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  General Description
The conference will be held from June 12th through June 14th 2024 at the Stevens Institute of Technology. Group theory, computability and algorithms have been inextricably intertwined since the fundamental papers of Max Dehn. The basis of all undecidability results in group theory and topology is the unsolvability of the word problem for finitely presented groups. There are many close links between group theory and automata theory and logic. The asymptotic-generic point of view of geometric group theory has recently led to new ideas in computational complexity and the theory of computability. This conference will explore several aspects of these connections.

The conference is generously supported by the National Science Foundation and the Department of Mathematical Sciences at Stevens Institute of Technology.

 •  Brett Berger (Stevens Institute of Technology)
 •  Daniel Bossaller (University of Alabama in Huntsville)
 •  Elena Bunina (Bar-Ilan University)
 •  Jason Block (CUNY)
 •  Laura Ciobanu (Harriot Watt University)
 •  Tony Gaglione (United States Naval Academy)
 •  Conan Gillis (Cornell)
 •  Bob Gilman (Stevens Institute of Technology)
 •  Turbo Ho (CSU, Northridge)
 •  Lucy Hyde (CUNY)
 •  Olga Kharlampovich (Hunter College of CUNY)
 •  Richard Mandel (Max Planck)
 •  Russell Miller (Queens College of CUNY)
 •  Siobhan O'Connor (CUNY)
 •  Denis Osin (Vanderbilt University)
 •  Dennis Ovchinnikov
 •  Eugene Plotkin (Bar-Ilan University)
 •  Dima Savchuk (USF)
 •  Vladimir Shpilrain (City College of CUNY)
 •  Simon Thomas (Rutgers, New Brunswick)
 •  Alina Vdovina (City College of CUNY)
 •  Francis Wagner (OSU)
 •  Pascal Weil (LaBRI)
 •  Chloe Weiers (Stevens Institute of Technology)
 •  Armin Weiss (Universitat Stuttgart)
 ★  - to be confirmed

  Organizing committee:
 • Jan Cannizzo (Stevens Institute of Technology)
 • Bob Gilman (Stevens Institute of Technology)
 • Alexei Miasnikov (Stevens Institute of Technology)
 • Andrey Nikolaev (Stevens Institute of Technology)
 • Denis Serbin (Stevens Institute of Technology)
 • Mahmood Sohrabi (Stevens Institute of Technology)
 • Sasha Ushakov (Stevens Institute of Technology)