| (0-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) The course covers topics that include brainstorming, organizing, writing and revision of technical documents, as well as preparation of verbal presentations with visual aids. In this overview class, students will be exposed to these skills, and have time to generate their own documents and presentations for feedback, but Hum 500 is primarily designed to give the students a foundation so that they may continue on with other, more specialized, classes in this field. Students in need of ESL/ESD attention will receive it. The course may be offered as a week-long intensive class designed to get students familiar with the basic concepts and tools they will need to master in order to pursue the Certificate Program in Professional Communications or other Stevens graduate degrees or programs.
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| (0-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) This course introduces professional communications: How should professionals construct technical documents for the business or scientific/technical community? What are the techniques writers need for specialized, clear writing? Topics include: genres of technical writing; successful writing strategies; design principles; format; and contents. Students will practice the techniques presented through weekly writing assignments.
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| (0-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) This course will present a range of professional presentation techniques: oral, web-based, and audio-visual. Students’ existing skills will be sharpened and enhanced with knowledge of current best professional practices. Weekly assignments will guarantee that students will master new techniques.
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| (0-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) This course sharpens students’ ability to deliver written descriptions, explanations, and instructions to a diverse audience who may not share the writers' technical expertise. Students will create overviews and abstracts; lay out guidelines for readers; craft orderly instructions and explanations; insert necessary illustrations that enhance the documentation; build links to the next set of instructions; summarize effectively; and format for maximum comprehension.
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| (0-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) This course introduces the foundations of writing a business plan. Topics include: what investors and lenders are looking for; the key elements of a business plan; and special considerations when writing a business plan for an international endeavor or web-based or web-supplemented businesses. Students will demonstrate their knowledge of the material presented through weekly writing assignments.
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| (0-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) This course is an introduction to writing for engineers. As technical writers, engineers may often feel that their task is merely to "inform," but as has been dramatically illustrated over the last few years, "informing" can be vital to successful system deployment and operation. Lives are often affected by not only the accuracy of an engineer?s calculations, but by a clear and understandable presentation of conclusions and recommendations. The ability to write clearly and effectively is essential to an engineer.
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| (0-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) This course introduces the issues related to writing for international markets. What factors make writing for an international market different from writing for a domestic market? Topics covered include: the influence on writing of the key elements that make each nation different; the behavior of foreign consumers; translation issues; and considerations when writing presentations, instructional texts, business plans, and Web content for international audiences.
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| | (0-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) This course is concerned with the communication of financial information in writing: How should financial professionals construct documents? What are the writing techniques needed to make the numbers tell their own story? Topics include genres of financial writing; successful writing strategies; organizing information; and using tables and charts.
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| (0-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) This course introduces essential concepts for writing in pharmaceutical houses, medical advertising agencies, and other medical settings. Topics covered include basic medical terminology, appropriate AMA style and form and format in the use of professional research, preparation of meeting and conference materials for professionals in the field, and working with physicians.
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| (0-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) This course dispels the myths about writing for the Web and provides students with the skills to move successfully from print to web. The dynamic medium of the Internet not only demands concise, clear, well-organized copy, but an ability to operate in a non-linear world. This course will enable students to: reinforce good technical writing practices; incorporate usability issues when designing information for the Web; think in non-linear ways; recognize the different functions of web copy and how to write for each (educational, promotional, information-seeking); and understand the different delivery methods and how they influence the layout of the information and audio-visual choices.
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| (0-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) This course introduces the writing tasks that are critical to project management as it is used across a wide variety of industries. Topics covered include: the language of work breakdown structures; addressing project requirements; the semantics of risk analysis; assessing scope; and designing and building a project plan. Students will review online project management tools. Students will apply the techniques of writing for project management by creating a project plan to manage some aspect of an academic or extra-curricular activity.
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| (0-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) This course introduces the interpretation and analysis of complex scientific information and the translation of difficult scientific concepts into lively and readable prose. Topics include: effective interview techniques; information-gathering skills; news and feature article structure; editing; and writing for the general public, scientists, and industry. Students will practice these skills through in-class and take-home writing assignments. Writing assignments will progress from short, weekly articles to longer pieces. By the end of the semester, each student will write a feature article.
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| (0-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) This course introduces the technical aspects of publicity writing. Topics include: writing a press bio; writing a topic summary; the art of the press release; the basics of the op-ed; and organizing the short informational feature. The course will include "how-to" discussions regarding inquiries from the press and the public, and ways to negotiate direct contacts with both. Guest speakers from the press/marketing field will make occasional presentations during the length of the course.
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| (0-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) This course helps students developing a case for support for a nonprofit organization, making long-range programmatic and financial plans, researching potential funders, and preparing proposal materials. Students will learn how to find funding sources and will make regular presentations on their research and writing samples. The class will compile a comprehensive set of funding resources, as well as sample grants and planning documents. Guest speakers will share professional insights and experiences.
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| (0-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) This course introduces theoretical models of cognitive processes from philosophy, philosophy of science, political science, economics, psychology, social psychology, history, history of science, art, music, and management. The course covers the following topics in the context of in-depth case studies from domain experts, Types of models: historical,: explicative, predictive and retrodictive, the transition from insight to the conception of inventions and their introduction into the marketplace.
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| (0-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) A review of current theories about the brain with a focus on conceptions of cognition and new approaches to problem solving. Topics include the use of new techniques for studying brain functions, human behavior, language, memory, and reengineering to solve medical problems. The commercialization of these ideas will be analyzed.
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| (0-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) Problems solved by search and constraint satisfaction. Games, first-order logic, knowledge representation, planning, learning, decision theory, and statistical learning. The commercialization of cognitive breakthroughs will be highlighted.
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| | (0-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) A seminar devoted to student projects that integrate knowledge from previous courses and work experience to analyze a problem based on an understanding of the complex role of cognition in modeling processes and producing innovations.
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| (0-0-3) (Lec-Lab-Credit Hours) participating seminar on topics of current interest and importance in Cognitive Science.
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College of Arts & Letters
Lisa M. Dolling, Dean |