Stevens Chess Club- Meetings are on Wednessdays and Thursdays 2nd Floor Howe at 7pm


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For Complete Rules out this site:

 Rules of Chess according to the USCF

I have included the basic rules below.

Objective: To get the king into checkmate




the white square  is in the right hand corner

Queen is on her color

Then order is followed by:

rook knight bishop queen king bishop knight rook
pawn pawn pawn pawn pawn pawn pawn pawn
pawn pawn pawn pawn pawn pawn pawn pawn
rook knight bishop queen king bishop knight rook


King- the VIP that you are protecting; THIS IS YOU! (worth an infinite number of points)
           Moves:  can move one space in any directionKills any piece in an adjacent square
            Special Move:  Castling
                                    pieces involved:  King and Rook
                                    1.  King and Rook have not been moved since the beginning of the game
                                    2.  King is not under attack and does not move through attacked spaces.
                                    3.  There are no pieces inbetween the king the rook.
                                    The King moves two spaces to the right or left and the corresponding rook  is positioned on the other side of it

Queen- (9 points) can move as many spaces left right and diagnally.  Kills like the king by landing on the same spot as an enemy piece.

Bishop- (3.5 points) moves diagnally back and forth as many spaces as you want, kills diagnally

Knight- (3 points) moves in an L shape, and can jump over any other piece on the board to reach its destination.  It moves 2 spaces in one direction and then to one square perpendicular to that spot.

Rook- Moves veritically and horizontally.  Kills in line of movement like bishop, queen, and king.
           Special Move: Castling (see king )

Pawn- the most special of all pieces.  The first time you move a pawn you can move it one or two spaces.  The pawns otherwise only move one space at a time in the forward direction.  Pawns kill by attacking a piece that is one space diagnally adjacent to it in the forward direction.
    Special moves:

        If a pawn reaches the last row it can be promoted to a rook, knight, bishop, or queen.


         If  a pawn moves two spaces instead of one to avoid the attack of another pawn, the attacking pawn can still take this pawn as if it only moved one space.  This move can only be done with pawns.

Game Play:

White Moves First.

When you are attacking the king you are to say "check" to warn the opponent his king is being attacked.

Checkmate is achieved when the king cannot avoid check by blocking check with another piece, moving out of check, or able to take the piece because it is protected by another piece.

Protection is achieved when your own piece is in the line of attack of another one of your pieces.

Draw:  There are four ways to make a draw

1. Both players move the same pieces back and forth so the position looks the same 3 times in a row.

2. Only two kings are left

3. Both players agree to a draw

4. Stalemate

Stalemate is when the king is not in check but cannot move any of his pieces.  If the only space that a king can move is in the line of attack of an opponent's piece and cannot move any other pieces then you have achieved stalemate.