AAGKeyPairGenerator | |
AAGProtocolInstance | |
AdvDehnAlgorithm | |
AEKeyExchange | |
AImage | |
Alphabet | Implements an abstract interface for all alphabet realizations |
AParser | |
StraightLineProgramWord::Assertion | Structure used in function equal() only |
AutoSet | Abstract interface for a set of Maps (Automorphisms) |
BalancedTree< Obj > | Class BalancedTree (container class intended to keep an ordered sequence of objects, supports fast ninsertions) |
BG::BGMonomial | |
BKLLeftNormalForm | Birman-Ko-Lee left normal form |
BKLRightNormalForm | (Contains errors!!! Not to be used yet) Birman-Ko-Lee right normal form |
BraidDrawPDF | Class for drawing a braid on n strands as a square table |
BraidGroup | Class BraidGroup (defines a representation of a Braid Group)// |
BraidNode | Defines a crossing in a linked braid structure// |
BSets | Implements construction of the initial commuting sets of subgroup generators |
BalancedTree< Obj >::BTNode | |
CImage | |
CLUTImage | |
PC::Col | |
PC::PowerCircuitCompMatrix::ColHdr | |
CommDivider | |
compMaps | Implements a comparison operator of two maps |
ConfigFile | Implements a mechanism for passing parameters from a configuration file |
ConstWordIterator | |
CutVertices | Implements an algorithm to find all articulation points of a graph// |
DCBraidReduction | |
DDL | |
DDLNode | |
DehornoyForm | Dehornoy Form of a braid word (aka/ handle free form) |
dump< T > | |
Dump | |
EditingDistance | Implements the Editing (Levenstein) distance between two words |
Equation | |
FiniteAlphabet | Implements a finite size alphabet |
FoldDetails | |
Graphs::FoldDetails< VertexType, EdgeType > | |
FPGroup | Class FPGroup (finitely presented group) |
FreeGroup | |
FreeMetabelianGroupAlgorithms | Static class FreeMetabelianGroupAlgorithms encapsulates algorithms for FreeMetabelianGroup groups |
FSA | |
FSAEdge | |
FSARep | |
FSAState | |
Graph | |
Graphs::GraphConcept< VertexType, EdgeType > | The main class for graph types |
Graphs::GraphConceptRep< VertexType, EdgeType > | Representation class for graph types |
GraphDrawingAttributes | |
GraphEdge | Defines non-labelled edge of the directed graph |
GraphRep | |
GraphState | |
GraphVertex< EdgeType > | Graph vertex |
GRImage | |
GRLUTImage | |
HammingDistance | Implements the Hamming distance between two words |
HammingDistanceCyclic | Implements the Hamming distance between two cyclic words |
InfiniteAlphabet | Implements an infinite size alphabet |
PC::SignMatrix< RowHdr, ColHdr, INTERNAL_TYPE >::intColHdr | |
IntLabeledEdge | Defines labelled (by integer) edge of the directed graph |
PC::PowerCircuitGraph::IntMarking | |
PC::PowerCircuitCompMatrix::IntMarking | |
PC::PowerCircuitCompMatrix::IntNode | |
PC::PowerCircuitGraph::IntNode | |
PC::SignMatrix< RowHdr, ColHdr, INTERNAL_TYPE >::intRowHdr | |
KLProtocolInstance | |
lCommDivider | |
LengthAttack_A1 | Implements Length-based attack on AAG protocol |
LengthAttack_A2 | Implements Length-based attack on AAG protocol |
LengthAttack_A3 | Implements Length-based attack on AAG protocol |
LengthAttackBase | Basis interface for classes implementing the Length-Based attack |
Levenstein | A class for computing the Levenstein distance between two words |
LinkedBraidStructure | |
LinkedBraidStructureTransform | |
LookUpTable | |
ltstr | Implements a comparison operator on two strings |
LUTImage | |
Map | Defines a representation of a map between two sets of words |
__gnu_cxx::map_hash | |
PC::Marking | |
MatrixFp | |
MaxCommutePartition | |
MotivePattern | |
MotivePatternWrapper | |
NielsenAutoSet | Implements a set of Nielsen automorphisms of a free group |
PC::Node | |
PC::PowerCircuitGraph::NodeUsedByType | |
ObjectOf< Rep > | |
PairDistanceSimilarityTest | Implements a hypothesis testing that two words a similar according to some given criteria |
PairGenerator | Abstract interface for classes defining sword pairs similarities |
Parser | |
Partition | |
PBar | |
PDFPage | Class implements a page of a pdf document |
PDFPageObject | Implements interface for PDF drawing objects |
PDFPageObjectLine | Class for pfd line object |
PDFStructure | Implements a pdf document consisting of several pages |
Permutation | Permutation |
PermutationEnumerator | |
Perturbation | |
PlanarGraphEdge | Defines non-labelled edge of the directed planar graph |
PlanarGraphIntLabelledEdge | Defines non-labelled edge of the directed planar graph |
PC::PowerCircuit | |
PC::PowerCircuitCompMatrix | |
PC::PowerCircuitGraph | |
PowerWord | |
PowerWordRep | |
StraightLineProgramWord::Production | A production for a rule of a composition system |
QuadEquationTranformationGraph | |
quadruple< T1, T2, T3, T4 > | |
quintuple< T1, T2, T3, T4, T5 > | |
RandLib | Static wrapper class for RANDLIB Library |
RandLibURG | A wrapper class for RANLIB Library |
RandomPairGenerator | Implements a class for generating pseudo-random pairs of words |
RefCounter | |
RestrictedWhiteheadAutoSet | Implements a so-called restricted set of Whitehead automorphisms of a free group |
RGB | |
PC::Row | |
PC::PowerCircuitCompMatrix::RowHdr | |
ShftConjKeyInstance | |
ShftConjKeyInstanceGarside | Container for public and private information in Dehornoy's authentification protocol |
PC::SignMatrix< RowHdr, ColHdr, INTERNAL_TYPE > | |
StraightLineProgramWord | Class StraightLineProgramWord |
StringScrambler | |
StringSimilarityMeasure | Abstract interface for a class implementing string (Word) similarity measure |
SubgroupFG | |
SubwordEditingDistanceCyclic | Implements the Editing distance between two cyclic words |
SubwordHammingDistanceCyclic | Implements the Hamming distance between two cyclic words |
SubwordScrambler | |
TheGrigorchukGroupAlgorithms | Static class TheGrigorchukGroupAlgorithms encapsulates algorithms for the original Grigorchuk group |
ThLeftNormalForm | Defines a representation of a left Garside normal form |
ThompsonGroupFNormalForm | Class ThompsonGroupFNormalForm (defines a representation of a normal form of an element of the Thompson's group F (infinitely generated))// |
ThRightNormalForm | Defines a representation of a right Garside normal form |
Permutation::triple | |
triple< T1, T2, T3 > | |
TripleDecompositionProtocolInstance | Definition of the class TripleDecompositionProtocolInstance |
TTP_Conf | Set of parameters required to construct the protocol instance |
TTPAttack | This is an implementation of an attack on TTP algorithm for generating public sets of generators of the Algebraic Eraser protocol |
TTPTuple | Implements tuples corresponding to the putput of TTP algorithm |
udPDFPageObjectCircle | Class implements a square pdf object |
udPDFPageObjectHorizLine | Class implements a horizontal line pdf object |
udPDFPageObjectLine | Class implements pdf line object |
udPDFPageObjectRect | Class implements a rectangle pdf object |
udPDFPageObjectSquare | Class implements a square pdf object |
udPDFPageObjectText | Class for pdf text object |
udPDFPageObjectVertLine | Class implements a vertical line pdf object |
UniformPartition | |
UniformScrambler | |
Value | Implements data types of parameters obtained from a configuration file |
VectorEnumerator | Class VectorEnumerator |
WhiteheadAutoSetType2 | Implements the set of Whitehead automorphisms of type II |
WhiteheadGraph | Interface class for Whitehead graphs |
WhiteheadMinimization | Implements a greedy procedure of reducing a word to its minimal length |
WhiteheadMultiGraph | Whitehead Multi-Graph (Not implemented yet) |
WhiteheadSimpleGraph | Implements Whitehead Simple graph (i.e. no multiple edges or loops allowed) |
Word | Class Word (defines a representation of a Word over a group alphabet)// |
WordDraw | CREATES A PPM image of a table for braid word |
WordIterator | |
WordMultiplyScrambler | |
WordPairComparison | Implements a probabilistic measure for comparing two words |
WordRep | |