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Stevens Institute of Technology is experiencing unprecedented growth and accelerating success. We are a university on the rise, thriving in an increasingly competitive higher education environment — as evidenced by the progress made over the past five years.

Demand for a Stevens Education is Skyrocketing

While many higher education institutions are struggling to meet application and enrollment objectives, Stevens is thriving.

Data references growth from 2011-2016

Stevens Students Thrive

A focus on mentoring, monitoring and high levels of engagement is helping Stevens students thrive while they’re here.

Data references growth from 2011-2016

The student-designed SURE House, a net-zero energy coastal home engineered to cope with hurricane-force storms, captured first prize in the U.S. Department of Energy’s Solar Decathlon.

Stellar Outcomes, High Praise

Stevens prepares students to deploy skills that impact industry and create innovations that drive our economy — making our students highly desirable to both employers and the most competitive graduate programs.

Landing on their Feet:
The vast majority of Stevens students secured outcomes in intended fields within six months of graduation:

  • 96% of all Class of 2016 undergraduates
  • 100% of humanities and arts students
  • 100% of business students

Want to know more?
Take 5 minutes, we’ll show you 5 years of progress:

Stevens Institute of Technology
1 Castle Point Terrace
Hoboken, NJ 07030