Please use the links below to manage your account.

Change your password.
Use the change your password link if you know your account credentials and want to change your password, or if you want to add or modify your recovery email address and/or mobile phone number.

Forgot your password.
Use the forgot your password link to reset your password if you know your Stevens username, secondary email address, and security questions.

Recover your username.
Contact Client Support Services at and provide them with your campus-wide ID (CWID) in order to gain access to your username.

For additional information review the Knowledge Base article on how to reset your password.

New Password Standard

The Stevens password expiration was extended to 365 days for all Stevens faculty, staff, and students. In addition to extending the password expiration period, the minimum required password length was adjusted to 10 characters.


These settings balance ease-of-use and good security practices.

  • Increasing the amount of time before you must change your password makes it easier to remember your password and choose a unique password each time.
  • Using a password manager, such as LastPass, makes it easy to generate secure, unique passwords for every site you use.

Impact on Stevens Community

  • Your Stevens password will expire 365 days after the last time you changed your password. For example, if you last changed your password in August 2020, it will expire in August 2021 rather than February 2021.

Remember, if you ever feel that your password may have been compromised, it is important to change it as soon as possible. All Stevens faculty, staff, and students can change their passwords at any time using the Self-Service Password Reset Portal.