// Copyright (C) 2006 Alexander Ushakov
// Contents: Example for Subgroups of Free Groups.
// Principal Authors: Alexander Ushakov
// Revision History:
#include "Word.h"
#include "SubgroupFG.h"
int main( )
int N = 5;
int K = 6;
int L = 7;
// Create a random vector of K freely reduced words each of length L over the alphabet {x_1,...,x_N}
vector< Word > generators;
for( int i=0 ; i
// How do I create a subgroup of a free group?
SubgroupFG sbgp( N , generators );
// How do I oupput a subgroup of a free group?
cout << "SBGP = " << endl << sbgp << endl;
// How do I check whether two subgroups coincide?
// Create another random subgroup with the same parameters
vector< Word > generators2;
for( int i=0 ; i
// How do I find intersection of two subgroups?
SubgroupFG sbgp3 = sbgp*sbgp2;
// How do I find a set of Nielsen Generators for a subgroup?
vector< Word > niels_gens = sbgp.getNielsenGenerators( );
// How do I get a FSA corresponing to a subgroup?
IntLabeledGraph FSA = sbgp.getFSA( );
// How do I check whether a word belongs to a subgroup?
Word w = Word::randomWord( N , 15 ); // generate random word
if( sbgp.doesBelong( w ) ) { // check if it belongs to a subgroup
cout << "A word belongs to a subgroup" << endl;
} else {
cout << "A word does not belong to a subgroup" << endl;
// If a word belongs to a subgroup how do I find actual product of initial generators giving the word?
if( sbgp.doesBelong( w ) ) {
Word decomposition = sbgp.express( w );
// output the decomposition
Word::const_iterator w_it=decomposition.begin( );
for( int c=0 ; w_it!=decomposition.end( ) ; ++w_it, ++c )
cout << ( c>0 ? " * " : "" ) << ( *w_it>0 ? generators[*w_it-1] : -generators[-*w_it-1] );
cout << endl;
// How do I compute the index of a subgroup in a free group?
int index = sbgp.getIndex( );
// How do I compute the rank of a subgroup?
int rank = sbgp.getRank( );
return 0;