| (3-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Introduction to logic, methods of proof, proof by induction and the pigeonhole principle with applications to logic design. Analytic functions of a complex variable, Cauchy-Riemann equations, Taylor series. Integration in the complex plane, Cauchy Integral formula, Liouville's theorem, maximum modulus theorem. Laurent series, residues, the residue theorem. Applications to system theory, Laplace transforms, and transmission lines.
Prerequisites: MA 221 Differential Equations (4-0-4)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Ordinary differential equations of first and second order, homogeneous and non-homogeneous equations; improper integrals, Laplace transforms; review of infinite series, series solutions of ordinary differential equations near an ordinary point; boundary-value problems; orthogonal functions; Fourier series; separation of variables for partial differential equations. Close |
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| (1-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Additional work for transfer students to cover topics omitted from Circuits and Systems courses taken elsewhere. This additional work is usually specified as completion of particular PSI modules.
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| (0-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) This course will include both experimentation and open-ended design problems that are integrated with the Materials Processing course taught concurrently. Core design themes will be further developed.
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| (1-3-2) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) This course addresses the general topic of selection, evaluation and design of a project concept, emphasizing the principles of team-based projects and the stages of project development. Techniques to acquire information related to the state-of-the-art concepts and components impacting the project, evaluation of alternative approaches and selection of viable solutions based on appropriate cost factors, presentation of proposed projects at initial, intermediate and final stages of development and related design topics. Students are encouraged to use this experience to prepare for the senior design project courses. Corequisites: E 355 Engineering Economics (3-3-4)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Basics of cost accounting and cost estimation, cost-estimating techniques for engineering projects, quantitative techniques for forecasting costs, cost of quality. Basic engineering economics, including capital investment in tangible and intangible assets. Engineering project management techniques, including budget development, sensitivity analysis, risk and uncertainty analysis and total quality management concepts. Close |
EE 345 Modeling and Simulation (3-0-3)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Development of deterministic and non-deterministic models for physical systems, engineering applications and simulation tools for deterministic and non-deterministic systems. Case studies and projects. Close |
Prerequisites: E 321 Engineering Design V (0-3-2)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) This course includes both experimentation and open-ended design problems that are integrated with the Materials Processing course taught concurrently. Core design themes are further developed. Close |
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| (0-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Experimental investigations of the characteristics of networks, and integrated electronics with application to analog and digital instrumentation and control. Students are required to design, breadboard and test their circuits.
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| (3-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Development of deterministic and non-deterministic models for physical systems, engineering applications and simulation tools for deterministic and non-deterministic systems. Case studies and projects.
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| (3-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) An introduction to the mathematical methods used in the study of communications systems with practical applications. Discrete and fast Fourier transforms. Functions of a complex variable. Laplace and Z transforms.
Prerequisites: E 245 Circuits and Systems (2-3-3)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Ideal circuit elements; Kirchoff laws and nodal analysis; source transformations; Thevenin/Norton theorems; operational amplifiers; response of RL, RC and RLC circuits; sinusoidal sources and steady state analysis; analysis in frequenct domain; average and RMS power; linear and ideal transformers; linear models for transistors and diodes; analysis in the s-domain; Laplace transforms; transfer functions. Close |
EE 250 Mathematics for Electrical Engineers (3-0-3)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Introduction to logic, methods of proof, proof by induction and the pigeonhole principle with applications to logic design. Analytic functions of a complex variable, Cauchy-Riemann equations, Taylor series. Integration in the complex plane, Cauchy Integral formula, Liouville's theorem, maximum modulus theorem. Laurent series, residues, the residue theorem. Applications to system theory, Laplace transforms, and transmission lines. Close |
MA 227 Multivariable Calculus (3-0-3)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Review of matrix operations, Cramer’s rule, row reduction of matrices; inverse of a matrix, eigenvalues and eigenvectors; systems of linear algebraic equations; matrix methods for linear systems of differential equations, normal form, homogeneous constant coefficient systems, complex eigenvalues, nonhomogeneous systems, the matrix exponential; double and triple integrals; polar, cylindrical and spherical coordinates; surface and line integrals; integral theorems of Green, Gauss and Stokes. Close |
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| (3-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Design of differential amplifiers using BJTs or FETs, design of output stages (class B and class AB), output and input impedance of differential amplifiers, frequency response. Feedback amplifiers, Nyquist criteria, Nyquist plots and root loci, bode plots, gain/phase margins and application in compensation for operational amplifiers, oscillators, tuned amplifiers and filters (passive and active). A suitable circuit analysis package is used for solving many of the problems. Corequisites: E 232 Engineering Design IV (2-3-3)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) This course continues the experiential sequence in design. Design projects are in, and lectures address the area of Electronics and Instrumentation. Core design themes are further developed. Close |
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| (1-7-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Senior design course. The development of design skills and engineering judgment, based upon previous and current course and laboratory experience, is accomplished by participation in a design project. Projects are selected in areas of current interest such as communication and control systems, signal processing and hardware and software design for computer-based systems. To be taken during the student's last fall semester as an undergraduate student.
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| (0-8-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) A continuation of EE 423 in which the design is implemented and demonstrated. This includes the completion of a prototype (hardware and/or software), testing and demonstrating performance and evaluating the results. To be taken during the student's last spring semester as an undergraduate student.
Prerequisites: EE 423 Engineering Design VII (1-7-3)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Senior design course. The development of design skills and engineering judgment, based upon previous and current course and laboratory experience, is accomplished by participation in a design project. Projects are selected in areas of current interest such as communication and control systems, signal processing and hardware and software design for computer-based systems. To be taken during the student's last fall semester as an undergraduate student. Close |
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| (3-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) This course consists of lectures designed to explore a topic of contemporary interest from the perspective of current research and development. In addition to lectures by the instructors and discussions led by students, the course includes talks by professionals working in the topic being studied. When appropriate, team-based design projects are included.
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| (3-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Review of history, concepts, and technologies of wireless communications; explanations and mathematical models for analyzing and designing wireless systems; description of various wireless systems, including cellular systems, wireless local area networks, and satellite-based communication systems; and wireless design projects using Matlab, LabView, and software-defined radio.
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| | (3-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Introduction to the theory and design of digital signal processing systems. Include sampling, linear convolution, impulse response, and difference equations; discrete-time Fourier transform, DFT/FFT, circular convolution, and Z-transform; frequency response, magnitude, phase and group delays; ideal filters, linear-phase FIR filters, all-pass filters, minimum-phase and inverse systems; digital processing of continuous-time signals.
Prerequisites: EE 348 (3-0-3)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) An introduction to the mathematical methods used in the study of communications systems with practical applications. Discrete and fast Fourier transforms. Functions of a complex variable. Laplace and Z transforms.
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| (3-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Review of probability, random processes, signals and systems; continuous-wave modulation including AM, DSB-SC, SSB, FM and PM; superheterodyne receiver; noise analysis; pulse modulation including PAM, PPM, PDM and PCM; quantization and coding; delta modulation, linear prediction and DPCM; baseband digital transmission, matched filter and error rate analysis; passband digital transmission including ASK, PSK and FSK.
Prerequisites: E 243 (3-0-3)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Descriptive statistics, pictorial and tabular methods, measures of location and of variability, sample space and events, probability and independence, Bayes' formula, discrete random variables, densities and moments, normal, gamma, exponential and Weibull distributions, distribution of the sum and average of random samples, the central limit theorem, confidence intervals for the mean and the variance, hypothesis testing and p-values, applications for prediction in a regression model. A statistical computer package is used throughout the course for teaching and for project assignments.
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EE 348 (3-0-3)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) An introduction to the mathematical methods used in the study of communications systems with practical applications. Discrete and fast Fourier transforms. Functions of a complex variable. Laplace and Z transforms.
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| (4-0-4) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Introduction to the underlying phenomena and operation of solid state electronic, magnetic and optical devices essential in the functioning of computers, communications and other systems currently being designed by engineers and scientists. Charge carrier concentrations and their transport are analyzed from both microscopic and macroscopic viewpoints, carrier drift due to electric and magnetic fields in solid state devices is formulated and optical energy absorption and emission are related to the energy levels in solid-state materials. Diffusion, generation and recombination of charge carriers are combined with carrier drift to produce a continuity equation for the analysis of solid state devices. Explanations and models of the operation of PN, metal-oxide, metal-oxide-semiconductor and heterostructure junctions are used to describe diode, transistor, photodiode, laser, integrated circuit and other device operation.
Prerequisites: E 232 (2-3-3)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) This course continues the experiential sequence in design. Design projects are in, and lectures address the area of Electronics and Instrumentation. Core design themes are further developed.
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| (3-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Introduction to electromagnetic fields and applications. Vector calculus: orthogonal coordinates, gradient, divergence, curl, and Stokes' and divergence theorems. Electrostatics: charge, Coulomb's and Gauss' laws, potential, conductors and dielectrics, dipole fields, stored energy and power dissipation, resistance and capacitance, polarization, boundary conditions, and LaPlace's and Poisson's equations. Magnetostatics: Biot-Savart's and Ampere's laws, scalar and vector potentials, polarization, magnetic materials, stored energy, boundary conditions, inductance, magnetic circuits, and force. Time-dependent Maxwell's equations: displacement current, constitutive relations, isotropic and anisotropic media, force, boundary conditions, and the time-dependent Poynting vector and power. Circuit theory of transmission lines, transient response, and multiple reflections.
Prerequisites: EE 250 (3-0-3)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Introduction to logic, methods of proof, proof by induction and the pigeonhole principle with applications to logic design. Analytic functions of a complex variable, Cauchy-Riemann equations, Taylor series. Integration in the complex plane, Cauchy Integral formula, Liouville's theorem, maximum modulus theorem. Laurent series, residues, the residue theorem. Applications to system theory, Laplace transforms, and transmission lines.
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| (3-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Complex scalars and vectors, sinusoidal steady-state, complex Maxwell's equations, and complex Poynting's theorem. Propagation of plane waves: complex vector wave equation, loss-less transmission line analogy, sinusoidal steady-state, frequency, wavelength and velocity, polarity, lossy media, radiation pressure, group velocity, and reflection and refraction. Snell's law, Brewster angle, field theory of transmission lines, TEM waves, sinusoidal steady-state transmission line theory, traveling and standing waves, Smith Chart, matching power flow, lossy lines, and circuit and field theory. Waveguides: TE and TM modes in general guides, propagation constant and wave impedance, separation of variables, rectangular and cylindrical guides, representation of wavelength fields by plane wave components, propagation and cutoff (evanescent) modes, the Poynting vector, dielectric guides, and losses. Waveguide resonators. Antennas: scalar and vector potentials, wave equations, spherical coordinates, electric and magnetic dipole antennas, and aperture antennas. Microwave electronics and traveling wave tubes.
Prerequisites: EE 473 (3-0-3)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Introduction to electromagnetic fields and applications. Vector calculus: orthogonal coordinates, gradient, divergence, curl, and Stokes' and divergence theorems. Electrostatics: charge, Coulomb's and Gauss' laws, potential, conductors and dielectrics, dipole fields, stored energy and power dissipation, resistance and capacitance, polarization, boundary conditions, and LaPlace's and Poisson's equations. Magnetostatics: Biot-Savart's and Ampere's laws, scalar and vector potentials, polarization, magnetic materials, stored energy, boundary conditions, inductance, magnetic circuits, and force. Time-dependent Maxwell's equations: displacement current, constitutive relations, isotropic and anisotropic media, force, boundary conditions, and the time-dependent Poynting vector and power. Circuit theory of transmission lines, transient response, and multiple reflections.
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| (3-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Information theory and coding. Error control coding: CRCs, trellis codes, convolutional codes, and Viterbi decoding. Quantization and digitization of speech: PCM, ADPCM, DM, LPC, and VSELP algorithms. Carrier recovery and synchronization. Multiplexers: TDM and FDM hierarchies. Echo cancelers, equalizers, and scrambler/unscramblers. Spread spectrum communication systems. Mobile communications: digital cellular communication systems and PCS Encryption techniques. Introduction to computer communications networks.
Prerequisites: EE 465 (3-0-3)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Review of probability, random processes, signals and systems; continuous-wave modulation including AM, DSB-SC, SSB, FM and PM; superheterodyne receiver; noise analysis; pulse modulation including PAM, PPM, PDM and PCM; quantization and coding; delta modulation, linear prediction and DPCM; baseband digital transmission, matched filter and error rate analysis; passband digital transmission including ASK, PSK and FSK.
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| (3-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Introduction to the theory and design of linear feedback and control systems in both digital and analog form, review of z-transform and Laplace transforms, time domain performance error of feedback systems, PID controller, frequency domain stability, including Nyquist stability in both analog and digital form, frequency domain performance criteria and design, such as via the gain and phase plots, state variable analysis of linear dynamical systems, elementary concepts of controllability, observability and stability via state space methods, and pole placement and elements of state variable design for single-input single-output systems.
Prerequisites: EE 348 (3-0-3)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) An introduction to the mathematical methods used in the study of communications systems with practical applications. Discrete and fast Fourier transforms. Functions of a complex variable. Laplace and Z transforms.
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| (3-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Relevant characteristics of optical fibers, sources (LED and laser diodes), and photodetectors (PIN, APD) are introduced to provide the background for optical fiber communication system design. Subsystems design deals with optical transmitters, optical receivers, and optical components (switches, couplers, multiplexers, and demultiplexers). Optical fiber systems design and applications include long-haul optical transmission systems, local area networks, coherent optical communication, and future trends.
Prerequisites: EE 473 (3-0-3)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Introduction to electromagnetic fields and applications. Vector calculus: orthogonal coordinates, gradient, divergence, curl, and Stokes' and divergence theorems. Electrostatics: charge, Coulomb's and Gauss' laws, potential, conductors and dielectrics, dipole fields, stored energy and power dissipation, resistance and capacitance, polarization, boundary conditions, and LaPlace's and Poisson's equations. Magnetostatics: Biot-Savart's and Ampere's laws, scalar and vector potentials, polarization, magnetic materials, stored energy, boundary conditions, inductance, magnetic circuits, and force. Time-dependent Maxwell's equations: displacement current, constitutive relations, isotropic and anisotropic media, force, boundary conditions, and the time-dependent Poynting vector and power. Circuit theory of transmission lines, transient response, and multiple reflections.
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| (0-8-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Individual investigation of a substantive character taken at the undergraduate level under the guidance of a faculty advisor leading to a thesis with a public defense. The student's thesis committee consists of the faculty advisor and one or more readers. Prior approval from the faculty advisor and the Department Director is required. Hours to be arranged with the faculty advisor. For information regarding a Degree with Thesis, see the "Academic Procedures, Requirements, and Advanced Degrees" section of this catalog.
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| (0-8-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Individual investigation of a substantive character taken at the undergraduate level under the guidance of a faculty advisor leading to a thesis with a public defense. The student's thesis committee consists of the faculty advisor and one or more readers. Prior approval from the faculty advisor and the Department Director is required. Hours to be arranged with the faculty advisor. For information regarding a Degree with Thesis, see the "Academic Procedures, Requirements, and Advanced Degrees" section of this catalog.
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| (0-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours)
Introduction to information networks, data transmission and encoding; digital communication techniques, circuit switching and packet switching, OSI protocols, switched networks and LANs, introduction to ISDN and ATM/SONET networks, system architectures.
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| (1-3-2) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) This course addresses the general topic of selection, evaluation, and design of a project concept, emphasizing the principles of team-based projects and the stages of project development. Techniques to acquire information related to the state-of-the-art concepts and components impacting the project, evaluation of alternative approaches and selection of viable solutions based on appropriate cost factors, presentation of proposedprojects at initial, intermediate and final stages of development, and related design topics. Students are encouraged to use this experience to prepare for the senior design project courses. Corequisites: CPE 345 Modeling and Simulation (3-0-3)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Development of deterministic and non-deterministic models for physical systems, engineering applications, and simulation tools for deterministic and non-deterministic systems. Case studies and projects. Close |
Prerequisites: E 321 Engineering Design V (0-3-2)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) This course includes both experimentation and open-ended design problems that are integrated with the Materials Processing course taught concurrently. Core design themes are further developed. Close |
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| (3-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Development of deterministic and non-deterministic models for physical systems, engineering applications, and simulation tools for deterministic and non-deterministic systems. Case studies and projects.
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| (3-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Digital systems, number systems and codes, Boolean algebra, application of Boolean algebra to switching circuits, minimization of Boolean functions using algebraic, Karnaugh map and tabular methods, design of combinational circuits, programmable logic devices, sequential circuit components, design and analysis of synchronous and asynchronous sequential circuits.
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| (3-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) The role of data structures and algorithms in the real world; principles of programming including the topics of control flow, recursion and I/O; principles of computational intelligence; topics from elementary data structures including arrays, lists, stacks, queues, pointers, strings; searching and sorting; data structures for concurrent execution; topics from elementary algorithms including analysis of algorithms and efficiency, computational complexity, empirical measurements of computational complexity of algorithms, proof techniques including induction; selected topics from advanced algorithms including distributed algorithms; programming laboratory exercises and projects.
Prerequisites: E 115 Introduction to Programming (1-2-2)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) An introduction to the use of an advanced programming language for use in engineering applications, using C++ as the basic programming language and Microsoft Visual C++ as the program development environment. Topics covered include basic syntax (data types and structures, input/output instructions, arithmetic instructions, loop constructs, functions, subroutines, etc.) needed to solve basic engineering problems as well as an introduction to advanced topics (use of files, principles of objects and classes, libraries, etc.). Algorithmic thinking for development of computational programs and control programs from mathematical and other representations of the problems will be developed. Basic concepts of computer architectures impacting the understanding of a high-level programming language will be covered. Basic concepts of a microcontroller architecture impacting the use of a high-level programming language for development of microcontroller software will be covered, drawing specifically on the microcontroller used in E121 (Engineering Design I). Close |
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| (0-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) An introduction to basic data structures and algorithms. Emphasis will be placed on programming in C++ and debugging skills. Topics include: control flow, loops,recursion, elementary data structures (lists, stacks, queues) and their implementation via arrays and pointers, primitive sorting algorithms, binary trees and searching.
Prerequisites: CS 115 Introduction to Computer Science (3-2-4)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) This is an introductory programming course using the Java language. The topics include: basic facts about object-oriented programming and Java through inheritance and exceptions; recursion; UML diagrams and how to read class diagrams; ethics in computer science; and some basic understanding about computer systems: the compile/link/interpret/ execute cycle and data representation. Close |
CS 181 Introduction to Computer Science Honors I (4-0-4)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Getting acquainted with C++: data types, input and output, functions, writing simple C++ programs, flow control, Boolean expressions, decision statements, if/then, and switch/case. Loop operations, while, do/while, and for loops. Arrays and pointers. Defining structs and classes, constructors and destructors, and operator overloading using an example String class. Templates. Abstract data types: vectors, lists, stacks, queues, and priority trees with applications. Trees and simple sorting with searching algorithms. By invitation only. Students who complete this class are exempt from CS 115 and CS 284. Close |
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| (0-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) A continuation of CS384/CPE360, this course focuses on algorithm development including running time analysis and correctness arguments. Topics include: asymptotic notation and running time analysis, program verification using loop invariants, advanced sorting algorithms, linear sorting algorithms, lower bounds, general trees, priority queues and heaps, set implementations, elementary graph algorithms. Corequisites: MA 334 Discrete Mathematics (0-0-3)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) This course provides the background necessary for advanced study of mathematics or computer science. Topics include propositional calculus, predicates and quantifiers, elementary set theory, countability, functions, relations, proof by induction, elementary combinatorics, elements of graph theory, mends and elements of complexity theory.
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Prerequisites: CPE 360 Computational Data Structures and Algorithms (3-0-3)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) The role of data structures and algorithms in the real world; principles of programming including the topics of control flow, recursion and I/O; principles of computational intelligence; topics from elementary data structures including arrays, lists, stacks, queues, pointers, strings; searching and sorting; data structures for concurrent execution; topics from elementary algorithms including analysis of algorithms and efficiency, computational complexity, empirical measurements of computational complexity of algorithms, proof techniques including induction; selected topics from advanced algorithms including distributed algorithms; programming laboratory exercises and projects. Close |
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| (3-3-4) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) A study of the implementation of digital systems using microprocessors. The architecture and operation of microprocessors is examined in detail along with I/O interfacing, interrupts, DMA and software design techniques. Specialized controller chips for interrupts, DMA, arithmetic processing, graphics and communications are discussed. The laboratory component introduces hardware and software design of digital systems using microprocessors. Design experiments include topics such as bus interfacing, memory decoding, serial communications and programmable ports.
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| (0-8-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Senior Design course. The development of design skills and engineering judgment, based upon previous and current occurs and laboratory experience, is accomplished by participation in a design project. Projects are selected inareas of current interest such as communication and control systems. Signal processing, and hardware and software design for computer based systems. To be taken during the studeemester as an undergraduate student.
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| (0-8-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) A continuation of CPE423 in which the design is implemented and demonstrated. This includes the completion of a prototype (hardware or software), testing and demonstrating the performance, and the evaluation of results. To be taken during the student's last spring semester as an undergraduate student.
Prerequisites: CPE 423 Engineering Design VII (0-8-3)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Senior Design course. The development of design skills and engineering judgment, based upon previous and current occurs and laboratory experience, is accomplished by participation in a design project. Projects are selected inareas of current interest such as communication and control systems. Signal processing, and hardware and software design for computer based systems. To be taken during the studeemester as an undergraduate student. Close |
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| (3-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Introduction to computer graphics. Designing a complete 2-D graphics package with an interface. Graphics hardware overview. Drawing of 2-D primitives (polylines, polygons, and ellipses). Character generation. Attribute primitives (line styles, color and intensity, area filling, and character attributes). 2D transformations (translation, general scaling, general rotation, shear, reflection). Windowing and clipping. 3-D concepts (3-D transformations, 3-D viewing, and 3-D modeling). Selected topics.
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| (3-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) This course consists of lectures designed to explore a topic of contemporary interest from the perspective of current research and development. In addition to lectures by the instructors and discussions led by students, the course includes talks by professionals working in the topic being studied. When appropriate, team-based design projects are included.
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| (3-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Review of history, concepts and technologies of wireless communications; Explanations and mathematical models for analyzing and designing wireless systems; Description of various wireless systems, including cellular systems,wireless local area networks and satellite-based communication systems; Wireless design projects using Matlab, LabView and software defined radio.
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| (3-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Introduction to the design and querying of relational databases. Topics include: relational schemas; keys and foreign key references; relational algebra (as an introduction to SQL); SQL in depth; Entity-Relationship (ER) database design; translating from ER models to relational schemas and from relational schemas to ER models; functional dependencies; and normalization.
Prerequisites: CPE 385 Data Structures and Algorithms II (0-0-3)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) A continuation of CS384/CPE360, this course focuses on algorithm development including running time analysis and correctness arguments. Topics include: asymptotic notation and running time analysis, program verification using loop invariants, advanced sorting algorithms, linear sorting algorithms, lower bounds, general trees, priority queues and heaps, set implementations, elementary graph algorithms. Close |
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| | (3-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Unlike typical software-based systems, real-time systems must complete their tasks within specified timeframes. Unlike general purpose computing platforms, embedded systems must perform their tasks while minimizing tightresource constraints. This course addresses the considerations in designing real-time embedded systems, both from a hardware and software perspective. The primary emphasis is on real-time processing for communications and signal processing systems, but applications to seismic and environmental monitoring,process control, and biomedical systems will be addressed. Programming projects in a high level language like C/C++ will be an essential component of the course, as well as hardware design with modern design tools.
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| (0-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Theory of software design, with emphasis on large systems. Models of the software process, specifications development, designing, coding and testing. Program abstraction with functional abstraction and with abstract data types. Top-down and bottom-up development methods. Common software architecture models. Specification Validation, design verification, testing strategies, test coverage issues.
Prerequisites: CPE 385 (0-0-3)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) A continuation of CS384/CPE360, this course focuses on algorithm development including running time analysis and correctness arguments. Topics include: asymptotic notation and running time analysis, program verification using loop invariants, advanced sorting algorithms, linear sorting algorithms, lower bounds, general trees, priority queues and heaps, set implementations, elementary graph algorithms.
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| (3-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Image acquisition, storage, image formation, sampling, basic relationship between pixels, imaging geometry, segmentation: edge detection, edge linking and boundary detection, Hough transform, region growing, thresholding, split and merge, histogram matching, representation: chain code, polygonal approximation and skeletonization, thinning algorithms, texture, image compression: elementary discussion of motion vectors for compression, discussion of industry standards such as JEPG and MPEG.
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| (0-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Learn how multiple computational threads may be detected in ordinary code, and how such threads may be tailored for execution on parallel and superscalar architectures. Topics include: introduction to the architecture of parallel and superscalar machines, lexical and syntax analysis, data dependence analysis, control dependence anlysis, generation of code for parallel and superscalar architecture. Students are required to complete a significant programming project.
Prerequisites: CPE 385 (0-0-3)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) A continuation of CS384/CPE360, this course focuses on algorithm development including running time analysis and correctness arguments. Topics include: asymptotic notation and running time analysis, program verification using loop invariants, advanced sorting algorithms, linear sorting algorithms, lower bounds, general trees, priority queues and heaps, set implementations, elementary graph algorithms.
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CPE 390 (3-3-4)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) A study of the implementation of digital systems using microprocessors. The architecture and operation of microprocessors is examined in detail along with I/O interfacing, interrupts, DMA and software design techniques. Specialized controller chips for interrupts, DMA, arithmetic processing, graphics and communications are discussed. The laboratory component introduces hardware and software design of digital systems using microprocessors. Design experiments include topics such as bus interfacing, memory decoding, serial communications and programmable ports.
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| (0-8-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Individual investigation of a substantive character taken at the undergraduate level under the guidance of a faculty advisor leading to a thesis with a public defense. The student's thesis committee consists of the faculty advisor and one or more readers. Prior approval from the faculty advisor, a faculty member who has agreed to supervise the research, and the Department Director is required. Hours to be arranged with the faculty advisor. For information regarding a Degree with Thesis, see the "Academic Procedures, Requirements, and Advanced Degrees" section of this catalog. The thesis option is a two-semester program requiring completion of CPE 485 and CPE 486. Continuation into CPE 486 is contingent on demonstrating adequate progress in CPE 485.
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| (0-8-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Individual investigation of a substantive character taken at the undergraduate level under the guidance of a faculty advisor leading to a thesis with a public defense. The student's thesis committee consists of the faculty advisor and one or more readers. Prior approval from the faculty advisor, a faculty member who has agreed to supervise the research, and the Department Director is required. Hours to be arranged with the faculty advisor. For information regarding a Degree with Thesis, see the "Academic Procedures, Requirements, and Advanced Degrees" section of this catalog. The thesis option is a two-semester program requiring completion of CPE 485 and CPE 486. Continuation into CPE 486 is contingent on demonstrating adequate progress in CPE 485.
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| (3-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Design of complex digital CMOS/VLSI circuits. Introduction to MOS transistor characteristics and fabrication, digital circuit design and layout for integrated circuits, major categories of VLSI circuit functions, design methodologies including use of Hardware Description Languages (HDL), FPGA, verification, simulation, testability. The course includes a project using VHDL for the design of a significant system function.
Prerequisites: CPE 358 (3-0-3)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Digital systems, number systems and codes, Boolean algebra, application of Boolean algebra to switching circuits, minimization of Boolean functions using algebraic, Karnaugh map and tabular methods, design of combinational circuits, programmable logic devices, sequential circuit components, design and analysis of synchronous and asynchronous sequential circuits.
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| (3-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) An introduction to the functional level structure of modern pipelined processors and the empirical and analytic evaluation of their performance. Topics include: empirical and analytic techniques for measuring performance (use of various means, Amdahl's Law, and benchmarks); tradeoff analysis; principles of instruction set design and evaluation (memory addressing, operations, types and sizes of operands, instruction set encoding, CISC vs. RISC, and related compilation issues); pipelining (basics, data hazards, and control hazards); and memory systems.
Prerequisites: CS 383 (3-0-3)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) The main aspects of computers: data (data types and formats, number bases), hardware (stored program computer concept, addressing methods and program sequencing, instruction sets and their implementation, the CPU and microprogrammed control, input/output organization, peripherals and interfacing, and main memory), communication (network protocols), software (operating systems, dispatching algorithms), and assembly language programming.
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| (3-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) The focus of the course is on data networks and end-user software environments for information systems. Topics include the TCP/IP protocols, organization of large-scale data networks, end-to-end operation over heterogeneous networks and the software foundation of client-server application programs. The students complete a project using TCP/IP protocols to create a basic client-server application.
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| (3-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) This course emphasizes a major component of contemporary networked information systems, namely visually rich information, including multimedia, virtual reality, human-machine interactions and related topics. The students complete a project in which they demonstrate competency in creating and manipulating the information and the resources used to store, transfer and present the information.
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| (3-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Introduction to information networks, data transmission and encoding, digital communication techniques, circuit switching and packet switching, OSI protocols, switched networks and LANs, introduction to ISDN and ATM/SONET networks, system architectures.
Prerequisites: E 234 (3-0-3)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Concepts of heat and work; First and Second Laws for closed and open systems including steady processes and cycles; thermodynamic properties of substances and interrelationships; phase change and phase equilibrium; chemical reactions and chemical equilibrium; representative applications. Introduction to energy conversion systems, including direct energy conversion in fuel-cells, photo-voltaic systems, etc.
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| (3-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Basic elements in local and wide-area network infrastructures, architecture and protocols at all layers; client-server systems programming using sockets and remote procedure cells; concurrency and coordination issues and techniques; concepts and tools for fault tolerance, failure detection, checkpointing, disaster recovery and rejuvenation in networked applications; overview of network systems middleware facilities such as .NET and Weblogic to illustrate the above principles and techniques.
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| (0-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) An introduction to computer graphics. Designing a complete 2D graphics package with an interface. Graphics hardware overview. Drawing of 2D primitives (polylines, polygons, ellipses). Character generation. Attribute primitives (line styples, color and intensity, area filling, character attributes). 2D transformations (translation, general scaling, general rotation, shear, reflection). Windowing and clipping. 3D concepts (3D transformations, 3D viewing, 3D modeling). Selected topics.
Prerequisites: CS 385 (4-0-4)(Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) This is a course on more complex data structures, and algorithm design and analysis, using the C language. Topics include: advanced and/or balanced search trees; hashing; further asymptotic complexity analysis; standard algorithm design techniques; graph algorithms; complex sort algorithms; and other "classic" algorithms that serve as examples of design techniques.
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Electrical & Computer Engineering Department
Yu-Dong Yao, Director |