Dr. Gaurav Sabnis and Dr. Jeffrey Nickerson (Business) won a Best Paper award from the Academy of Management for "Knowledge Reuse for Customization: Metamodels in an Open Design Community for 3D Printing."
Dr. Jon Wade (SSE) was named one of three International Council on Systems Engineering (INCOSE) Fellows for 2018.
Largest research awards, July-August 2018
- August 24: Dr. Dinesh Verma, SERC — U.S. Department of Defense, $341,642 — RT-209: System Qualities (SQs) Tradespace and Affordability, Phase 7
- August 24: Dr. Dinesh Verma, SERC — U.S. Department of Defense, $132,051 — RT-187: PEO Missiles and Space Systems Engineering Methods
- August 15: Dr. Stefan Strauf, Physics (SES) — National Science Foundation, $322,577 — Collaborative Research: Plasmonic Lasing with Two-Dimensional Heterostructures in the Intrinsic Regime
- August 15: Dr. Mehmet Kurt, Mechanical Engineering (SES) — National Science Foundation, $274,994 — Collaborative Research: Mechanical Characterization of Bio-Interfaces by Shear Wave Scattering
- August 2: Dr. Mahmood Sohrabi, Mathematical Sciences (SES) — $293,266 — Misconception Recognition and Randomization of Problems
- August 1: Dr. Yuping Huang, Physics (SES) — National Science Foundation, $239,999 — Collaborative Research: Parity-Time Symmetry and Anti-Symmetry in Quantum Optics
- August 1: Dr. Nick Parziale, Mechanical Engineering (SES) — U.S. Air Force Office of Scientific Research, $1,444,891 — Radiative and Dispersive Behavior of Instabilities in a Highly-Cooled Hypersonic Boundary Layer
- July 26: Dr. Dinesh Verma, SERC — U.S. Department of Defense, $114,845 — Systems Engineering Research Center (SERC) Program Management
- July 3: Dr. Paul Grogan, SERC — U.S. Department of Defense, $160,414 — Game-theoretic Risk Assessment for Distributed Systems (GRADS)
- July 2: Dr. Susanne Wetzel, Computer Science (SES) — National Science Foundation, $127,505 — PIA: NSF Personal Mobility Program
- July 1: Dr. Jon Miller, Davidson Laboratory — N.J. Department of Environmental Protection, $500,000 — Coastal Protection, Technical Assistance Service
- July 1: Dr. Hady Salloum, STAR Center — U.S. Department of Homeland Security, $216,649 — Center for Maritime Research
- July 1: Dr. Hady Salloum, STAR Center — U.S. Department of Homeland Security, $166,656 — Center for Maritime Research
- July 1: Dr. Min Song, Electrical and Computer Engineering (SES) — National Science Foundation, $83,316 — Collaborative Research: The Ontology of Inter-Vehicle Networking with Spatial-Temporal Correlation and Spectrum Cognition
- July 1: Dr. Mark Blackburn, SERC — U.S. Department of Defense, $77,498 — RT-195: Transforming Systems Engineering Through Model-Centric Engineering, Phase 5