Charles V. Schaefer, Jr. School of Engineering and Science
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The CRAG Software Library FAQ

// Copyright (C) 2006 Aleksey Myasnikov
// Contents: Example for class ShftConjKeyInstance
// Principal Authors: Aleksey Myasnikov
// Revision History:

#include "ShftConjKeyGeneration.h"

int main( )

  // Define parameters

  int N = 80;           //  The rank of the braid group
  int baseLenth = 20;   //  The length of the base word 
  int keyLength = 20;   //  The length of the key

// How do I generate a random instance of Shifted Conjugacy protocol with specific parameters?

  // Generate  instance

  ShftConjKeyInstance SCK = ShftConjKeyInstance::random( N,baseLenth,keyLength );

  pair< Word , Word > keyA = SCK.getPublicKey( );
