From The Writings of RSRH
Volume I of RSRH's Horeb is available online at and may be downloaded from Horeb
The Jewish Sabbath translated by Ben Josephussoro
The Nineteen Letters of Ben Uziel translated by Rabbi Dr. Bernard Drachman
From The Collected Writings of RSRH
The Collected Writings of RSRH can be purchased at
Much of the Collected Writings of RSRH may be read online at
(Yitzchok Feldheim of Feldheim Publishers has given permission for these articles to be posted here.)
L'na'ar Al Pi Darko (Collected Writings VII)
Teveth I The Tenth of Teveth-The
Wanderdoom (Galuth) of the Jewish People and its Significance
Teveth II Judaism and Rome
Jewish Joyfulness (Collected Writings VIII)
Tishri I The Catechism of the Jew Consists of his Calendar
Tishri II Rosh Hashanah Portrayals
Tishri VI The Day of Teruah
Nisan III (Collected Writings I)
Iyar II (Collected Writings I) The 67th Psalm and the Centuries of the Crusades - Should we Delete the Sefirah Prayers?
Iyar III (Collected Writings I) Av Harachmim
Sivan I (Collected Writings I)
Sivan V (Collected Writings I)
Av II (Collected Writings I) The Seven Stages of Apostasy
Teveth I The Tenth of Teveth-The Wanderdoom (Galuth) of the Jewish People and its Significance (Collected Writings II)
Kislev_I The Prayer for Rain (Collected Writings II)
Kislev_II Hellenism and Judaism
(Collected Writings II)
Chanukah: Consecration and Inspiration in Judaism (Collected Writings II)
Adar IV (Collected Writings II)
Adar VI (Collected Writings VI)
The Relevance of Secular Studies to Jewish Education (Collected Writings VII)
Lessons From Jacob and Esau (Collected Writings VII)
Our Prophets Speak to Us by Rav Dr. Yosef Breuer (Collected Writings IV)
Ben Sorar Umoreh by RSRH (Collected Writing VII)
The Jewish Woman (Collected Writings VIII) Pages 83 - 94 Pages 95 - 112 Pages 113 - 135
Beauty and Long Life (Collected Writings VIII: pages 137 - 144)
Religion Allied to Progress (Collected Writings)
Covering the Hair by Rav Dr. Joseph Breuer