Dr. Nariman Farvardin
President, Stevens Institute of Technology
Despite warnings that we have a limited window within which we must make drastic cuts to global carbon emissions, the world is moving in the wrong direction. PSEG CEO Ralph Izzo believes there are five actions that we all must focus on today to reduce the most damaging impacts of climate change tomorrow, including: Price on carbon, Renewables, Nuclear, Energy efficiency, Electrification of transportation. Of course, there is no single solution to a zero-carbon future. We have historically relied on an all-of-the-above strategy to build reliability and resiliency into our electric grid. Now, the same all-of-the-above approach — focused on these five things — can help us on our way to a low- and eventually no-carbon future.
Ralph Izzo has been chairman and chief executive officer of Public Service Enterprise Group Incorporated (PSEG) since April 2007. He has been the company’s president and chief operating officer and a member of the Board of Directors of PSEG since October 2006. Previously, Dr. Izzo was president and chief operating officer of Public Service Electric and Gas Company (PSE&G). Since joining PSE&G in 1992, Dr. Izzo has held several executive positions within PSEG's family of companies, including PSE&G senior vice president — utility operations; PSE&G vice president — appliance service; PSEG vice president — corporate planning; and PSE&G vice president — electric ventures.
Dr. Izzo is a well-known leader within the utility industry, as well as the public policy arena. He is frequently asked to testify before Congress and speak to organizations on matters pertaining to national energy policy. Dr. Izzo received his Bachelor of Science and Master of Science degrees in mechanical engineering and his Doctor of Philosophy degree in applied physics from Columbia University. He also received a Master of Business Administration degree, with a concentration in finance, from the Rutgers Graduate School of Management. Dr. Izzo has received honorary degrees from a number of schools, including the New Jersey Institute of Technology (Doctor of Science).
This event is open to all Stevens students, faculty, staff, alumni and invited guests. The webinar link will be emailed the week of the event.