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Stevens Institute of Technology NewsPoints
May 2015
Video Releases:

Spring 2015 End-of-Semester Address from President Nariman Farvardin

Thomas H. Scholl Lecture Series: Dr. Winslow Sargeant

Heath Lecture Series: Dr. Paul Bracken

Innovation Expo Elevator Pitch Winner

Innovation Expo Project Plan Pitch Winner

143rd Commencement Celebrates the Class of 2015
The Stevens community gathered to commemorate the graduation of approximately 2,000 undergraduate and graduate students in a combined ceremony at the Prudential Center in Newark, New Jersey.

Lessons on Leadership They Don’t Teach in Class
Josh Weston, former CEO and chairman of Automatic Data Processing (ADP), shared colorful anecdotes from his storied career leading one of New Jersey’s largest employers along with a hope that his experiences will benefit the entrepreneurs of tomorrow during the President’s Special Lecture on Leadership.

Innovation Expo 2015
The annual day-long, campus-wide celebration of Stevens research and entrepreneurship showcased an impressive array of forward-thinking, solutions-oriented products and services by cross-disciplinary teams of graduating seniors.

Stevens-Developed STEM Curriculum Coming to Boys & Girls Clubs
WaterBotics®, the innovative Stevens-designed program that teaches children to fashion underwater robots from LEGO® components, will now be available to youngsters enrolled in ten New Jersey Boys & Girls Clubs thanks to funding from Walmart.

Small World: Stevens Conducts Big Research at Very Small Scales
Groundbreaking research in micro- and nanotechnology by Professor E.H. Yang and his team could lead to potential applications in diverse areas including space systems, medicine, optics, energy storage and wastewater treatment.

High Schoolers Experience the Frenzy of Wall Street on Trading Day
High-achieving high school students spent a day on campus, competing in a frenetic portfolio management contest conducted in real time using the leading-edge technology in Stevens’ Hanlon Financial Systems Lab.

Upcoming Events:

6/5 - 6/7: Alumni Weekend

6/13: Stevens Graduate Open House

6/16: High Velocity Organizations

6/17 – 6/18: The 3rd Conference on Bacteria-Material Interactions

6/23: NJ Tech Meetup 61

In The News:
N.J. Beaches in Great Shape After Calm Winter, Replenishment - Associated Press

NJDEP Commissioner Outlines State of the Shore - NJTV News

Stevens Innovation Expo Highlights Students’ Projects - NJTV News

What the Future of Science Education Should Look Like - The Washington Post

TRADING PLACES: Students Become Wall Street Traders For a Day - The Star-Ledger

How to Survive as a Trader in Age of Robots - Efinancial Careers

Stevens Institute of Technology to Host NYC and NJ High Schoolers at High-Tech Trading Day Competition - hMAG

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