific aspects of their business plan, including an actual sales/revenue plan. Topics covered also include preparing an research and development plan and the use of historical information to prepare sales, revenues, and marketing expense estimates. Students work independently and in class, individually and in teams.
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BT 302 (3-0-3)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) This course covers the basic managerial components of planning, organizing, influencing, and controlling with selected study and discussion of important and sometimes controversial topics including global management, social and ethical responsibility, human resources, change, leadership, and communication. By term-end, students are expected to complete the ‘Managerial’ portion of their Business Plan.
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BT 401 (3-0-3)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Students learn how to use their business plan, deal with problems encountered, update, and get funding. They are exposed to the issues of law, ethics, and negotiation as applied to business implementation. Students are required to make their first full-plan presentation to peers and faculty. Topics include type of capital and alternative sources, venture capital, and building the organizational infrastructure for plan support.
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| (3-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) This elective course provides students the opportunity to draw together and build upon the marketing and business knowledge acquired in prior courses. Students are challenged to apply and extend this knowledge in a variety of marketing opportunities, forecasting, test market interpretation, product management, pricing decisions, development of the marketing communication mix, and sales force management. Cases are extensively used.
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| (0-2-2) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Students are required to join senior engineering project teams and contribute to the project in terms of helping the group develop a business plan for its design product.
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| (0-6-2) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Students are required to join senior engineering project teams and contribute to the project in terms of helping the group develop a business plan for its design product.
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| (3-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) This course introduces students to the managerial analysis and application of network and software applications necessary to develop, maintain, and enhance a business presence in the electronic marketplace. This course builds upon previous courses in Information Technology, including network and software applications from a management and implementation perspective, and introduces advanced concepts in these areas. This course requires in-class use of a laptop computer in the current Stevens configuration with Stevens wireless and TCP/IP access.
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| (3-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) This course covers differentiated and contrasted aspects of an entrepreneurial organization. In addition, students are exposed to the latest e-business tools used to expand a business and facilitate entrepreneurial start-up firms. Included are differences in funding techniques, hiring and practice, and leveraging of supplier resources.
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| (3-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours)
The course addresses the methods and techniques required to analyze, design, implement, automate, and evaluate business processes. Structured along the phases of the Business Process Management (BPM) life cycle, students learn to analyze organizational performance from a process perspective, redesign processes using value-focused techniques, design workflows and implement them in BPM systems, simulate new process designs, and create process analytics applications using dashboards. The course leads students from process discovery through conceptual and technical process design through the implementation and management of workflows to the structure of process-aware information systems. Upon completion of this course students will be able to assess the efficiency and effectiveness of an organization from a process perspective, conduct process improvement projects, and determine the role of technology in supporting corporate processes.
Prerequisites: BT 201 (3-0-3)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) During this 2nd year course that focuses on measuring customer satisfaction and expectations, students will gain an understanding and appreciation of the issues that must be addressed to initiate a CSM program, the issues that go into the development implementation and managerial considerations involved in CSM. Topics include: customer satisfaction; "Customer Value Model;" and collecting and analyzing demographic and psychographic data.
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| (0-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) BT321 The investment strategies course will focus on the different fundamental approaches and tactics used by leading investors to achieve their financial goals by: 1) Targeted readings and class room discussions of investment styles, including momentum, growth, income, distressed, asset allocation, and vulture investing, to name just a few; 2) Participating in a real-time market simulation game in which each student (or teams of students) will learn how to create viable portfolios of stocks, bonds and other investments; while tracking their performance against the overall market and the class on a weekly basis throughout the course. This course will teach the practical side of investing how to set investment objectives; determining which investment styles will help meet these objectives; as well as the tactical side of how to buy and sell individual securities and protect gains or hedge risks. Students will be required to sign-up for the STOCKTRAC simulation program that allows virtual buying and selling securities just like professional investors without the expense and/or risk of actual trading. No prior trading experience or finance courses will be required. Students will develop portfolios and report during the semester on their progress. A final portfolio analysis report will be required at the end of the semester. Corequisites: BT 321 Corporate Finance (3-0-3)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) This course will focus on the appropriate capital structure for a corporation. Topics covered include financial statement analysis, time value of money, valuation of financial instruments, risk and reward, capital structures, the capital asset pricing model and cash management. Close |
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| (3-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) This capstone course within the Entrepreneurship minor is designed to develop the content and presentation of the technical and business elements of students’ entrepreneurial business plans. Starting with the technical aspects of the design project, students are led through the components of a complete business plan, with instruction and practice in the writing and presentation of the plan. As a capstone exercise, students complete the course by presenting their business plans in an ‘Elevator Pitch’ event at which venture capitalists and other investors rate the quality of student presentations and entrepreneurial business ideas.
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| (3-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) This course focuses on the analysis and development of systems to meet the increasing need for information within organizations. It presents and analyzes various topics such as systems development life cycle, analysis and design techniques, information systems planning and project identification and selection, requirements collection and structuring, process modeling, data modeling, design of interface and data management, system implementation and operation, system maintenance, and change management implications of systems.
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| (0-0-0) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) This course takes an in-depth look at intellectual property rights, with a focus on key management issues and how one secures, manages, and enforces these rights. There is a major focus on the international and Internet aspects of intellectual property, but also on other areas of concern to business and technology managers, such as unique contexts in which intellectual property issues arise, events normally viewed under other areas of law but which impact intellectual property, and how to protect the firm as well as its intellectual property rights. The student will examine the current state of the law in these areas as well as gain insight into the possible future direction of the law, helping the student become better prepared for today's and tomorrow's work and business environment.
Prerequisites: BT 413 (3-0-3)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) This course covers the fundamentals of contract law, aspects of environmental regulations, lobbying, ethics, and the law and negotiating techniques. Specific discussion includes the legal and ethical aspects of the new web-based economies and businesses internationally.
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| (3-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) An introduction to the investment management process emphasizing measuring and managing investment risk and return. Topics will include investment objectives and constraints, modern portfolio theory, CAPM, efficient markets, stock and bond valuation models, performance evaluation, futures and options.
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| (3-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) This is an advanced course that is designed to provide you with a comprehensive perspective of how financial theory is applied to valuation problems. The tools and techniques that will form the foundation of the course can be applied to a broad range of valuation topics that extend beyond securities (or public equities) and will encompass pricing for: private enterprise valuation and term sheets; intellectual property rights and patents; marketing and distribution agreements; commercial real estate leases; licensing agreements; options and insurance contracts. The course will center on intrinsic enterprise or project evaluation and will build upon the concepts introduced in the basic Corporate Finance course.
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| (3-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) This is a course on the fundamentals of financial derivatives, covering the basic properties and the pricing fundamentals of futures, options and swaps. It also explores trading and hedging strategies involving financial derivatives. Finally, time permitting special topics such as exotic options and credit derivatives are explored. The course provides the foundation of financial derivatives and lays the ground for a rigorous risk management course and other advanced quantitative courses, such as stochastic finance.
Prerequisites: BT 321 (3-0-3)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) This course will focus on the appropriate capital structure for a corporation. Topics covered include financial statement analysis, time value of money, valuation of financial instruments, risk and reward, capital structures, the capital asset pricing model and cash management.
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| (3-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) This seminar will examine the processes of globalization for multi-national companies and why they seek markets in other countries. US and foreign countries cultural, labor and management issues will be compared. How management practices transfer across cultures will also be examined. Includes visits to overseas companies as part of a field study experience.
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| (3-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) This course will give students an insightful overview of the practice and power of public relations, and its role in the marketing mix. No longer an industry relegated to sending out press releases as a means to communicate, this course will help students understand the power of communication across all genres, and appreciate the role of communication/reputation management in all aspects of business. From corporate earnings announcements to employee relations and philanthropic endeavors, this course will relay the basic elements for this effective tool. This course, taught by a practicing professional, will give an overview of outside PR counsel; internal PR departments; and how to manage the specialty function.
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| (2-2-4) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) This course provides an introduction to systems and development concepts, information technology and application software. It explains how information is used in organizations and the effects IT has on the organization’s structure, processes, employees, customers, and suppliers. In addition, the course describes how IT enables improvement in quality, timeliness, and competitive advantage. Structure and functions of computers and telecommunications systems are also examined.
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This course covers information systems design and implementation. Students will demonstrate their mastery of the design process acquired in earlier courses by engaging in the physical design and implementation process for an information system of a limited scope.
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This course focuses on the relationships and the interdependencies among networks, hardware, data, and applications. The students will learn how to design in the large, make appropriate choices about architecture in relationship to overall organization goals, understand the different mechanisms for coordination available, and create a process for establishing and maintaining an ongoing enterprise architecture.
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This course provides an in-depth knowledge of data communications and networking requirements including networking and telecommunications technologies, hardware, and software. Emphasis is upon the analysis and design of networking applications in organizations. Management of telecommunications networks, cost-benefit analysis, and evaluation of connectivity options are covered. Students learn to evaluate, select, and implement different communication options within an organization.
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This course introduces students to the use of computerized information systems to satisfy strategic business needs. It outlines the concepts of information systems for competitive advantage, data as a resource and IS and IT planning and implementation. It concentrates on developing the students’ competency in current/emerging issues in creating and coordinating the key activities necessary to manage the day-to-day IT functions of a company.
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| (3-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Using an applied and experiential format, this course exposes students to theory, methods and research in organizational behavior and social psychology. Topics relating to individual differences and group dynamics in organizational settings are stressed. Learning occurs through discussion, group activities, and the completion of assessment instruments. Emphasis is on helping students understand and improve their skills in key areas, including decision-making, leadership, negotiation, and conflict resolution.
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| (3-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) The forces which govern the overall performance of the national economy are covered. Areas discussed include: supply and demand analysis, national income theory, monetary systems, alternative approaches to economic policy, current macroeconomic problems, and international economies.
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| (3-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) The focus of this course is on the behavior of and interactions between individual participants in the economic system. In addition to providing a theoretical basis for the analysis of these economic questions, the course also develops applications of these theories to a number of current problems. Topics include: the nature of economic decisions, the theory of market processes, models of imperfect competition, public policy towards competition, the allocation of factors of production, discrimination, poverty and earnings, and energy.
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| (3-3-0) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) This course is offered for students who are pursuing the entrepreneurship minor. Students are confronted with the challenges, problems and issues faced by inventors who seek to transform their inventions into economic viable innovations. This integrative course develops the fundamental business skills necessary to identify, evaluate, develop and exploit business opportunities.
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| | (3-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) This sequence develops the use of industry-standard personal productivity packages to develop reports and information in support ofthe key decision-making responsibilities of management. Advanced uses of the spreadsheet are developed, including the creation of aneffective business system using the spreadsheet's macro language. More complicated problems are approached using an industry-standard database management system. A course segment presents the integrated systems approach, including the use of local area networks ( such as the campus-wide network) to solve complex business problems.
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| (0-0-0) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) This capstone course within the Entrepreneurship minor is designed to develop the content and presentation of the technical and business elements of students entrepreneurial business plans. Starting with the technical aspects of the design project, students are led through the components of a complete business plan, with instruction and practice in the writing and presentation of the plan. As a capstone exercise, students complete the course by presenting their business plans in an Elevator Pitch event at which venture capitalists and other investors rate the quality of student presentations and entrepreneurial business ideas.
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| (0-0-0) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Managerial decision-making and its impact on society are the central theme; emphasis is on the selection and implementation of corporate goals, measures of corporate performance and concepts of industrial regulations.
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| (0-0-0) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) You will be a member of a small learning group in which the dynamics of human behavior are learned through supervised experience. As the group develops. the basic principles of group interaction become apparent to you, as do your own contributions, emotions and motivations. With faculty guidance, and at the group's own initiative, group dynamics and interpersonal interaction on many levels are investigated.
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| (3-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) This is the 1st Spine Course in the Quantitative Finance program. The course objective is to introduce students to the basics of business, finance, and the capital markets as a foundation for subsequent Spine Courses. There is no pre-requisite, and no prior knowledge of business or finance topics is assumed.
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| (3-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) This is the 2nd Spine Course in the Quantitative Finance program. The course objective is to familiarize students with the methods of creating and managing investment portfolios. This involves understanding basic concepts of portfolio construction, integrating investment decisions across multiple positions and asset categories. A Secondary objective is to expand the student's familiarity with the sources and formats of the standard financial reports prepared by public companies in the United States, and to allow students to gain experience in accessing and using publicly available financial information. In addition, students will continue to gain experience with the use of real-time market information on traded securities and the application of simple valuation metrics. Third, students will examine the more prominent types of business models in the financial industry, including commercial banks, investment banks, asset managers and other financial service companies.
Prerequisites: QF 101 Quantitative Finance (3-0-3)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) This is the 1st Spine Course in the Quantitative Finance program. The course objective is to introduce students to the basics of business, finance, and the capital markets as a foundation for subsequent Spine Courses. There is no pre-requisite, and no prior knowledge of business or finance topics is assumed. Close |
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| (3-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Students will study the application of quantitative methods to the field of finance, including investment theory and risk management. Among topics covered will be regression analysis, building asset/business cash flow models of a business, sensitivity analysis, value at risk (VAR) models, probability transition matrices and stochastic difference equations(SDE’s)
Prerequisites: QF 201 Principles of Quantitative Finance (3-0-3)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Students will learn the principles of Quantitative Finance, the application of quantitative methods to financial markets. First, students will learn some basic building blocks necessary for the design and implementation of quantitative financial modeling techniques. They will then learn about some simple quantitative finance models based on one of several parameters including historical price data, accounting earnings, cash flows and asset values. Students will also learn by doing. They will be assigned to three member Project Teams that will design and test their own financial models and create a virtual hedge fund using the Stocktrak system, which will allow them to trade virtually any publicly traded security in the world without the actual risk of gain or loss. Each team will make three short presentations to the class and will be evaluated on the 1) preliminary design, 2) implementation and 3) performance of their financial models and virtual hedge fund. In addition, each team will present a book report on one of a list of books provided by the instructor related to the field of Quantitative Finance. Close |
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| | (3-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) This course will cover the main topics of the analysis of time series to evaluate risk and return of the main products of capital markets (equity, fixed income, and derivatives). Students will work with historical databases, conduct their own analysis, and test trading strategies based on the techniques reviewed during the class.
Prerequisites: MA 331 (3-0-3)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) An introduction to statistical inference and to the use of basic statistical tools. Topics include descriptive and inferential statistics; review of point estimation, method of moments, and maximum likelihood; interval estimation and hypothesis testing; simple and multiple linear regression; analysis of variance and design of experiments; and nonparametric methods. Selected topics, such as quality control and time series analysis, may also be included. Statistical software is used throughout the course for exploratory data analysis and statistical inference based in examples and in real data relevant for applications.
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BT 221 (3-0-3)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) This course provides students with an understanding of the use of statistical methods as applied to business problems, in general, and to marketing research applications in particular. Topics include: descriptive statistics; probability theory, discrete and continuous probability distributions; sampling theory and sampling distributions; interval estimation; hypothesis testing; statistical inference about means, proportions, and variances; tests of goodness-of-fit and independence; analysis of variance and experimental design; simple and multiple regression; correlation analysis. This course has been developed with particular attention to the specific statistical foundation required by students enrolling in BT214 Marketing Research the next term. A statistical package (SPSS) will be used throughout the term.
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MGT 620 (3-0-3)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) The major portion of the course covers an introduction to the probabilistic and statistical concepts and models used in day-to-day business decision-making. Topics include data analysis, correlational techniques, regression, statistical inference, and forecasting.
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QF 202 (3-0-3)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Students will study the application of quantitative methods to the field of finance, including investment theory and risk management. Among topics covered will be regression analysis, building asset/business cash flow models of a business, sensitivity analysis, value at risk (VAR) models, probability transition matrices and stochastic difference equations(SDE’s)
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| (3-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) This course will offer students an understanding of the main micro-structural features of financial markets, and the opportunity to test and practice different trading strategies. The course concentrates on the operations of exchanges, trading systems and broker/dealer intermediaries. Students will have a high level view of the trading decision process, market structure design, and market structure regulation. The course is based on computer simulations that recreate a trading environment and the typical challenges faced by professional traders.
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Wesley J. Howe School of Technology Management
Dr. Gregory Prastacos, Dean
Linda Pittenger, Associate Dean for the Graduate Enterprise
Ann Mooney Murphy, Interim Associate Dean for the Undergraduate Enterprise |