May 19, 2022 – November 18, 2022
Between May 19, 2022, and November 18, 2022, Stevens received 3,230 media mentions in the national, regional and local media, including digital, radio, broadcast and print media. Mentions include faculty commentary in top tier and other outlets, student and staff profiles, coverage of published research, institutional updates and other mentions. This coverage is the result of targeted outreach to media, media inquiries seeking expert commentary and organic media coverage of Stevens people and activities. Athletics media coverage is typically not included in this media report.
This is a small sampling of Stevens’ earned media efforts during this time period. For the full report, please visit our
media relations website
CBS New York interviewed School of Engineering and Science (SES) Research Associate Professor Philip Orton for a documentary on the 10-year anniversary of Hurricane Sandy and how certain areas of New York are being affected by sea level rise.
Stevens Experts in the News
The Wall Street Journal
interviewed Stevens School of Business (SSB) Assistant Professor of Economics Justine Hervé about why fewer people ages 20 to 24 are working or seeking a job, compared to older Gen Z workers who have returned to the labor force at pre-pandemic levels.
Financial Times
spoke with SSB Associate Professor Stefano Bonini about the troubled governance of Twitter’s board and why that has contributed to sluggish innovation in the company.
Financial Times
interviewed SSB Associate Professor Stefano Bonini about the tensions between Twitter’s founder and other board members on how the company should be run.
Financial Times
interviewed SSB Associate Professor Stefano Bonini about weaknesses in Elon Musk’s case as he tried to back out of buying the social media company. The article was picked up by
The Irish Times
Trend Fool
The New York Times
reported a piece on why universities do not publish the Common Data Set, arguing that it is a one-stop-shop resource for prospective students that should be commonly available.
The New York Times
interviewed College of Arts and Letters (CAL) Associate Professor and nuclear historian Alex Wellerstein about workers in an African American community in Oak Ridge, Tenn., and their little-known contribution to the Manhattan Project.
The Washington Post
mentioned Stevens as a university involved in research studying a ‘living beach’ to help New Jersey prepare for the next storm as part of a resiliency and sustainability project.
The Seattle Times
interviewed CAL Assistant Professor Samantha Muka about the Seattle aquarium’s new ocean pavilion and how it will help marine life.
The Columbian
also ran the story.
interviewed SES Research Associate Professor Philip Orton on rising sea levels and the issues they will cause for shipping companies at ports around the world. The article was picked up by
The Washington Post
The Economic Times
among other outlets.
Inside Edition interviewed CAL Associate Professor Alex Wellerstein on campus about ‘dirty bombs’ and how they could be used as tactical weapons to disperse radioactive material over a certain area.
CNN reprinted a quote by CAL Associate Professor Alex Wellerstein that described how the atomic bombings in Japan were strategic attacks aimed at terrorizing the Japanese high command into surrender. His insight originally appeared in
interviewed CAL Associate Professor Lindsey Cormack on whether crime will be a factor in midterm elections.
spoke with School of Systems and Enterprises (SSE) Assistant Professor Philip Odonkor about Stevens’
Report on green energy, citing several findings on cost and long-term benefits.
Popular Mechanics
spoke with SSE Assistant Professor Paul Grogan about the high-stakes Artemis mission and its enormously complex systems that make it all but impossible for issues and delays to arise for a brand-new, never-launched vehicle.
ran a contributed piece by SSB Professor George Calhoun on the lack of clairvoyance on how the stock market will react amid so many uncertainties and fears of a recession.
interviewed SSB Associate Professor Ann Murphy about her research detailing the effect of a company’s stock when a Black CEO is appointed. The article was picked up by
Yahoo! News Sports
interviewed SES Research Associate Professor Jon Miller in Long Branch, N.J. whose shoreline has benefited from beach nourishment, but these benefits might not last long. The article was picked up by
The Washington Post
, among other outlets.
The Washington Post
spoke to SSB Professor Ann Murphy about her work detailing how company stock jumps when a Black CEO is announced.
The Spokesman Review
, The Star-Ledger
(print only),
The Philadelphia Tribune
and 12 other outlets picked up the story.
IEEE Spectrum
wrote a featured article on SES Geoffrey S. Inman Junior Professor Brendan Englot’s research, which describes a new framework that allows autonomous underwater robots to map cluttered areas of the ocean with high efficiency and low error rates.
CNET interviewed SES Assistant Professor Jason Rabinovitch about how influential the Hubble Space Telescope was to a generation of scientists and how it contributed to his lifelong fascination with space exploration.
Crunchbase News featured SSB Associate Professor Stefano Bonini’s analysis on why late-stage, venture-backed tech companies have undergone frequent layoffs in the past year.
WFLA-TV, the NBC affiliate in Tampa, Fla., used part of an AP Campus Insights video featuring SES Assistant Professor Igor Pikovsky speaking about the new dark matter detector in South Dakota.
The Hill
featured an AP Campus Insights interview of CAL Assistant Professor Samantha Muka explaining why more sharks are being spotted along the East Coast, and why it is normal for beachgoers to fear them.
Piers Morgan Uncensored interviewed CAL Associate Professor Alex Wellerstein about the potential consequences of the veiled nuclear threats made my Russian President Vladimir Putin.
WOLF-TV — the local FOX affiliate station in Scranton, Penn. — profiled Stevens SES students Rocco and Marco Polimeni. The twins earned first in class honors among the graduating class of 2022.
spoke with SSB Associate Professor Steve Yang about how blockchain and other financial innovations will have a large, positive impact on banking such as processing payments.
News 12 New Jersey featured the University Center Complex in a Positively New Jersey segment. News 12 interviewed students, toured the complex and dubbed the UCC towers the “best dorms in America.”
The Business Journals
published an article authored by Vice President for Student Affairs Sara Klein, an expert in student growth and development, about different approaches for advising and parenting college students.
Lifewire interviewed SES Geoffrey S. Inman Junior Professor Brendan Englot about whether artificial intelligence is sentient and what it would take for AI to become self-aware in the future.
The Division of University Relations provides media highlights to the Stevens community throughout the year.
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