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Stevens Institute of Technology

October 15, 2019 — December 15, 2019

Between October 15, 2019, and December 15, 2019, Stevens was covered by national, regional and local media, receiving 1,126 mentions. This includes features in digital, broadcast and print media, highlighting faculty research and expertise, student innovation and institutional news, and generating $1 million in publicity value.

Below are select media highlights resulting from the distribution of multiple news releases and dozens of media inquiries seeking expert commentary on a variety of issues and current events, as well as targeted outreach to promote stories and initiatives from Stevens.*

Media Spotlight

Worries over wind possibly grounding parade balloons

NBC News interviewed Linda Vollkommer and two undergraduate students who participated in the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade, underscoring Stevens’ longstanding history with the iconic event. The broadcast aired eight times and also appeared on The Weather Channel.

Research, Innovation and Technology

The pain from WeWork’s failed IPO deepens as bondholders get stuck underwater

Fortune sought George Calhoun’s expertise on WeWork’s valuation after a failed IPO, scenarios that could shore up the company’s financial strength and what a preplanned bankruptcy would mean for bondholders.

11 products that will become smart in 2020

Reader’s Digest featured two “amazing” products — a smart baby monitor and an app that plans date night — being developed by Stevens undergraduate iSTEM students, highlighting their potential to hit the market in the near future. The news was also featured on MSN Lifestyle.

Fake online reviews are still out there. Here’s how to arm yourself.

The Star-Ledger interviewed Ted Lappas about fake online reviews, how they affect companies and what retailers are doing about the practice.

Building a house to survive a future storm

Forbes ran an article highlighting the sustainable and resilient features of the SU+RE House, which both reduces its energy use and adapts to the realities of a changing, more extreme climate. The house was the winner of the 2015 Solar Decathlon.

On vulnerable NYC island, climate — and Trump — make for difficult conversation

Reuters spoke with Philip Orton about sea level rise and how it would affect the neighborhood of Broad Channel, Queens. U.S. News & World Report and Business Insider were among 87 outlets that picked up the story.

Disney Plus user accounts already found on hacking sites

The Associated Press interviewed Paul Rohmeyer on how streaming services could strengthen their platforms to prevent security breaches. The story was picked up by more than 171 outlets, including Fox Business, ABC News and The Washington Post.

Disney Plus blames past hacks for user accounts sold online

The Associated Press ran a follow-up article, reporting that Disney found no evidence of a security breach, and that users’ accounts that were hacked predated the launch. The article used Paul Rohmeyer’s original commentary, boosting exposure.

CIOs will face management and cost control challenges in 2020

InformationWeek tapped David Dodd’s expertise on how more enterprises are beginning to recognize technology’s potential to be a strategic force, capable of driving innovation and competitive advantage.

Researchers develop AI that reads lips from video footage

VentureBeat covered Xinchao Wang’s research on Lip by Speech, or LIBS, an AI and machine learning algorithm capable of reading lips from videos with unprecedented accuracy.

Machine learning vs. machine learning

Communications of the ACM interviewed Giuseppe Ateniese on how machine learning can help companies enhance their security technologies, but how those technologies can also backfire.

How Wikipedia’s 1,601 bots help — and hinder — human users

ScienceDaily picked up Stevens’ news release on Jeff Nickerson’s work describing the different bots in Wikipedia, what they do, how they have evolved — and how they are changing machine-human interactions.

North Korea’s 2017 nuclear explosion was equal to 17 Hiroshima bombs, study suggests

Newsweek referenced Alex Wellerstein’s NukeMap in an article about a recent study, which estimated that North Korea’s nuclear blast in 2017 released energy equivalent to 245 to 271 kilotons of TNT.

Climate change is breaking open America’s nuclear tomb

VICE interviewed Alex Wellerstein via Twitter about the concrete dome the U.S. built in the Marshall Islands to dispose of nuclear waste, and whether the U.S. should shoulder responsibility to help the island nation clean up the site. Newsweek picked up the news, among other outlets.

The FBI file of John Wheeler

Physics Today ran an article written by Alex Wellerstein that describes the circumstances of a lost FBI file detailing the breakthroughs the U.S. had made in creating the world’s first hydrogen bomb. The piece was covered by Homeland Security News Wire, American Institute of Physics and an independently reported piece by Live Science.

How can we curb the spread of scientific racism?

Scientific American published John Horgan’s piece on scientific racism, using Angela Saini’s book, Superior: The Return of Race Science, as the foundation for his discussion.

Everyone’s obsessed with brand purpose. Too bad no one understands it.

Fast Company ran an article written by Scott Omelianuk about brand purpose, which he describes as the starting point for a dialogue with consumers, not just a slogan or a mission.

Alumni News

YouTube tech titan Marques Brownlee’s empire is growing

ADWEEK wrote a profile of Marques Brownlee ’15 and his success as an entrepreneur and tech influencer, the expansion of his growing team and his ideas on collaboration.

Effectual names Al Sadowski as senior vice president, product management

citybizlist covered the placement of Al Sadowski M.S. ’99 as senior vice president of product management at Effectual, an innovative cloud-first managed company that harnesses the power of data and the promise of IT modernization.

Alexandra Pollock promoted to chief technology officer of fxcollaborative

fxcollaborative announced the promotion of Alexandra Pollock M. Eng. ’06 to chief technology officer at the design agency, which has offices in New York City and Washington, D.C.

POET appoints Vivek Rajgarhia as president, while CEO Suresh Venkatesan adds chairman role

Semiconductor Today covered Vivek Rajgarhia’s ’99 appointment as president of POET Technologies, a company that designs and manufactures optoelectronic devices.

Institutional and Campus News

Stevens earns No. 14 spot in first-ever ranking of 40-year ROI for colleges

ROI-NJ covered Stevens’ exceptional ranking on a Georgetown report that was the first to analyze the ROI of higher education at this longer timescale. Stevens topped all NJ schools at the 20-, 30- and 40-year marks.

Business schools embrace digital tools and collaboration

NJBIZ met with Gregory Prastacos to discuss Stevens’ role in leading a global initiative to reboot business education in the era of digital transformation.

Stevens launches Art Harper Saturday Academy to expand access to careers in engineering and science (appeared in print)

The Record ran the Stevens release on the launch of the Art Harper Saturday Academy in the Jobs section of their Sunday, Nov. 24, print issue. The link above takes you to Stevens news release.

The Division of Communications and Marketing will provide media highlights to the Stevens community throughout the year.
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Please note this does not include media coverage from athletics or a complete listing of Stevens alumni news.

Stevens Institute of Technology
1 Castle Point Terrace
Hoboken, NJ 07030