Bradley Fidler (CAL), is the recipient of the David and GG Farber Junior Faculty Fellowship in Science and Technology Studies. Established by Stevens Trustee Emeritus Dr. David Farber and his late wife, Gloria, the fellowship recognizes and supports CAL faculty who study and raise public awareness about the social impacts of scientific and technological development.
Negar Tavassolian, Electrical and Computer Engineering (SES), and Technology Commercialization Director David Zimmerman were selected to participate in the National Science Foundation’s Innovation Corps, (I-Corps) program for the New York region. They will receive $250,000 per year over five years.
Carlo Lipizzi (SSE) has been named director of the Center for Complex Systems & Enterprises (CCSE).
Yue Ning, Computer Science (SES), has received a National Science Foundation CAREER award for her project project, "Towards Deep Interpretable Predictions for Multi-Scope Temporal Events," which explores improved artificial intelligence-powered methods for predicting events such as hospital visits, flu outbreaks and mass protests. This is the fifth CAREER award granted to Stevens researchers this year. The prestigious CAREER award is given to promising early-career investigators, typically for five years of ongoing research.
Kishore Pochiraju, Mechanical Engineering (SES), was elected by American Society for Composites as one of its 2021 Fellows.
Alexander De Rosa, Mechanical Engineering (SES), was appointed the Chair of the Middle-Atlantic Section of the American Society for Engineering Education.
Lindsey Cormack (CAL) and student Kirsten Midelinger, a computer science major, are the authors of research published in the prominent political journal Congress & the Presidency. They investigated how differently situated legislators discussed the coronavirus outbreak in their official communications.
Paul Grogan (SSE) has been named one of two recipients of the International Council on Systems Engineering’s (INCOSE’s) 2020 Systems Engineering Journal Reviewer of the Year Award.
Hady Salloum, Electrical and Computer Engineering (SES) and director of the Maritime Security Center and the STAR Center, received a Department of Homeland Security (DHS) basic ordering agreement of $6 million for his continued projects related to sensors and maritime security. He was also appointed by the secretary of DHS to the National Maritime Security Advisory Committee.
Abhishek Sharma, Chemistry and Chemical Biology (SES), received a $1.55 million Maximize Investigator’s Research Award (MIRA) from the National Institutes of Health for his project, “Novel Acylborons and Alpha-hydroxy Borons to Enable Modular, Regio- and Stereocontrolled Synthesis of Bioactive Molecules and Protein Conjugates.” Shang Wang, Biomedical Engineering (SES), also received a MIRA award, totaling $1,910,915, for his research program, “Multi-Contrast Dynamic Optical Imaging to Advance Live Developmental Biology.”
Marouane Temimi, Davidson Lab (SES), appeared in a report on the French television network Television Francaise 1 about issues related to flooding in the New York area.
- September 28: Mark Blackburn (SERC) – Army Combat Capabilities Development Command (CCDC), $2,879,580 – ART 022: Transforming Systems Engineering Through Model-Based Systems Engineering
- September 24: EH Yang (SERC) – Office of the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Systems Engineering, $749,988 – WRT-1046: Graphene Rings for Atomically Thin Matter-Wave Interferometer
- September 17: Dinesh Verma (SERC) – Army Combat Capabilities Development Command (CCDC), $810,807 – ART 019: Federal Law Enforcement Training Center (FLETC) Training Systems
- September 13: Dinesh Verma (SERC) – Office of the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Systems Engineering, $5,522,127 – WRT-1057: Acquisition Innovation Research Center (AIRC) Core Research
- September 13: Dinesh Verma (SERC) – Office of the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Systems Engineering, $5,522,127 – WRT-1057: Acquisition Innovation Research Center (AIRC) Core Research
- September 1: Yuping Huang, Center for Quantum Science and Engineering (SES) – Office of Naval Research, $567,974 – Nonlinear-Optical Pseudo Atoms on Chip
- September 1: Steven Hoffenson (SSE) – National Science Foundation, $553,523 – CAREER: Multidisciplinary and Life Cycle Holistic Sustainable Design
- August 15: Shang Wang, Biomedical Engineering (SES) – National Institutes of Health, $1,910,915 – Multi-Contrast Dynamic Optical Imaging to Advance Live Developmental Biology
- August 2: Georgios Portokalidis, Computer Science (SES) – Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, $492,490 – FY2021 DARPA YFA: Effective Software Monitoring Leveraging Hardware
- August 1: Abhishek Sharma, Chemistry and Chemical Biology (SES) – National Institutes of Health, $1,549,134 – Novel Acylborons and Alpha-hydroxy Borons to Enable Modular, Regio- and Stereocontrolled Synthesis of Bioactive Molecules and Protein Conjugates
- July 8: Dinesh Verma (SERC) – Office of the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Systems Engineering, $1,095,716 – WRT-1055: Policy Options to Promote DoD-Defense Industry Collaboration in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) Education and Workforce Development Programs, Activities and Outreach
- July 1: Steve Yang (SB) – National Science Foundation, $862,500 – IUCRC Phase I Stevens: Center for Research toward Advancing Financial Technologies (CRAFT)
- July 1: Lu Xiao (SSE) – National Science Foundation, $486,183 – CAREER: An AI-Empowered Architecture-Centric Framework for Systematic Software Performance Optimization
- July 1: Dinesh Verma (SERC) – Office of the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Systems Engineering, $5,475,170 – WRT-1049: Acquisition Innovation Research Center: Innovation for Digital Transformation and Policy Analytics
- June 30: Jason Corso (SERC) – Army Combat Capabilities Development Command (CCDC), $467,824 – ART-020: Quantum Technologies for Armament Systems
- June 30: Yuping Huang (SERC) – Army Combat Capabilities Development Command (CCDC), $3,904,805 – ART-020: Quantum Technologies for Armament Systems
- June 30: Victor Lawrence (SERC) – Army Combat Capabilities Development Command (CCDC), $499,262 – ART-020: Quantum Technologies for Armament Systems
- June 30: EH Yang (SERC) – Army Combat Capabilities Development Command (CCDC), $444,757 – ART-020: Quantum Technologies for Armament Systems
- June 18: Philip Anton (SERC) – Office of the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Systems Engineering, $1,851,991 – WRT-1047: Digital Data Management and Analytics Strategy
- June 15: Yue Ning, Computer Science (SES) – National Science Foundation, $571,930 – CAREER: Towards Deep Interpretable Predictions for Multi-Scope Temporal Events
- May 28: Dinesh Verma (SERC) – Office of the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Systems Engineering, $2,342,931 – WRT-1043: DAU - Digital Engineering Simulation