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Stevens Institute of Technology NewsPoints
Summer 2015
Video Releases:

Master of Science in Software Engineering

Graduate Student Testimonials

Annual Trading Competition for High School Students featured on CNBC

SURE HOUSE Solar Decathlon Project featured on News 12 New Jersey

SURE HOUSE featured on CBS New York

At Stevens, Cybersecurity in Finance Is a Key Focus
George Calhoun, director of the Financial Systems Center at Stevens, says high-profile technical glitches at the New York Stock Exchange and United Airlines reinforce the need for business programs with a cybersecurity emphasis.

Stevens Researchers to Serve on NYC Panel on Climate Change
Alan Blumberg and Philip Orton will help advise New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio and his administration’s climate policy leadership on climate change projections and adaptation.

Top Accelerator Helps Stevens Grads Launch Healthcare Startup
Supported by one of the nation’s premier digital health accelerators, Justin Williams ’15, Bryan Bonnet ’15 and Nishant Panchal ’15 get set to launch their digital healthcare startup.

International Stevens Conference Examines Bacteria-Materials Interactions
Students, engineers and clinicians from seven nations gathered on the Stevens campus to highlight the latest research on infection-resisting biomaterials used in medical implants.

Service Trip to Jamaica Gives Stevens Students Global Perspective
Eleven students from Stevens returned home after spending an impactful week in the Caribbean participating in the inaugural Stevens Global Service Initiative trip to Jamaica.

Attila’s Journey Received a Record-Setting 870 Gifts
Stevens alumni responded enthusiastically to the “Attila’s Journey Challenge,” a call to make a financial gift during a 145-hour period commemorating the 145 years since Stevens was founded in 1870.

Upcoming Events:

9/16: Wendell Wallach, "A Dangerous Master: How to Keep Technology from Slipping Beyond Our Control"

9/24: Taylor's World Conference

9/24: Deans' Seminar Series: Simon Head (Senior Fellow, Institute for Public Knowledge, NYU), "Taylor's Three Centuries"

9/30: Casey Schwartz, "In the Mind Fields: Exploring the New Science of Neuropsychoanalysis"

In The News:
Stevens Ranked 48th in U.S. for Best Colleges - Money

The Internet of Things Won’t Be Ignored - The Economist

Technology Glitches Raise Cybersecurity Questions - NJTV News

Experts Says Man-o-War Mean Business -- But Don't Be Afraid to Go Swimming - The Record

WaterBotics® in Clifton Perfect for Summer -

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